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Your Embarassing Videogame Confessions


Never owned a n64, sega megadrive or dreamcast, but at least I managed to play the majority of their big their releases in one way or another.


I was 6 years old when I played Mario 64. The game was in English and I didn't understand anything. It took me literally 3 hours to find out how to jump into a level. I ran around the castle like a maniac, and after a while I thought that the castle is the entire game. The weird part is that I still had fun (kids smh).

My mind absolutely exploded once I accidentally jumped into a painting. I can still vividly remember that moment lmao.

boom smile GIF
When I first played it at Toys R Us I didn't know you could jump into the paintings either. To be fair, I don't think the game tells you to?

I also didn't get that the N64 controller was supposed to be held at the middle grip, so I held it at the left and reached for the analog stick with my kid sized thumb. Felt very awkward to play that way.


I play a massive varied of different genres of games (grew up play emulators of 80s and 90s video games because of my dad) and i cant play anything with survival gameplay E.G eat and drink water, also love the aspect of games like Solaris and other eco management games but its just to much for me to learn :(


Funny thing is HoMM3 is one of my fav games of all time! I don't like the AI cheats, but considering the actual AI is dumb as rocks where you can exploit it, I guess thats why they added cheating AI.

The bad AI has been going on since HoMM 1. I used some of the same tactics. lol.

One exploit is the enemy AI overvalues your monsters with a ranged attack like they are god. So even a ho-hum archer group is treated like a priority so you can position and attack it strategically as efficient as possible. Another one is the AI doesn't know how to use skip action which is important especially for waiting to attack last, so you can attack an enemy with a shit unit as fodder, then your good monster stack which you don't want retaliated against can get two attacks in a row if it has fast priority. One attack for the current round, then first attack next round and finish off the enemy stack. There's tons of dumb AI moves to exploit.

They never improved the AI from game to game back then.

I'll have to pick your brain one day because the game was so different than what I usually play. Almost felt like I needed more strategy than I was using.


I love sci-fi horror like Alien. I bought Alien Isolation awhile back and have yet to finish it bc it scares the shit outta me. I can’t even imagine if it was VR, I’d probably have a heart attack.

Ev1L AuRoN

I bought The Last of Us Part II. I drop it after 2 hours and felt ashamed for helping to fund such a game.

ND will have to do a lot of make up to me to ever trust them again.

Thank god I have Insomniac, Guerrilla, Santa Monica and Sucker Punch to keep me happy.


Gold Member
I'll have to pick your brain one day because the game was so different than what I usually play. Almost felt like I needed more strategy than I was using.
No worries. Ask me about HoMM 3 anytime you want. If you want to give it another go, HoMM 3 Complete Edition can be found on sale on GOG for about $3. This game gets dumped for 75-80% off every few months. This edition is the best one as it contains the DLC packs, which most importantly includes the random map generator. The base game doesn't. The map generator was included in one of the expansion packs (forget which one).

I played the game a ton and never played the campaign. Just endless hours of random maps.

There's also a HoMM 3 HD game that UBI released years back. It's just the base game with better graphics. Word is they couldnt HD the DLC packs because someone lost the source code a decade ago. lol
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I'm playing video games since early 80's. I did own a few nintendo consoles (N64, switch). And yet i've never ever played a Mario game.


No worries. Ask me about HoMM 3 anytime you want. If you want to give it another go, HoMM 3 Complete Edition can be found on sale on GOG for about $3. This game gets dumped for 75-80% off every few months. This edition is the best one as it contains the DLC packs, which most importantly includes the random map generator. The base game doesn't. The map generator was included in one of the expansion packs (forget which one).

I played the game a ton and never played the campaign. Just endless hours of random maps.

There's also a HoMM 3 HD game that UBI released years back. It's just the base game with better graphics. Word is they couldnt HD the DLC packs because someone lost the source code a decade ago. lol

Okay, this is embarrassing... looks like I was actually playing HoMM 5 :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Just over 12 hours in before I caved.

I do have HoMM 3 on Steam also though. That seems to be the one everyone loves

Will keep that in mind once I knock a few other games I'm currently playing out

Cheers, Beige



-I sold Beyond Good and Evil (PS2) for Mark of Kri (PS2)
-I sold Birth by Sleep (PSP) and Dissidia Duodecim (PSP) for Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
-I never played a single Doom game
-My first PC game was Soul Reaver, got it almost 20 years ago...I never finished it
-I cheated A LOT with the Nintendo DS games thanks to the action replay

Alan Wake

Also bought the ngage... Worst of all I kinda miss it. It was a great emulator system

It was a decent multimedia device (I used it a lot as an mp3 player and listened to radio a lot) but awful as a gaming system. I mean, you had to take the battery out to swap game.


During my first few playthroughs of FF8 I had no idea how the junction system worked and just spammed GFs over and over during battles, since normal attacks and spells are way too weak without junctioning. I literally did nothing else during battles but summoning my GFs, over and over again (only interrupted by using potions or phoenix downs), until the enemy was dead, lol. That‘s how I beat the whole game, several times in fact, until I finally figured out how junctioning works.
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King Snowflake
  • As a kid I beat the hardest NES games but now play on easy if I die and have to waste time redoing anything. Not really a bad thing because I am just trying to maximize fun with my limited time gaming
  • I have dropped several games after dying once on the last boss. FFXII, Metroid Prime, Zelda SS, A 3D Castlevania game, God of War 3....


1. I've tried several times but I can't get through the first Mass effect game.

2. I had surgery back in 2008 so I nothing to do but play video. I played dark sector and I enjoyed it way more than I did Grand theft Auto 4.

3. I've never finished a Grand theft Auto game

4. I took the day off so I could buy and play state of emergency. Needless to say that was a wasted day off because the game was absolutely underwhelming.

5. Smashed at least 5 controllers playing halo or call of duty. I threw on so hard it bounced off the couch, hit an expensive lamp my father bought me as a gift. (Luckily he could fix it) The good news is now I generally don't GAF if I suck at cod anyone.
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I bought this Amiga Zipstick controller for my Atari VCS so many years ago. Quite an upgrade on the native joystick.


Years later when we got a Megadrive and couldn't afford a second controller (they were about £20 which was a lot of money for a kid) I continued using it for two player games with my eldest brother. Naturally he had the Megadrive controller whilst I was lumped with that piece of shit. I don't think I ever beat him at a game of EA Hockey (you couldn't speed burst) or Speedball 2. And in Streets of Rage you couldn't jump.



-When i had 11 or 12 i brought a Vritual Boy with the tenis game. My god i still regret to this day... Sold it right away at least didn´t lose a lot of money.
-A friend lend me his copy of Demon Soul for PS3 got to the final boss and did everything. Hated that final boss and didn´t finish it. Want to redeem myself with the remake when i have my PS5.


I spent the first 3 hours or so of breath of the wild without clothes on as I missed the chest at the beginning. It was only when I looked at a walk through to see how I can get some armor that I realised I had missed it.
  • LOL
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I thought Minecraft was a complete crap the first time I played. Now it is one of the games where I have wasted more hours. Back then it was a build before the Adventure Update, 1.3 beta or something like that, so single player content was minimum, it was all about the creative mode.
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Reseterror Resettler
Some more:

The only Halo I've ever played was a single multi-player match of...4, I think? In a ratty apartment with three people I had just met that day, who, I later found out, were dealing coke out of the building.

My mother once had to cancel all of her credit cards because my friend was doing some shady shit with Second Life on my home computer.

I used to write The Legend of Zelda lemon fan fiction.

I had to go back to the store after my purchase of MGSV, because in my infinite wisdom I got the PS3 version. Clearly, this was not intended.


i can explain, i sold them because one day i saw them brand new for 19.99€ at a store, so i thought "i sell the ones i have to get this new game for basically free, then later, when i have some money, buy them again"....unfortunately, even after just a couple of days, when i had the money, they were already removed from sale...

Well, in the end my friend gifted me the original Dissidia on PSP (that i still own) and BBS was ported to home console, so we're good xD

SF Kosmo

I've never played through an 8-bit Mega Man. Mega Man X was my real intro to the series, and the first one I beat.

The first and only console I ever got on launch day was a 32X.

When Time Killers came out I really thought it was like, the best fighting game.


Neo Member
I bought Super Mario RPG because I thought it was Super Mario 64. I was 9 years old. The kiosk I purchased it at had SM64 playing on screen and the box art of SMRPG had me convinced it was the same thing. I started playing it wondering when the 3D was going to kick in.

After the initial fight at bowser’s castle you’re stuck at “Mario’s Pad” until you progress the story with Toad. It was my first RPG and it took over an hour of wandering around thinking the game was broken to realize that I had to engage Toad in conversation with the A button. I’ll never forget that feeling of discovery and accomplishment. It’s one of the reasons I still play games at 33. I went on to finish the game multiple times and it is still one of my favorite games.
I sold Sekiro Shadows Die Twice the same day I bought it because I couldn't get past that Ogre mini boss, I hated that game for it's brutal difficulty, never played a Souls game after that
I've never played through an 8-bit Mega Man. Mega Man X was my real intro to the series, and the first one I beat.

The first and only console I ever got on launch day was a 32X.

When Time Killers came out I really thought it was like, the best fighting game.
Oo I have a good mega man one too. I only ever beat mega man 2 once when I was a kid and called my sister in to watch the credits. I’ve tried it on emulators as an adult and I have neither the skill to see it through the right way nor even the patience to play through with save states. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to get through that whole game as a tiny child, the disappearing bricks over the lava section is really tough and you can’t even really see the pattern until you’re already out there 😣


Returnal is too fucking hard. Been playing for over ten hours and ive never gotten past the first area. For the record. Ive beaten all the souls borne games and platinumed demons souls and resogun
This is interesting, because I always thought that platinuming Resogun was way above my skill level and yet I still managed to get to the end of Returnal. Maybe it's because you're moving in full 3D environment in Returnal what's making it tougher?

Anyway nothing shameful about it. Actually a buddy of mine struggled the same way despite his love for the Souls games and having finished Sekiro.


Neo Member
I cheated to find the best magazine combinations for dead rising.

I spent an inordinate amount of time getting all golds for the licenses in Gran Turismo 4. Even then I used first person.

It took me at least 20 attempts before getting the mile high club achievement.

An even worse one I think; I bought the Sega Saturn at launch for 399.00. I couldn't afford anything besides Virtua fighter, which came with the console, after that.

More recently, I spawned in the wither without doing a little research first and having my 2 year old survival world destroyed and unusable. I was utterly defeated by it.


Bought a PS3 for $600 with the F1 Championship bundle (80 GB version), played it a couple of times and never touched the console again until GT5 Prologue was released and I decided to play the first Uncharted demo. Then, for mysterious reasons, the damn BR drive failed.

In my defense, the X360 was glorious in their first years.
  • LOL
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I didn't finish Tomb raider the angel of darkness, i tried hard, there is on section that i need to find keys 😔, back on those days we don't had internet subscription at home so no tutorial or some helping



I played through GOW1 like this


Yes, I had a tv small enough to put under my blanket.

Played the game that way cause as soon as I heard the moaning, I immediately reached for my earphones and got ready for some quality 18+ action.
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