It's not that Jane is bad (she's amazing and one of the strongest characters in the game), it's just that there's barely anything in the game to use Jane for now. Like, I don't remember the last time I used her in SD and in DA literally never, plus and before 1.6, there's literally no Physical stunners in the game and you had to rely on Koleda to daze the fuck out of enemies (before Lighter came out) cuz enemies weaks to Physical DMG were always paired with enemies weak to Fire DMG. Caesar can do daze shit and act as a support, but she's not a dedicated stunner. The fact that there's a Physical stunner now in the game (we're about to see how good she is) is a clear indication that there'll be more SD and probably DA stuff for Physical characters. Also, I don't think there's anyone here who pulled Jane's W-Engine hence and even as strong as she is without it, there's still ~25-30% of her potential left on the table, so when she'll have rerun and depending on how good (or not) the new characters will be at that time, it's a good idea to finally get her W-Engine and I hope that when they'll launch her rerun, there'll be character story for her as well which she doesn't have. Anyway, what are your plans for pulling' ma dudes?
It's kinda tempting to pull for both but that means W-Engines are out of question, so for now I lean towards pullin' for Trigger and her W-Engine and maybe get Zhu's W-Engine as well. Since we'll get Pulchra for free, I don't need to pull her 5 copies during SAnby banner cuz I bet that I'll get them all anyway sooner or later by just pulling normally and if it'll take more time, I don't care. There's also a question of disc sets. Clearly one of em' is made specifically for Trigger and she clearly needs Crit Rate cuz her W-Engine gives her 24%, so not only do we need to build her around that, but Impact stat as well and it'll be interesting to see which disc set is better cuz Impac set is build around Daze build up from literally anything you do and stunners rely heavily on that. There's also no F2P W-Engines with Crit Rate so it'll be difficult to achieve 80% without her signature... unless you don't care about the buffs and effects beyond just stats that is. Idk for whom the second disc set is made for though and it's not like anyone except Miyabi needs that 112 AM as a baseline. There's literally no Anomaly characters in 1.6 so I guess it's for some future characters we don' know about yet (which is about to change in a week or so).
All in all, I think 1.6 looks great so far and it's good to see that there's more tuning calibrators as rewards but I still think that there must be at least 5-6 per update cuz 3-4 (incl. F2P and BP) is not enough and there must be more ways to farm disc mats for crafting cuz there's no good and sane option for that at all in the game, not to mention that a lot of crafting mats go to waste cuz of BS RNG.