What weapon combinations are you using? After getting multiple classes to rank 10 you can mix and match whatever ranged/melee weapons you want.
Currently considering Dual guns/Knife and Assault Rifle/Photon Sword.
You can do that!?
What weapon combinations are you using? After getting multiple classes to rank 10 you can mix and match whatever ranged/melee weapons you want.
Currently considering Dual guns/Knife and Assault Rifle/Photon Sword.
You can do that!?
You can do that!?
You can do that!?
What weapon combinations are you using? After getting multiple classes to rank 10 you can mix and match whatever ranged/melee weapons you want.
Currently considering Dual guns/Knife and Assault Rifle/Photon Sword.
What weapon combinations are you using? After getting multiple classes to rank 10 you can mix and match whatever ranged/melee weapons you want.
Currently considering Dual guns/Knife and Assault Rifle/Photon Sword.
You must be swimming in demonic and sky jewels after that. Go find some dull stones (off Lepyx) and make yourself some treasure sensor V augmentsThere is an online mission with nothing but infinitely respawning dancing birds (the ones with the trumpet horns), we couldn't figure out how to stop it and we lost with a time out.
The combo boost isn't the big thing for revenue for research as good spots are scattered around the world outside of oblivia where the best spot should have a duplicator stuck on it for maximum returnbtw is it just me or is it really hard to chain Research Probes? I have 3 G1s which I chained, but literally every other Research Probe I have is in a tier of its own. No duplicates at all. Maybe I'm just not finding the right treasure locations.
Wasn't it 130k? Boosters and duplicators in western Oblivia is what really brings thew cash in. A lazy, quick example:I am currently doing one guy quest (forgot name) who demands me to do $150k per return
I want to ask to see your map lay out for best miranuim and $$$ possible if that is possible?
I have TOO many mining probes and I never really put them on the map. o.o
Only found in caves and second rarest cave item so the best spot is that one with the sleeping giant tyrant in it as that has tonnes of collectibles (you'll get aggro'd by tonnes of stuff going into it but will be safe once you make it in plus there is a FN site for easy travel back). Getting to it involves going to the top of the one of the trees and taking a footbridge along to a cliff.Any idea where can I find the shiny lamp in Noctilum? Found the spirit wand western Sylvalum waters near an small island.
So do I have to find the yellow hint before I can do a heart to heart? I got one for Lin's 2nd one, but I can't find one for the first, even after roaming the city. I tried going to the industrial district outfit test hangar alone to try to find her, but she's not there. I have 3 hearts filled with her, and surely Chapter 6 is far enough for her first one. Anyone happen to know where the yellow hint for it is at?
Nope. There's a google doc somewhere on gamefaqs I've been using that has all the H2H locations.
Sweet. I finally got one! Used shadow runner and got all the treasures without the tyrant waking upOnly found in caves and second rarest cave item so the best spot is that one with the sleeping giant tyrant in it as that has tonnes of collectibles (you'll get aggro'd by tonnes of stuff going into it but will be safe once you make it in plus there is a FN site for easy travel back). Getting to it involves going to the top of the one of the trees and taking a footbridge along to a cliff.
Sweet. I finally got one! Used shadow runner and got all the treasures without the tyrant waking up![]()
What weapon combinations are you using? After getting multiple classes to rank 10 you can mix and match whatever ranged/melee weapons you want.
Currently considering Dual guns/Knife and Assault Rifle/Photon Sword.
How do you be able to use different classes of weapons? Do I need to change divisions?
How do you be able to use different classes of weapons? Do I need to change divisions?
Just max the class line.
Ahhh, currently using AR.Reach rank 10 of the last class of the branch using said weapon.
I use AR/PS, but I'm looking to dump AR. The only thing AR really brings to the table is a cheap topple, which gets resisted a lot on anything not staggered, or at level or higher mobs.
Photon Sword can dish out some obscene damage, just make sure you get the Art from Samurai Gunner that rewards TP anytime a melee art is used. Once I got that in my build I was able to use TP arts just about anytime I wanted to (something Gknight normally struggles with.)
Looking at GKnight Skills, it looks like they do damage by chaining melee skills together rather than stacking damage multipliers the way FMJs do.Higher damage than a charged Hundred Shells from the back, with Shadowrunner active and skills that boost back art attacks and criticals?
(just asking, I'm curious, I maxed full jaguar and am working toward GKnight)
Yo, who the hell said this game wasn't good. I put six hours in yesterday and can't stop thinking about it today (downloading a data pack atm). This thing is crack. Everyone who said it wasn't raise your hand so I can disregard your opinion now, and forever and ever, amen. Lol.
But yeah srsly, I'm on chapter 3 and loving this thing. Great stuff, and I'm just barely getting started. I love how meticulous the world-building is.
Higher damage than a charged Hundred Shells from the back, with Shadowrunner active and skills that boost back art attacks and criticals?
(just asking, I'm curious, I maxed full jaguar and am working toward GKnight)
Cheers. This is going to make things so much easier.
Finishing the Skell licence test was at the same time a great high and also a big bummer when I realised I still can't.fly
On to chapter 9.
I still can't f'ing find Elma's first heart to heart. I found her 2nd, 3rd, and 4th already. :|
on another note, I never realized till now that there were clues to where the scenic locations are in the achievement list. helped me find a couple already.
I still can't f'ing find Elma's first heart to heart. I found her 2nd, 3rd, and 4th already. :|
on another note, I never realized till now that there were clues to where the scenic locations are in the achievement list. helped me find a couple already.
Anyone know the way to beat?the 3 Skells in chapter 5
Just do itSo as someone who has never really gotten into JRPGs for most the part, should I get this game? I love RPGs. I like most games to be honest. Everything that I have read is saying I will probably like it, but for some reason I am still hesitant. I've played so many great RPGs this year that I don't want my expectation to ruin something that is somewhat different.
Anyone know the way to beat?the 3 Skells in chapter 5
I think they appear once you get the first material required onceQuestion regarding augments. Do i have to do certain quests to unlock them or do they just appear over time?
Also i STILL dont have a clue how to use / extend overdrive properly. Please somebody teach me / show me a walkthrough.
So as someone who has never really gotten into JRPGs for most the part, should I get this game? I love RPGs. I like most games to be honest. Everything that I have read is saying I will probably like it, but for some reason I am still hesitant. I've played so many great RPGs this year that I don't want my expectation to ruin something that is somewhat different.
So who here thinks they have the highest survey rate?
So as someone who has never really gotten into JRPGs for most the part, should I get this game? I love RPGs. I like most games to be honest. Everything that I have read is saying I will probably like it, but for some reason I am still hesitant. I've played so many great RPGs this year that I don't want my expectation to ruin something that is somewhat different.