Yeah, Senran Kagura has like 5 different enemy types and 5 different backdrops. That game can't have been very expensive to make. Still pretty fun, if a bit repetitive though.Tamsoft has Oneechanbara and, more importantly, Senran Kagura. Both are fairly low budget games and make a decent amount of money, SK especially.
Can't believe these guys are still around. They were pretty much the first third party company ever (after breaking off from Atari in 1979 to make their OWN 2600 games), & are not only still around, but have consistently had some of THE most popular games of the last few console generations (think Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, Skylanders...). So not only are they still around, they are thriving. I think it's amazing.
Tecmo Koei.
This is the only correct answer, most people here post companies they hate instead of following logic.I'm extremely surprised that Spark Unlimited are in business. Their track record is complete shit.
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Lost Planet 3
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Surely Total War and Hatsune Miku can only do so much for your company, right?
I love FIFA and will continue to buy the juuust outdated version when the new one releases. Tens of millions of other people don't want to play the "outdated" version and buy the new one instead. Replace "FIFA" with the name of their other yearly franchises.EA - I don't get how anyone can still buy their stuff, without feeling bad about it.
I actually see a lot that are just very old, yet inactive, so it's like "wait, you're still here!?" when most such companies actually shut down or were bought out and effectively absorbed into the larger company.This is the only correct answer, most people here post companies they hate instead of following logic.
They're definitely done for should SE ever decide to make a push to claim the series internationally. I'm kind of surprised they didn't, Taito obviously didn't have much US presence, but it'd be a solid bread & butter series to have under their belt and to be more than the JRPG company or "we're not Eidos we swear!"Majesco.
They have nothing but "Mama" series now. ı don't think they'll survive for long.
Bethesda and Bioware.
I get that their games are huge hits, but good lord are they fucking terrible. I have tried so many times, but I just can't get into the "wanna be RPG-lite" they are going for. The one thing they all have in common is gameplay so shallow and dull that only the dudebros will pretend they are engrossing. There is no thought put into combat whatsoever, no gameplay design at work, just a list of places to go and things to do when you get there.
I've actually had a guy tell me that Skyrim was good...when it came out. Apparently it turned bad by the time I played it (a week after it released)? He was not joking at all, he felt that it was groundbreaking in 2011 but dated in 2013. Pretty much sums up the thoughts of people who buy garbage games for adequate graphics and music.
Platinum games and atlus, they both make amazing games but majority of them sell very poorly which even i they're smaller studios relatively, shouldnt exist in today's market, yet are able to stay in business and find contractors that will fund their next game albeit this has changed when atlus was bought by sega
250Mil HW sales last Gen probably helped.Nintendo as an hardware company
Nintendo as an hardware company
I agree with you 100% on the dull gameplay and rpg-lite aspect, but their games sell millions, so they don't really fit the topic of the thread.
Usually their games are funded by others. They don't have much to lose.Platinum - Their games always bomb commercially , don't they ?
They sold 250 million consoles last generation.Nintendo as an hardware company
Not a company. A name of a small group of people in Studio Japan.Team Ico.
Raven Software.
Haven't done anything other than Singularity.
Usually their games are funded by others. They don't have much to lose.
Raven Software.
Haven't done anything other than Singularity.
Yeah, I may've said Kotick's ahead of a lot of CEOs but that's more because a lot of them would either trash a company or make a quick profit than bail. He's running a successful and lasting business, but is ruthlessly milking game series before looking for a new one to do so with. Kind of running a successful business by treating game series like some of the crappier CEOs treat entire companies.Raven is owned by Acti and after Singularity the studio was made another cog in the Call of Duty machine.
Raven is owned by Acti and after Singularity the studio was made another cog in the Call of Duty machine.
I agree with you 100% on the dull gameplay and rpg-lite aspect, but their games sell millions, so they don't really fit the topic of the thread.
So many have been turned into cogs. Same with the Assassins Creed machine.
Who are the cogs handling AC? Other than Montreal, which admittedly, is a bloody humongous cog in itself.
Who are the cogs handling AC? Other than Montreal, which admittedly, is a bloody humongous cog in itself.
Like Raven create map packs many of the minigames etc in AC are created by "outside" studios. Also a lot of assets are made by outside studios. Many of these studios work on other things as well most likely though, including Raven.
Until The Division was announced the only things we saw from Massive after World in Conflict has been support development for Far Cry and Assassins Creed.
EDIT: is pretty much an AC cog right now (multiplayer). Or at least seem to be.
As far as the mainline series is concerned, other than Ubi Montreal there's:
- Ubisoft Annecy (assisted with AssCreed Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 and 4)
- Ubisoft Quebec (assisted with AssCreed Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 and 4)
- Ubisoft Singapore (assisted with AssCreed Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 and 4)
- Ubisoft Kiev (assisted with AssCreed Revelations, 3 and 4)
- Ubisoft Bucharest (assisted with AssCreed Brotherhood and 4)
- Ubisoft Romania (assisted with AssCreed Revelations and 3)
- Ubisoft Massive (assisted with AssCreed Revelations)
- Ubisoft Milan (assisted with AssCreed 4)
- Ubisoft Montpellier (assisted with AssCreed 4)
Who gives a shit about worms these days?They have released a worms game every year bar one for 2 decades...
Worms (1995)
Worms Battlegrounds (2014)
They are developing a game for XBone apparently. Given the troubles they had last gen I find it baffling they seem to be going down the same road.