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Doctor Who |OT| Pre-Series 8 Discussion - He's A-Coming

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Are all these worth reading? I don't mind getting the entire bundle if they are.

I have no idea, but I have little self-control when it comes to humble bundles.

I wonder if there's any chance of the bonus items later being the Trek crossovers?

Chuffed to bits for him. He's been lobbying for a part on the show ever since it came back.

He's got his fanboy bona fides, too- you have to respect a guy who finds out that he's going to be on Doctor Who while watching The Sensorites!

As for the new kid in the TARDIS... the brother and sister dynamic could be very interesting indeed, and something we haven't really seen before, but the shadow of Angie and Artie looms large. Still, done right, I reckon some good drama could come out of this TARDIS team, so we'll have to see.
As for the new kid in the TARDIS... the brother and sister dynamic could be very interesting indeed, and something we haven't really seen before, but the shadow of Angie and Artie looms large. Still, done right, I reckon some good drama could come out of this TARDIS team, so we'll have to see.

I totally get everyone's concerns, but I think there's a big difference between 'generic kids' which were Angie and Artie and a 'sister' which would be whoever Ellis George is playing.

By which I mean, like you say, there's a heck of a lot more you can play with when the brother is significantly older than the sister and probably has father-like tendencies towards her. Of course, that's assuming both Sam Anderson and Ellis George can actually act, otherwise the whole thing will stink, but I have faith.

Also, random prediction jumping to incredible conclusions: Danny and Clara leave at the end of the season, we skip ahead a few years, and then a grown up DannyPinkSister is the new companion next year. Purely based on Moffat's love for the Doctor soliciting children through their life.
I totally get everyone's concerns, but I think there's a big difference between 'generic kids' which were Angie and Artie and a 'sister' which would be whoever Ellis George is playing.

By which I mean, like you say, there's a heck of a lot more you can play with when the brother is significantly older than the sister and probably has father-like tendencies towards her. Of course, that's assuming both Sam Anderson and Ellis George can actually act, otherwise the whole thing will stink, but I have faith.

Doesn't that just make him an absolute prick for bringing his sibling on such dangerous trips? It's like taking a nine year old to climb Everest.
Doesn't that just make him an absolute prick for bringing his sibling on such dangerous trips? It's like taking a nine year old to climb Everest.

We still don't really anything about the character. For all we know he's a bit of a dope akin to Mickey or *shudder* Adam.

Equally it could be a 'Let's go on one educational trip, oh no theres danger, oh wait everythings fine' deal and then she just happens to stowaway in the TARDIS.
Chuffed to bits for him. He's been lobbying for a part on the show ever since it came back.

He's got his fanboy bona fides, too- you have to respect a guy who finds out that he's going to be on Doctor Who while watching The Sensorites!

As for the new kid in the TARDIS... the brother and sister dynamic could be very interesting indeed, and something we haven't really seen before, but the shadow of Angie and Artie looms large. Still, done right, I reckon some good drama could come out of this TARDIS team, so we'll have to see.

Frank Skinner has also had a 5 minute cameo in Dark Eyes 2 from Big Finish as well.


Does that casting rumour about
Charles Dance
have any basis beyond 'oooh that would be cool'?

Cause it would be cool. But it sounds a bit like wishful thinking.


Does that casting rumour about
Charles Dance
have any basis beyond 'oooh that would be cool'?

Cause it would be cool. But it sounds a bit like wishful thinking.

I haven't been reading too many spoilers on GB this time around but I don't think any reliable people have talked about it, I think it's just wishful thinking. I'd love it to be true though.
Does that casting rumour about
Charles Dance
have any basis beyond 'oooh that would be cool'?

Cause it would be cool. But it sounds a bit like wishful thinking.

Not before today, but one of the reliable Gallifrey Base posters said this morning that his normal sources were dropping strong hints that it's true.

They may be wrong- indeed, this guy's record isn't flawless- but it's not entirely without foundation. Better than that
"some random bloke from EastEnders is the Master because he grew a beard!"
Finished Series 6.

That was kind of underwhelming. I miss the big epic 2/3 part story endings.

Also does this mean that 2 out of 3 Matt Smith's Series long storylines are two different times the doctor finds out when he is going to die and there nothing he can do about it because "something something fixed points" because thats kind of lazy.


When Peter Capaldi makes his Time Lord debut proper in Doctor Who in the upcoming eighth series, no-one will really know what to expect.

However, showrunner Steven Moffat has given us a bit of a clue, and it looks like Cara Oswald's flirtatious relationship with the Time Lord is coming to an abrupt end.

He told the Radio Times: "[Peter] goes back to being the trickier version of the Doctor, the fiercer alien wanderer.

"He's not a human being, however much he larks around pretending he is.

"He is different and it's time to stop play-acting. He's not apologising, he's not flirting with you - that's over

Sounds good.

Also The Day of The Doctor won the Radio Times audience award at the TV BAFTAs tonight.
Also does this mean that 2 out of 3 Matt Smith's Series long storylines are two different times the doctor finds out when he is going to die and there nothing he can do about it because "something something fixed points" because thats kind of lazy.

Hoho! Good luck with the next series! (Though it does lead into something incredible in the 50th, to be fair.)

Ser Goje

I usually don't post fan stuff here but someone I know tweeted this one from reddit and I had a blast, haha:

Willy Wonka is the final regeneration of The Doctor

Well I'm sold.

The Doctor is far into his final regeneration. The TARDIS is unable to make long voyages through time, either due to it's age (It was already a museum piece when the Doctor stole it/it stole him), or due to severe damage. The Doctor makes the decision to retire to his adoptive planet, Earth. There, to protect himself and those around him, he sheds the guise of the Doctor and all his known aliases and renames himself William Wonka. Because of his love for jelly babies, he opens a small sweet shop where he can share his fantastic adventures with the children who visit, whose parents merely shrug them off as fairy tales. Because of the Doctors intelligence and incredible sense of taste (Something which is demonstrated multiple times), he begins to create all kinds of fantastic confectionery, the likes of which have never been seen on Earth before, and before long becomes the number one manufacturer of sweets in the world. He disguises the TARDIS as an elevator within his newly opened factory, but before long, begins to worry about his growing age and impending death. He becomes a recluse and spends his time working on a formula that will allow him to regenerate once again so that he can fix the TARDIS and once more travel through the cosmos,. However the years pass, and the loneliness begins to consume him. Although he creates the formula that could make him younger, it cannot return his regenerative abilities so he decides to simply live out the rest of his days, but would like one last adventure, and needs a new companion to assist him, and who he can finally pass his legacy onto, but he has to be sure that they are worthy enough to face the dangers ahead and take on this responsibility, so he places five golden tickets within the packets of his chocolate bars...
Welp, I'm 3 episodes from the end of Season 3, and I wanted to start posting my thoughts before I start forgetting them. I'm going to be very blunt and honest, and don't mean to come off harsh if I do. And if I need to spoiler things, let me know.

This show has not impressed me yet. At this point, I consider it a bad show with some good moments. However, I desperately want to love it, so I keep watching and will do so until I am caught up. Some gripes? The doctor can be a moron at times (like getting in the faces of things that can kill him instantly, only to get the shit kicked out of him). There are moments in the show that feel like they should be emotional or touching, but fall flat---I can't tell if this is because of writing or acting. I'm simply not connecting to these characters and stories. And the most sad, I expected a show full of rich lore, alien worlds, and sci-fi like stories. This absolutely does not feel like a show about a time lord. The Doctor is waaaay too human, and the alien worlds just about never happen. I don't even want to do the math how many episodes they are simply on Earth....or new Earth. Or a space station floating around Earth! Star Wars isn't perfect by any means, but the universe of SW is so rich I feel I could sit down and talk with the characters. See their worlds, live in those worlds (not that I'd want to). Nothing about the world of Doctor Who has yet to stand out as unique-feeling.

And please tell me why the doctor had such a hard believing the face of Boe when he was informed he isn't the last of his kind. He brushed it off, and the notion hasn't been brought up again. It frustrates me, because I know they are going to plop that shit on me here soon. I mean, if the Daleks and Time Lords were wiped out of existence at the same time, by the same event because of the Doctor, and the Doctor discovered Daleks still exist....why wouldn't he conclude then that there is a heavy possibility of there being more time lords?

A few more random things....it drives me crazy when characters have names that coincidentally relate to their profession/race/quality. Such as the episode The Lazarus Experiment, with a dude named Lazarus....who was involved in research to live forever. Also, the episode with Daleks in Manhattan cracked me up....at one point Lazlo (who was recently turned into a pig man) was asked why they were making pig men. His response was something along the lines of "The Daleks need humans. So they captured humans, so they can turn them into pig men. Then they can go capture humans".

Now for some positives....Season 3 has had some bright moments. First off, I liked Donna. I thought I'd hate her after she zapped onto the TARDIS at the end of season 2, but when she stopped yelling she became very enjoyable. I especially liked her slapping the Doctor when he went on one of his annoying, goofy rambles. I wanted to high-five her. And the first episode with Martha was well-done. I'm tired of stories where we follow the Doctor right off the bat and know exactly what is going on. I enjoyed the episode following Martha around---her bumping into the doctor in the street, seeing weird biker dudes, then the Doctor again in the hospital. You say to yourself, "Something is going on here..."but you aren't quite sure yet. There isn't enough intrigue and mystery to Doctor Who. When there is "mystery" the Doctor solves it quickly, it is already obvious to the viewer, or the plot is boring enough you really don't care.

Favorite episodes the entire show so far?

1) 42. A great, serious episode, and the first of the whole show that felt like honest-to-god sci-fi. It even had some great sci-fi music going on. And Tenant's performance when he was becoming possessed by the sun was damn good. I loved his line when he yelled at the captain and told her it was her fault, that they scooped out the heart of the sun. Only complaint? Martha's annoying mother, and the "oooh" ominous people listening in to phone call.

2) The Family of Blood. Not an overly great episode or arc, but the punishment that the Doctor brings on the 4 of the family was great. It sent a shiver down my spine, and made me go "Damn!" I especially liked the sister trapped in the mirrors. The punishments were unique, expanded the lore of the world, the Doctor, and was great science fiction. Then the ending hit with another strong punch when Joan let loose with a bombshell: "if the Doctor had never visited us, never chosen this place—on a whim—would anyone have died?" Boom. Loved it. It was a strong moment that helped strengthen some lackluster themes the show pretends to carry. The idea that where the Doctor goes, death follows has been mentioned here and there throughout the show, but with pathetic weight behind the statements...every time they're made. But this time? This time it carries a shit ton of weight. My only complaint is that the episode should've ended there, but I think writers are afraid to end on a downer like that. Instead, we follow the telepath kid into the war, and afterwards at a ceremony. It's a shame, because it took a lot of "oomph" out of Joan's words. Ending with the boy then the ceremony almost made it feel like the focus of the episode was on the boy, and it wasn't. We didn't need to tie the bow on that story. I would've been fine with the ceremony stuff, if they ended it with the voice-over narration about the punishment of the family members. Again though, that would've been kind of dark and hardcore to end a Doctor episode like that.

3) Blink. I think too many people talked this episode up before I started the show, and unfortunately I knew how the creatures worked before I started. It was still an enjoyable, entertaining episode. My biggest gripe is that it should've had a stronger mystery/horror vibe to it, which could've easily happened if it was a 2-episode arc. Creative episode, creative creatures. Just not executed the best. Also, why did the Doctor have a bow and arrow at the end of the episode? Seems a little violent for a man who uses a sonic screwdriver.

Thanks for reading! I will finish this show.
I think Family of Blood and Blink are some of my Doctor Who stories (of the entire series).

In 50 years of Dr Who, the vast majority of the show is set on Earth.
The Doctor was even exiled there for a few years.
. There are still lots of non-Earth planets visited, but only a dozen or so that have been so far been revisited.
Skaro, Mars, Telos, Satellite 5, Metebelis 3, Space Station, New Earth (New New York), Nerva, Peladon, Gallifrey, The Moon, Trenzalore
I'm sure I've missed one or two, not counting books, comics and audio.

I would love to see how Moffat and Gatiss screw up
I think Family of Blood and Blink are some of my Doctor Who stories (of the entire series).

In 50 years of Dr Who, the vast majority of the show is set on Earth.
The Doctor was even exiled there for a few years.
. There are still lots of non-Earth planets visited, but only a dozen or so that have been so far been revisited.
Skaro, Mars, Telos, Satellite 5, Metebelis 3, Space Station, New Earth (New New York), Nerva, Peladon, Gallifrey, The Moon, Trenzalore
I'm sure I've missed one or two, not counting books, comics and audio.

I would love to see how Moffat and Gatiss screw up

There's also Androzani, sort of.



The link :

My mind is exploding with ideas of a Gaiman Who episode with Willendorf
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