Smiles and Cries
I'm out of credits still need 2 more level 50 dolls maxed out
Is there a way to get Lin to tank when fighting single targets? She only seems to taunt when there's more than one enemy, and just lets everybody die when I'm fighting a tyrant or something. It's also annoying that the enemy is always turning around when I'm trying to use arts from behind.
- go to web miiverse,
- go to the XCX community,
- go to new discussion and start creating a new post or click on any other post and start creating a new comment,
- essentially anything that triggers the "choose from screenshot gallery" box to appear.
- pick your screenshot from the gallery and DON'T POST (because you don't want to create a post or a comment, you just need to have the pic there so you can steal the URL),
- then right click on the pic that is inserted in your post preview, get the url which looks something like this:
- then take this link and replace the "th" between the two forward slashes (/th/) with "ss" and that's your 480p screenshot.
- right click save or just do a straight "from URL" upload to imgur or abload or whatever you're using.
- rinse and repeat
All of the starting classes are kind of weak, honestly. Once you get to the final classes is when you start getting just amazing.
Galactic Knight is broken, I'm pretty sure. I destroy groups of enemies lime they're paper.
I'm of the growing opinion that Skell Melee is inferior to Ranged.
Let me introduce you to the g-buster.
Okay, so I need help on Chapter 9. My husband and I are both stuck here. We can't beat, even though my husband is 10 levels higher than them! How are people beating this part?! Even after grinding, we can't seem to beat it. Maybe there's something we're missing here? It seems that we can't take our Skells into the battle, so I'm not sure what else to do. Is there maybe a specific class or party member that it's particularly helpful here?Ga Jiarg, Ga Buidhe, and the Wrothian Warriors
So finally got my skell woo, got a few more probes I couldn't reach before, did some rearranging, and bam I now get 35k miranium per tick... I guess my question is other then dumping it into arms manufacturing is there anything else I can use it for? Also is there a trick to get more research probes I seem to have a billion mining and very little research.
Okay, so I need help on Chapter 9. My husband and I are both stuck here. We can't beat, even though my husband is 10 levels higher than them! How are people beating this part?! Even after grinding, we can't seem to beat it. Maybe there's something we're missing here? It seems that we can't take our Skells into the battle, so I'm not sure what else to do. Is there maybe a specific class or party member that it's particularly helpful here?Ga Jiarg, Ga Buidhe, and the Wrothian Warriors
I've got some Arts up to level 2 or 3, yeah, but not my Skills. I think my husband's the same, too, but he's higher level than me. I'm trying to max out each Class, so I'm going through the list using them all until they're maxed out, but I've not decided which one I like best so I haven't been spending too much BP. Are there any Classes and/or Skills that you'd recommend?Did you level up your Arts and Skills?
Are you comboing arts well?
Hm, okay, I guess we'll just have to experiment around...Make sure your skills line upwith your playstyle. I was a Galactic Knight back then, and I had an Ether blade, so I had Ether boost. so it could do more damage. And Galactic Knight is all about lots of melee combos, which is basically using a melee art after another melee art for more damage, so make sure those skills are set and leveled up too.
That fight is pretty much the filter for 'remember you can level up your skills and arts and you have to know how to play on the ground from now on' because soon you will need to be able to dish out damage from the ground.
You can use it to craft gear, put sockets into your gear, upgrade abilities on gear and to trade in for cash.
Having way more mining than research is normal, from what I can tell the return on the research probes is way better than that of mining. I'm at 33K miranium and 80k cash per tick.
Huh, people weren't kidding when they said the water purification plant is cursed. Holy shit.
Aren't you way farther then me how do I get more miranium?
What Skell should I get after the initial one?
And (except the G Buster) what are must haves for equip?
I'm so excited when I finally hit 30![]()
Just finished Chapter 12 after 100h ingame
Will all Mira's misteries be answered in other quest ? I will still be playing anyway, just curious
What Skell should I get after the initial one?
And (except the G Buster) what are must haves for equip?
I'm so excited when I finally hit 30![]()
So far Amdusias is pretty sweet. There's a skell weapon called the Phoenix that an enemy in Sylvalum drops that can pretty much kill anything level 30 and below in one shot and it hits all enemies in a huge area. It does thermal damage and inflicts taunt. It is insane.
Please look forward to the sequel
Is it possible to get all the characters back into their default costumes? I've only just noticed the display headgear toggle under system settings, but characters like H.B. wear glasses in their default get up.
Isn't Dragon much better?G-buster, Phoenix, and drones.
It should be one of the craftable sets at the arms manufacturer console, below the rabbit stuff.(Ending spoilers) Is it possible to get the armour thatIf so, does anyone know the name and how to get it?Elma's body is wearing in the final chapter?
Is there a way to get new probes except finding them in the wild?
Hopping up mountains in Cauldros trying to see where I can go without the Skell.
Hi...flower thing...
In general ranking, the 1st has almost 5000.
Ah, I'm gonna start downloading this tonight.... it's supposed to be my Christmas eve game...
I must maintain discipline!
My hype has gone from supernova to cratered to now back to supernova again. I can't wait.
While waiting for the miranium tick, fun with friend ranking!
Total number of fast travel used :
In general ranking, the 1st has almost 5000.
anyone?ok, got the free Skell.
now I suppose I need to reach level 30 before buying an actual good one, when I do, what Skell and what weapons should I get? Iirc I read somewhere that the G-buster is good for one-shotting a lot of level 40-50 mobs.
207 hours
I dunno, to be honest I just took whatever seemed cool. Didn't matter that much to me. I'll optimize more when I hit level 60 and post game.anyone?
Anyone know about the hidden cave in the wall of rock almost right next to King's Falls in Oblivia, in the middle of probe sites 315 and 311?
There's a small building in that rock with an entrance to a cave. To reach the building you need the flight module, but it would seem you can't get into the building and the cave entrance because the building is just a little bit too small for a skell to get through.
The building is pretty hard to see as it blends into the rock pretty well. Wouldn't have noticed it without a treasure being there (and seemingly unreachable for me at the moment).