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The year is 2054. Earth has been destroyed by an intergalactic war between two alien races, and humanity is on the brink of annihilation. After journeying through space for two long years, a small number of survivors aboard the USS White Whale crash-land on the vast and untamed planet Mira. The habitat ring of the ship becomes New Los Angeles, the last human settlement. The provisional government forms BLADE to help look for the Lifehold - the section of the ship where the vast majority of humans were held in stasis for the long journey.
Now, it falls to you, as a member of BLADE, to help bring humanity back from the edge of extinction…with the aid of powerful giant robots called Skells. Your mission is simple: journey across a foreign world, fight back against the local wildlife, seek out wreckage of your lost ship, and find more survivors. However, humanity may not be the only intelligent species on Mira...

Improved Visuals
This game improves on the 2015 WiiU release by adding improved character models and higher resolution.
You Can Change Your Party From the Menu
In the original game, you had to talk to your standby party members in NLA to add swap them into your party. With the Definite Edition, you can swap them out at any time from the menu.
Change The Time Whenever You Want From the Menu
Previously you had to wait at a designated spot to change the world time, now you can do that from the game's menu.
Quick Cooldown Adds Combat Variety
You now get a charge gauge (that can be expanded as the game goes on) that will instantly recharge an Art in battle. This makes the combat much more interesting and interactive!
New Characters to Recruit
The game's already large cast of party members has been expanded to include a few new faces.
Brand New Post-Game Story Content
This version adds new story elements that hopefully ties up some of the original game's loose ends, and possibly connects the game to the rest of the franchise...
No More BLADE Levels or Division Points
The game no longer requires you to advance these levels to gather treasure points, making the whole open world almost instantly accessible. This also streamlines the story missions in the game.
FrontierNav is now accessed via Menu
No more WiiU gamepad means this feature is just accessed from the map menu.
Affinity Levels with Party Members Fill More Quickly
Get cozy with Elma with the quickness.
Party Members not in the active party will still gain EXP
No more getting stuck with the B squad.
You now gain rewards for completing surveys
Money, reward tickets, and more can be yours for helping NLA set up their planetary survey network
More Defined Quest Tracking
A huge QoL improvement that brings quest tracking more inline with the newer games in the series

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