A bit of a tangent to the current discussion in here, but the Discord link in the OT is giving me a error message that the invite link is either incorrect or has expired. If anyone who is currently in that Discord could generate a new invite link, that would be much appreciated.
As for the game itself, I'm really enjoying the expanded combat systems Monolith have brought to the table. The stronger focus on positioning for attacking appendages and numerous Arts is a natural extension of the first game, which I personally felt didn't quite have enough of this outside of Shulk and Riki. I've yet to delve into weapon mods or even use Overdrive, but I'm already digging all the options at your disposal.
I know it's a divisive topic, but I've also really warmed to a lot of the music in this game. The environmental music so far as been mostly fitting and enjoyable, and I've even come to like the New LA themes. Alas, the main battle theme still bothers me as soon as those lyrics drop; I honestly prefer to get spotted by enemies for the alternative theme.

Not to mention a few cutscenes with overpowering vocals making it hard to hear the dialogue...
Looking forward to playing more when I get the chance, especially with some fellow GAFfers.