When I first played it at Toys R Us I didn't know you could jump into the paintings either. To be fair, I don't think the game tells you to?I was 6 years old when I played Mario 64. The game was in English and I didn't understand anything. It took me literally 3 hours to find out how to jump into a level. I ran around the castle like a maniac, and after a while I thought that the castle is the entire game. The weird part is that I still had fun (kids smh).
My mind absolutely exploded once I accidentally jumped into a painting. I can still vividly remember that moment lmao.
Funny thing is HoMM3 is one of my fav games of all time! I don't like the AI cheats, but considering the actual AI is dumb as rocks where you can exploit it, I guess thats why they added cheating AI.
The bad AI has been going on since HoMM 1. I used some of the same tactics. lol.
One exploit is the enemy AI overvalues your monsters with a ranged attack like they are god. So even a ho-hum archer group is treated like a priority so you can position and attack it strategically as efficient as possible. Another one is the AI doesn't know how to use skip action which is important especially for waiting to attack last, so you can attack an enemy with a shit unit as fodder, then your good monster stack which you don't want retaliated against can get two attacks in a row if it has fast priority. One attack for the current round, then first attack next round and finish off the enemy stack. There's tons of dumb AI moves to exploit.
They never improved the AI from game to game back then.
No worries. Ask me about HoMM 3 anytime you want. If you want to give it another go, HoMM 3 Complete Edition can be found on sale on GOG for about $3. This game gets dumped for 75-80% off every few months. This edition is the best one as it contains the DLC packs, which most importantly includes the random map generator. The base game doesn't. The map generator was included in one of the expansion packs (forget which one).I'll have to pick your brain one day because the game was so different than what I usually play. Almost felt like I needed more strategy than I was using.
No worries. Ask me about HoMM 3 anytime you want. If you want to give it another go, HoMM 3 Complete Edition can be found on sale on GOG for about $3. This game gets dumped for 75-80% off every few months. This edition is the best one as it contains the DLC packs, which most importantly includes the random map generator. The base game doesn't. The map generator was included in one of the expansion packs (forget which one).
I played the game a ton and never played the campaign. Just endless hours of random maps.
There's also a HoMM 3 HD game that UBI released years back. It's just the base game with better graphics. Word is they couldnt HD the DLC packs because someone lost the source code a decade ago. lol
Also bought the ngage... Worst of all I kinda miss it. It was a great emulator system
PS5 stock shortages forced me to buy an Xbox Series S.
Here's one.
Whenever I gain control of a female character I always try to look up her skirt.
-I sold Birth by Sleep (PSP) and Dissidia Duodecim (PSP) for Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)
i can explain, i sold them because one day i saw them brand new for 19.99€ at a store, so i thought "i sell the ones i have to get this new game for basically free, then later, when i have some money, buy them again"....unfortunately, even after just a couple of days, when i had the money, they were already removed from sale...
Just not long enough!I waited to watch Horizon Forbidden West reveal today.
Oo I have a good mega man one too. I only ever beat mega man 2 once when I was a kid and called my sister in to watch the credits. I’ve tried it on emulators as an adult and I have neither the skill to see it through the right way nor even the patience to play through with save states. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to get through that whole game as a tiny child, the disappearing bricks over the lava section is really tough and you can’t even really see the pattern until you’re already out thereI've never played through an 8-bit Mega Man. Mega Man X was my real intro to the series, and the first one I beat.
The first and only console I ever got on launch day was a 32X.
When Time Killers came out I really thought it was like, the best fighting game.
This is interesting, because I always thought that platinuming Resogun was way above my skill level and yet I still managed to get to the end of Returnal. Maybe it's because you're moving in full 3D environment in Returnal what's making it tougher?Returnal is too fucking hard. Been playing for over ten hours and ive never gotten past the first area. For the record. Ive beaten all the souls borne games and platinumed demons souls and resogun