So I turned off button indicators and just realized I could level up skills as well, 20 fucking hours in. My god, what a god damn ridiculous difference.
So how's your guys success rate with tyrants so far, so far im 2-0, defeated one that was like 4 levels higher than me, I was in pure elation
This game is too big and too thick for it's own good.
Not a bad thing but still..
If it's the one I'm thinking of I believe it means it is a tyrant.
So I'm now on chapter 6 but haven't run across where I can change my characters appearance.....
What am I missing?
It's serviceable - a competent, standard dub; there's only really one character I find particularly grating, and my issue is with his performance, not the script. Depending on what you disliked about what the first game tried to do with its dub, you might find X a lot more tolerable.
Better than anime and Atlus dub.
Go for it, as someone who usually dislike english dub in j-rpgs, I'm fine or even pleased depending of the character.(because they do it badly or doesn't suit them)
There's low level Tyrants and then the ones with crowns. The low level ones might be able to get crowns too but the crowns run on unknown parameters where x amount of kills determine what type of crown it has. So the lower leveled ones just might not have killed enough people to get a crown. IE let's say a bronze crown is ~25 kills obviously a tyrant with less kills than that wouldn't get one.Ohhh! Didn't realize only Tyrants have them. I thought the crowns indicated Tyrants.
And I love the music track that plays for Tyrant battles. So awesome.
I figured that the option would only get rid of button indicators while in the field. Never in million years did I expect the game to remove them from menus. Better late than never, I'm doing so much more damage now, hopefully I'm not missing anything else.
Nah, the purple dots indicate Tyrant status. The crowns indicate that a Tyrant has killed a significant number of players, with a gold crown indicating that it's killed more players than a silver crown does and such.Ohhh! Didn't realize only Tyrants have them. I thought the crowns indicated Tyrants.
And I love the music track that plays for Tyrant battles. So awesome.
There's low level Tyrants and then the ones with crowns. The low level ones might be able to get crowns too but the crowns run on an unknown system where x amount of kills determine what type of crown it has. So the lower leveled ones just might not have killed enough people to get a crown. IE let's say a bronze crown is ~25 kills obviously a tyrant with less kills than that wouldn't get one.
What's the point of the 'Skell Wear' armor variant?
Is it armor that gives bonuses while using Skells?
Really annoying how headset audio works with the Wii U Gamepad. Audio only outputs to the headset when the play screen is set to the gamepad. Unless I'm missing a game/system setting somewhere.
I just completed Chapter 5 tonight.
WTF! I didn't see that coming at all but it makes sense in hindsight.
Yeah, skills that are specific to Skells.
They are basically pilot suits like in Gundam.
Yeah I see some gold crowns. Many a player have died by their hands I take it. Lol. Awesome.
My most memorable moment thus far is fighting one of the young cats outside the east gate and all of a sudden the Uncontrollable music kicks in. A few seconds later I die and on screen I see Hayreddin, the Territorial walk over to kill the rest of my party next.
I wonder if it was smart to go Bastion Warrior (Shield/Gatling Gun). They are basically the tank class, but that it might have been better for me to go for damage instead.
As far as I know you can't reset your BP for art/skill upgrades so I kind of screwed myself I think.
i shat on the "uh, yeah" song so much at it's my favorite next to the oblivia overworld theme. I've been grinding the classes maybe i should do chapter 4 some day.
i keep going back and forth on whether or not i want to get this...
I just completed Chapter 5 tonight.
WTF! I didn't see that coming at all but it makes sense in hindsight.
Yeah, skills that are specific to Skells.
They are basically pilot suits like in Gundam.
Never thought I would be running into tyrants out nowhere in Noctilum.
Does anyone know what that heart-to-heart (mission?) is about? I'm standing in the spot it shows on the map at night and don't see anything happening.
I'm still not sure where Hope and some other characters are. The way you have to level up everyone is ridiculous MMO-style grind.
Got my game today.
So I've been pretty blacked out on all the gameplay from start to finish. Is there ANYTHING I should know before I start so that I don't have to feel like I'm missing something later on?
Hmm, got scared by one earlier there:
There's this big massive lake with a cliffside, and from there, I see what I thought was some old wrecked robot/statue thing. Hours later, on a mission hunt that takes me down there, I aggro some crab I don't want to fight, so I take off swimming into the lake. Damn crab won't stop following me.
I'm heading towards that statue. Wait, that thing is moving. Oh shit, that thing is the fucking God of Tyrants.
I'm still not sure where Hope and some other characters are. The way you have to level up everyone is ridiculous MMO-style grind.
So I turned off button indicators and just realized I could level up skills as well, 20 fucking hours in. My god, what a god damn ridiculous difference.
Im just scrolling down my friend's list and im seeing smash 4....and then xenoblade xenoblade xenoblade xenoblade hahaha
Wait, how do you level skills?
Wait, how do you level skills?
The person whose heart-to-heart you're trying to trigger can't be in your active party
Hope's at the park next to the church
i shat on the "uh, yeah" song so much at it's my favorite next to the oblivia overworld theme. I've been grinding the classes maybe i should do chapter 4 some day.
QUESTION: can you unequip armor? I put this helmet on Elma and would like to remove it. Can you only remove stuff by putting on another item? Not seeing an unequip option. Probably missing something obvious...?
It's like Takahashi knew.The 'X' in the games name actually is a hint as to how you level up skills, equip augments and fashion armor, and a bunch of other shit. Xenoblade Chronicles X-button.
Finally put in a decent chunk of time today. I'm on Chapter 3.
OMG, this game is FANTASTIC. I personally am loving it more than the previous Xenoblade so far. I feel bad for people who don't own a Wii U; so many great games on this weird little console. What an incredible world they have created. Saw this Lovecraftian thing flying around and took a shot:
QUESTION: can you unequip armor? I put this helmet on Elma and would like to remove it. Can you only remove stuff by putting on another item? Not seeing an unequip option. Probably missing something obvious...?
QUESTION: can you unequip armor? I put this helmet on Elma and would like to remove it. Can you only remove stuff by putting on another item? Not seeing an unequip option. Probably missing something obvious...?