The music is so over powering and loud I miss a good chunk of dialogue during cut scenes and it pissed me off. Are there no solutions for this?
it's not as bad with headphones
The music is so over powering and loud I miss a good chunk of dialogue during cut scenes and it pissed me off. Are there no solutions for this?
Subtitles? There is no way to adjust the sound, that's been mentioned here before, to say the least.The music is so over powering and loud I miss a good chunk of dialogue during cut scenes and it pissed me off. Are there no solutions for this?
Having a really hard time getting 15000 credits on frontier nav. Last mission left for skells ugh
So I beat the main story with my level 30 skells. That was a mother fucker, lol. Now I have my level 50 bunny, and I'll be working to finish off the rest if mira. GOTY for me.
Also, end story do I use real elma?
Having a really hard time getting 15000 credits on frontier nav. Last mission left for skells ugh
The music is so over powering and loud I miss a good chunk of dialogue during cut scenes and it pissed me off. Are there no solutions for this?
Finally got my fourth skell and went back for CH 10 boss fight. Ended up actually doing a lot of damage that time...but it escaped in the second part and I ran halfway across Sylvanum to catch up to it out of my skell. After dying I hopped back with a full skell party and went to town.
"Zanza", my green colored freebie
"Motisma", an orange and blue Rotom inspired one.
"Shulkbuster", a red and blue Monado inspired one
"Expander", a brown and red highlights DK inspired one.
Now I have the 50s unlocked, should I work towards saving up for an Inferno? Or a heavier one?
Mfw taking the buster out and one hit ko-ing tyrants and Indigens that attack me.
Level wise what should I be aiming for before starting 11? And is there a quick way to get affinity up besides doing missions and stuff? I'm trying to catch up with characters I never use like Phog and Yelv
Try to link your research probes and use booster and duplicate probes.
Yeah that was brutal, Quick tips.
- use primordia or whatever.
- place only research probes. Remove all else.
- each data probe on the grid will display traits, that benefit different probes, in the form of a letter grade. You want to place higher ranked research probes on the higher ranked revenue locations.
- Link probes together, try different combinations and orders, and make sure you use/have the booster and duplicator. You get those from missions.
-if your having trouble getting data probes, make sure you talk to elenorea or something like that by the mission selection at the administration district concourse. Upgrade mechanical 3 so you can unlock all data probes.
Hope that helps. Just got mine and oh my god its worth it.
Subtitles? There is no way to adjust the sound, that's been mentioned here before, to say the least.
Up your blade level and then talk to Elenora at the mission board.Ugh subtitles are lame but I think that's what I'll have to do.
Oddly addicted to this game despite not ring a Quests guy, but its still so intimidating. How do I upgrade my Mechnical?
Thanks! I got it. I wasted like 60k credits rearranging my probes. I just took off all of my mining probes. It makes no sense how i earn more credits with basic probes then chaining 5 mining probes together. Whatever. It worked! Ugh
So, can someone explain to me why a Fuel Recovery probe in one of Sylvalum's S-Rank support spots can refuel my Skell WHILE IT'S FLYING, but another Fuel Recover probe placed on an S-Rank spot in Cauldros doesn't do jack in that regard?
Maybe the fuel recovery probes are different levels? I dunno, I've only gotten one fuel probe so far.So, can someone explain to me why a Fuel Recovery probe in one of Sylvalum's S-Rank support spots can refuel my Skell WHILE IT'S FLYING, but another Fuel Recover probe placed on an S-Rank spot in Cauldros doesn't do jack in that regard?
Well mining probes decrease your revenue, so... The trick for me was just the research probe placement, moving them off D/Es to As did it easy though. Figuring out how to get the amount for some later quests was brutal though.
So, can someone explain to me why a Fuel Recovery probe in one of Sylvalum's S-Rank support spots can refuel my Skell WHILE IT'S FLYING, but another Fuel Recover probe placed on an S-Rank spot in Cauldros doesn't do jack in that regard?
Thankschange at settings
Enable subtitles ?The music is so over powering and loud I miss a good chunk of dialogue during cut scenes and it pissed me off. Are there no solutions for this?
Well finished the game. I think I was overleveled cause the last boss was basically yawn and press whatever and win. Welp time for the big grind for end game gear.
Yeah I assumed that more mining = more revenue. I was pretty confused about what they did. I dont even know if I need to mine more miranium. So if I unlock all the scenic areas in each probe hexagon, I'll earn more revenue for that section?
Oblivia during sandstrom is so pretty x.x
This picture doesn't do it justice.
Sooo are gravity weapons good? I finally unlocked all the vendors and was just wondering about the perks of gravity weapons. Lol
Where is the probe that is at the center of NLA?
There's a square icon on the city that appears to already been activated, but I just assumed that was just the point where the city receives the resources you are probing.Wait... is there one?
If this were any other game, I wouldn't even consider the notion. But XBCX is wild enough to do it.
Go through a cave from the left side.Anybody know how to get to the probe that is on the hex just below FN 223 on the east edge of Noctolum?
Also if any powerleveling is needed (it is a significant portion of the Xenoblade run time...yes and that is even with using two glitches to get to level 50 near the start of the game) it is just as simple to pull off in this game except for feeling intentional (I doubt enemies being despawned to insta kill them or kicking enemies off cliffs into water were intentional)aww yeah can't wait for the sub-10 speedruns
(get to chapter 5 in 2 hours like a boss)
(this is where I also point out the current Xenoblade WR is a rather unoptimized 6:15:55)
Go through a cave from the left side.
Well, you should be happy because you won't be part of the angry people who're under leveled and flame on the game beacause of that.
If you mean non-shop bought one, it I like to be over prepared so I should have expected I was overleveled. Ugh now i'm trying to kill that Joker Tyrant for the exp but i barely get it to half health with a phoenix attack. Do I really need the gold phoenix weapon for this?
Wait... is there one?
If this were any other game, I wouldn't even consider the notion. But XBCX is wild enough to do it.
There's a square icon on the city that appears to already been activated, but I just assumed that was just the point where the city receives the resources you are probing.
Now that it's mentioned, I'm actually gonna check it out.
Vainamo, the Bellower...
I'm at level 60 & have a fleet of level 50 Skells with level 50 G Busters, and this monstrosity kicked my ass into next Tuesday.
oh man chapter 10 boss took too long. I knew I could lock onto different parts but I stuck to my guns and targetted the main body
welp, even wasted an item to heal my skell.
He's the leader of Team Tatsu, and just like any leader,all he does is watch lol.
If you are talking about battle mechanics, just slow down and take in all the information while in a fight. Position, what the arts do, at what effect they are boosted, like positioning or in combos, and the B-prompts for soul voice. It will clivk once you get the hang of it.