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Your Embarassing Videogame Confessions


I am absolutely awful a cRPGS. I've played RPGs all my life, but cannot for the life of me figure these out even on normal difficulty.


Gold Member
When I was 16 I zoomed in on Zero Suit Samus on the Smash Bro’s Brawl pause screen (yeah, mid-battle) and had a wank.

She got a nice ass and great tits, so no regrets. Our broadband was down, but I still chose this over babestation.


I bought a NES in 86 and I ended up selling it a months later because I thought it had flopped. (To be fair no good games came out for months I owned the thing. I want to say I sold in in Sept/October or so) I ended up buying another one when perhaps the best game ever made for the NES came out. That would be of course Pro-Wrestling. (At that point games actually were coming out for it.)


I have some type of weird OCD where any game on my trophy list that is less than 100% irks me to no end and I have to complete it no matter the quality of the title. I have learned to remedy that by choosing my games wisely, but it’s still somewhat embarrassing to admit.
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I never got past the first boss in Ninja Gaiden.

I traded Silent Hill 2 for Blinx.

I have never finished a Super Mario game.

I was too scared to finish Resident Evil 7.

I had more fun with Terminator Resistance than TLOU2. Different expectations, sure. But still.

I bought the N-Gage with Sonic N and Tomb Raider when it launched.
Also bought the ngage... Worst of all I kinda miss it. It was a great emulator system
OP, I think those are fine.

I mean secretly training to beat someone in a game and getting caught out is embarrassing, and so is bullying your bro over and over until they cry. But that's the dumb stuff kids do. A lot of the other stuff is not something to be embarrassed about.

I once was so into a game when I was little that I wouldn't stop playing and peed my pants...True story. It was Pitfall 2 on the Commodore 64.


Well this thread is a banga! Masticatin' to 2d chicks or dudes isn't shameful, is it? We've all been there. I've bought print outs for real money and hammered away at a lovely public park bench because there wasn't anywhere else to do it, but it doesn't make me who I am, yeah?

I'm talking about being ashamed of playing games, not playing ya wang along. We all do thaaaat.
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I never let innocent pedestrians live in video games. Am I a bad person Gaf? They could have went on to cure video game cancers.

Its hard to sleep at night knowing little timmy will never see his daddy again.
What about the destitute prositutes, eh? You couldn't let them go on about with their proclivity, spreading diseases around, right?

Edit: Now I sound like Jack the Ripper, thanks a lot OP!
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Oh my God there are so many.

I never played a lot of the critical Nintendo games, most notably Ocarina of Time and Mario 64. Up until wind waker, Zelda remained a huge hole in my experience.

I bought a Sega Saturn thinking Sega would crush Sony eventually.

I own more PSP movies on UMD then I would ever like to admit. It's embarrassing.

My time wasted on Destiny and Destiny 2 should be declared a war crime.

I finished Xenogears and immediately sold it to GameStop. I did buy it back a few years later.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is the only MG game I've finished.

I played Starcraft 2 for the first time on an underpowered netbook at lowest settings. With the touchpad. Didn't go well.


Mine’s not that long ago.

When System Shock 2 released on GOG, I bought it. But I wanted to use my Steam Controller with it, and I hadn’t had it long so I wasn’t familiar with profiles and what developers could or couldn’t do with official configs. So I bought it on Steam as well. Then didn’t bother using Steam Controller at all because it wasn’t nearly as good as mkb.

I think both copies were during an initial 50% price, so it didn’t work out that bad. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. That might not be true.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Mine’s not that long ago.

When System Shock 2 released on GOG, I bought it. But I wanted to use my Steam Controller with it, and I hadn’t had it long so I wasn’t familiar with profiles and what developers could or couldn’t do with official configs. So I bought it on Steam as well. Then didn’t bother using Steam Controller at all because it wasn’t nearly as good as mkb.

I think both copies were during an initial 50% price, so it didn’t work out that bad. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. That might not be true.
You were in full "developer support mode"! :messenger_winking:


- I consider myself a huge jrpg fan even though I've never played an SMT game
- Phantasy Star Online is one favorite games ever, never tried the old Phantasy Star Games
- I bought my first non-Nintendo console in 2007 (started gaming in the early 90's)
- Some moments in games have actually made me tear up (eg. Mass Effect, NieR and Yakuza)
- I learned to play the piano to cover video game songs
- Most of my favorite video games have come out in the past 10 years


Neo Member
1- I beat Final Fantasy X with my sister's save file cause I was underleveled and Sin was kicking my ass....

2- I've never beaten any of the souls, ninja gaiden or Bloodborne games....they just seem to kick my ass


Super Mario Bros is the first game I ever played.

It's also the first game I ever put into my backlog as I have never actually finished Super Mario Bros.

I've played most of it tons of times over the years but I don't think I've even gotten to the last world before, and that's including with the warps.

But yeah, I have never finished the first game I ever played.

Never beat Mario 1 before.
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I don’t like couch console gaming. I love handhelds and pc. Most of my friends play consoles so I can’t ever really relate to their experiences


I'm fascinated by early CRPGs like Ultima and Wizardry, but too lazy to dive in.

I never owned a PC Engine or a Sega Saturn.

Symphony of the Night is okayish, but 1-3 + Bloodlines + Rondo of Blood are the best Castlevanias.

I don't think gaming is a culture and I think it's ridiculous when people refer to themselves as 'gamers'.


I used to play most games in an E3 cinematic gameplay fashion and if I did anything too gamey I would go back to the previous checkpoint.


Gold Member
I use cheat engine (for infinite gold) when I start losing in Civilization games....

schitts creek comedy GIF by CBC

Fuck the AI! It cheats too much in the deity difficulty.... I am just making things fair.... Right? :messenger_sad_relieved:
Hahaha. I did the same in HoMM 3. Tons of cheats like reveal map, arch angels, unlimited movement etc.... I'm not losing.

And if anyone wants to see an AI that cheats, play HoMM. Each faction starts with some shitty structures. The randomizer makes every town/castle start with shitty ones, but can be slightly different. Some might have an extra building like a tavern or barracks. But nothing crazy.

In order to move up and summon more monsters, you have to build more structures. It takes gold, resources and mandatory chronological or requirements order to build summon buildings. You cant build a level 7 monster until you build enough structures to qualify and have the right resources. And it takes time as you can only build one structure per day.

I'd see the AI getting level 4 or 5 monsters early in the game when it should be impossible to get it that fast. So it shows the starting AI castles get boosted resources and more default structures in their base in order to artificially move up progression.

The game is supposed to have a fog of war, but the AI never loses travelling points exploring. It knows how to bee-line for stuff with efficiency as if it completely knows the maps already.

Another great AI cheat is portal travel. When you go through a portal, you arrive at the other portal door. In order to go back, a human gamer has to travel one spot off and then one spot back into the old portal door. The AI can backtrack through a portal instantly without needing to walk out and waste travel points or fight your army you purposely placed one step outside the new portal as an ambush.
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Some of mine would be

Phoned in sick to work so I could finish Exhumed on the Saturn

I cried when I completed Lunar The Silverstar on the Mega CD

I have Sonic the Hedgehog pants (Christmas presents off my partner)

I once cancelled my holiday with the football boys in Spain pretending I was ill when it was so I could import a load of Saturn games and in typical fashion, they had one of the best trips ever.

I still haven't paid back the money my aunt lent me so I could import Goldeneye 64 when I was a little short that week

I love FMV games and machines like the CDi

I once told my girlfriend I was too ill to meet her on the weekend when really it was so I could play PSO on the DC

I once fell asleep and pissed my mate's sofa after getting so drunk on a games day

Boss Mog

I used a bug in the on disc version of Uncharted 4 to get the Platinum trophy easily without actually beating the game on the hardest difficulty or under a certain amount of time. The bug had been patched by Naughty Dog by the time I discovered it so I reinstalled the game from the disc with the internet off to be able to do it.
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I was 6 years old when I played Mario 64. The game was in English and I didn't understand anything. It took me literally 3 hours to find out how to jump into a level. I ran around the castle like a maniac, and after a while I thought that the castle is the entire game. The weird part is that I still had fun (kids smh).

My mind absolutely exploded once I accidentally jumped into a painting. I can still vividly remember that moment lmao.

boom smile GIF


Gold Member
StreetsofBeige StreetsofBeige

I actually gave HoMM3 a whirl earlier this year and could never shake the feeling i was playing it "wrong"

Eventually I just uninstalled it

So don't feel too bad there
Funny thing is HoMM3 is one of my fav games of all time! I don't like the AI cheats, but considering the actual AI is dumb as rocks where you can exploit it, I guess thats why they added cheating AI.

The bad AI has been going on since HoMM 1. I used some of the same tactics. lol.

One exploit is the enemy AI overvalues your monsters with a ranged attack like they are god. So even a ho-hum archer group is treated like a priority so you can position and attack it strategically as efficient as possible. Another one is the AI doesn't know how to use skip action which is important especially for waiting to attack last, so you can attack an enemy with a shit unit as fodder, then your good monster stack which you don't want retaliated against can get two attacks in a row if it has fast priority. One attack for the current round, then first attack next round and finish off the enemy stack. There's tons of dumb AI moves to exploit.

They never improved the AI from game to game back then.
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Why is not finishing a Mario game shameful ? I have played few of them as a kid and never finished them. Not I hate Mario and have no interest in the franchise.

On topic :
  • I played Baldur's Gate for the first time last year, I loved it but the final boss had me to turn the difficulty to Story mode (was playing in "Core rules" which is one above Normal). Even in Normal or Easy, it was impossible. However not really ashamed of it since I think it's a huge balance issue. The rest of the game was challenging but nothing impossible but the final boss kill me in few seconds each time.
  • The poster girls in Metal Gear Solid 2... You know the rest
  • I always do my first run of any Soulsborne with no summons. I have this personal rule that I have to defeat every bosses solo on my first playthrough. However in Dark Souls 3, I summoned another player for the Dancer. I had difficulty to get her timing right and was too impatient. I was like "Anyway I will beat her eventually so why not summon someone to make it faster". A small regret I had...


Gold Member
There's a NARC clone for PC 30 years ago called Crime Wave. Good cut scenes with a sleazy chick in it of course. On the inside cover (hard to find on the net, but found a site), there's this censored sticker.

I thought she'd be showing some tits. It was a hard to peel off sticker that didn't even come off cleanly, but saw enough that there was no tit.

Crime Wave (1990) DOS box cover art - MobyGames

Hold on now, you’re telling me there was a boomblox 2?

Here’s my confession, i didn’t get the ice arrows in ocarina of time for years after beating the game because i was afraid of the wallmasters guarding it. They were a giant severed hand that would fall from the ceiling and grab you, and the sound they made... I did eventually go back and face my fears though.
I was one of the handful of kids in the world that bought a Sega Master system over an NES because I loved Sega games so much in the arcade. No regrets even though I got ridiculed for it. Everyone in school thought I was crazy for doing that, but I did get an NES shortly after though. So I technically I suppose I came out ahead in the end.


I save-scummed in Divinity Original Sin 2 for some of the combats. I should've started the game again with classic difficulty, tactician wasn't fit for me. Sadly I'm a stubborn person.

And... Rule 34 content for video games. I'm a bit... too much interested in them. The Witcher and Overwatch send their regards.
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- I can't stand critically acclaimed semi/open world games like Horizon, God of War, Ghost of Tshushima etc
- Never played any Zelda games
- Because of the the Corona situation and working from home, I've played more games than ever this past year :messenger_mr_smith_who_are_you_going_to_call:
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