You can get most of them from main story quests and Kirsty's quests. The rest are from completing collectopaedia and treasures.
It resets every 30 minutes i think.
Thanks a bunch!
You can get most of them from main story quests and Kirsty's quests. The rest are from completing collectopaedia and treasures.
It resets every 30 minutes i think.
Absolutely. In particular, flat Attack bonuses are huge, especially for low-power weapons early on.
The number of augment slots, weapon damage type, and max upgrades are more important than the weapon's base stats. If you find a good rare item (with 3-5 augments) and attach an attack bonus to it, you'll outdamage weapons in that tier for a good 20 levels at least, when compared against items of higher level but lesser rarity.
Essentially, Augments are the reason to use equipment. So always pay attention to an item's augments first, and everything else second, when deciding what to do with it.
I still don't think I can select the target. Where is she exactly?
nothing happens. yall need to remember the game has very little choice except for "do any of the above to complete"
you are forced to go with the choice you chose first.
So how do these scenic overlooks or whatever work? Based on stuff I read early in the thread (and in the game, I think), I assumed these were just certain FrontierNav sites, but some posts over the last couple pages make it sound like they are separate from the probe-planting sites. If that's the case, does the game tell you when you find one?
So how do these scenic overlooks or whatever work? Based on stuff I read early in the thread (and in the game, I think), I assumed these were just certain FrontierNav sites, but some posts over the last couple pages make it sound like they are separate from the probe-planting sites. If that's the case, does the game tell you when you find one?
Makes sense! When you go to auto equip best weapons/armour does the game take this into account or is it better to equip manually?
Yea there are special notifications for when you find one. You can tell if one is in the area because the probe site nearby will say how many are in the area. They significantly boost your money/tick when you put a research probe in the area.
One that most people will find naturally is in the first mission in Noctilum where you'll come out of a cave to see a body of water below.
What is the max AM upgrade level? 5?
I've never used it but I really doubt it. For weapons it will probably work OK for flat damage bonuses, but equipment is more of a tossup because of all the resistance and aug considerations. For instance, one of my chars has 50% of their attack tied to the arm pieces and gaining 2-6 defense isn't worth giving that up.
What's an AM upgrade?
What's an AM upgrade?
Yeah, they're forever gone, but I think the majority of the fashion gear have upgrades later that look the exact same, so if you wanted them for fashion reasons you should be okay. Like T-shirts, tank tops, hoodies, jeans, glasses, swimming gear, etc. later come as side-quest rewards in "Limited", "Upgraded", "Prime", "Ultra" etc. strengths.
I used to keep my fashion gear in my inventory "just in case" I wanted to switch things up later, but after I started getting stronger fashion gear I sold off the low-strength ones.
I think there are only a few fashion items (like kitty-cat ears or devil horns) that I haven't seen upgrades for.
RIP Nyamo. I will miss you.
Arms Manufacturer and yes it's 5. AFAIK, anything you upgrade is up to 5 unless stated otherwise.
I've been experimenting with Lin, and I find the skills of Shield Wall, Cool Off, Trash Talk, and Enhanced Stand are pretty effective for her build. What are the other arts should I add to her, in order to round her out? I was thinking of a few attacking arts for the Soul Voices, but I don't know which one is the most effective.
Edit: As for Elma, I have Shadow Strike, Hundred Shells, Electric Surge, Executioner, Blood Sacrifice, Shadow Runner, Side Slash. What other range attack should I have for the Soul Voice procs?
Though there are definitely quests where it does make some difference. The chopper quest is a good example, the one with the domesticated suid another.nothing happens. yall need to remember the game has very little choice except for "do any of the above to complete"
you are forced to go with the choice you chose first.
Though there are definitely quests where it does make some difference. The chopper quest is a good example.
You get a reward either way, but things do change.
Oh, OK. I think I know which one you're talking about, I'm in the middle of that mission right now and am just about to reach it (if I'm right).
Thanks guys.
That cave at the edge of the land bridge en route to Sylvalum is such a PITA
the enemies aren't that strong (relative to my level at the time) but it's so hard to engage just one or two at a time without getting swarmed. Once I got aggro'd by like 10 enemies at once it was a nightmare.
All I wanted was5000000 credits to pay for a shiny level 50 skell before I do chapter 12
Arms Manufacturer and yes it's 5. AFAIK, anything you upgrade is up to 5 unless stated otherwise.
I didn't know a lot of the stats are based from online. this is pretty cool.
Also.. everyone picked a different job i picked. Is there any difference really? i picked the recon.
Hahaha, I love that XD
Well, the journey is the destination and all that.But does it actually affect anything outside the quest itself? I don't think I ever saw those characters again.
You can get your Skell licence after Chapter06
basic missions were such a missed opportunity. Almost none have actually good rewards.
what's my fucking incentive to go do all of this shit? Some shitty clothing items? Fuck that
Well, the journey is the destination and all that.
I believe that things don't need to factor into a galactic readiness rating that's tallied at the end of a game to give your choices meaning. Things played out differently when you were doing them depending on your choices, and that already gave them meaning.
an old pic but damn my character looks like a lesbian
when do I get to pilot a skell?
basic missions were such a missed opportunity. Almost none have actually good rewards.
what's my fucking incentive to go do all of this shit? Some shitty clothing items? Fuck that
But the pets are awesome!Affinity. I guess.
But yeah, wish they gave better rewards. Same goes for all quests, kinda feels like none of them really gave you anything worthwhile? I want unique (and good) gear for doing missions
The Gathering and non-Tyrant Bounty ones are literally just generic fetch quests.basic missions were such a missed opportunity. Almost none have actually good rewards.
what's my fucking incentive to go do all of this shit? Some shitty clothing items? Fuck that
But the pets are awesome!
Should have included an option to interact with them =P
The Gathering and non-Tyrant Bounty ones are literally just generic fetch quests.
No reason whatsoever to do any of them, imo.
That explains why Serien had a gold crown on launch day and now has a silver one.
Hahaha, I love that XD
oh, yes they are. thanksThey are most likely holo images. Once you unlock the holo projector in your BLADE barracks you can set them to display.
The icon looks like a base with a dot above it, kinda.