I was already picking this up day 1, that was mainly thanks to it being South Park and know that Trey and Matt we so heavily involved. But after seeing that video, and reading the various impressions of the first 2 hours, I am more hyped for this than I have been for any one game for a long while.
Various impressions have talked about how there are so many jokes and reference packed into the world. I think Brad mentioned how that first 13 minutes took him much longer as he was looking in all the cupboards, draws and talking to everyone. You get a sense of that in the video, on the one hand I was glad it didn't explore the new kids room and Cartman's house, but on the other I was desperate to see what Cartman's mom had to say and get that Chinpokomon up in the tree by Butters house. March 7th (wish we had it same day as US) suddenly seems so far away. So glad its looking awesome though, makes these past couple years seem worth it.
Various impressions have talked about how there are so many jokes and reference packed into the world. I think Brad mentioned how that first 13 minutes took him much longer as he was looking in all the cupboards, draws and talking to everyone. You get a sense of that in the video, on the one hand I was glad it didn't explore the new kids room and Cartman's house, but on the other I was desperate to see what Cartman's mom had to say and get that Chinpokomon up in the tree by Butters house. March 7th (wish we had it same day as US) suddenly seems so far away. So glad its looking awesome though, makes these past couple years seem worth it.