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Keep my PS4 or get a Wii U?


Yes, I know that this is mostly personal, but I'm trying to get some additional advice before deciding.

The thing is... I'm on a limited budget, can't afford to buy a brand new console right now, got more unexpected but important things to focus. However, my christmas gift from, well, myself, was a really high end rig, GTX 970, i5, etc.

I like my PS4. A lot, but with my PC now sharing my gaming time, I can see a lot of releases coming also to PC that were previously exclusive (to me) on the PS4. The Order 1886 and Bloodborne are definitely interesting, but I'm not aware of other exclusive, amazing titles in the coming months before Uncharted 4, correct me if I'm wrong.

Now, regarding the Wii U, I had one a few months ago but sold it to a friend of mine that had big financial issues, but had a son completely in love with Mario Kart 8, so sold it for a bargain and called it a day.

But now I'm missing MK8's DLC, Captain Toad, Bayo 2 and even SSBU (and that's not even my type of game). I'm also interested in Kirby and Yoshi coming up in the next few months.

Am I missing some cool game on both scenarios? Considering my PC and my interest on the games listed, is a PS4 the best deal, for now? Or should I give the Wii U a second chance?


However, my christmas gift from, well, myself, was a really high end rig, GTX 970, i5, etc

Then the answer is Wii U. It simply has the better selection of exclusives today and from the looks of it in 2015 too.

It's like maybe you can live without The Order if you try your best.
A PC will give you 95% of what the PS4 does, so you need to take a hard look at Sony's 1st party exclusives and decide whether they matter to you more than the Wii U's lineup.


That's a decision you have to make for yourself. Since you don't have an Xbone either you have to consider X1/PS4 exclusives into the equation as well.


You're aware Bloodborne is coming soon and want to get rid of the PS4 now? To each his own I guess, I have both so I guess I'm spoiled. But Bloodborne is in 2 months wait it out :)


Just wait and get a wii u later... Don't get rid of the ps4 cause you will be in the same situation next year

Dr. Kaos

And how are you going to play Bloodborne in 2 months? That's not an acceptable choice :p

Keep the PS4, good shit is coming. Buy a WiiU after Zelda comes out and play through the back catalog.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
If your on a super limited budget my friend, the Wii U is the only answer. The PC and PS4 are way too redundant. Same with PS4/XB1 and each other, and XB1 and PC.

You can get 99% of the library on PC.

The Wii U has some of the most imaginative games on the planet, you owe it to yourself to pick one up.


Ditching the ps4 for a Wii U in 2015 would be kind of a sad joke given how much better 2015 looks for the ps4 even with a gaming PC...


Stop selling, reselling, buying, rebuying consoles.

You are losing money in the long run by going back and forth. Stick to what you have, save a bit more, and buy a second console then.

Otherwise you will be in the same situation once the market shifts again and you want to play a new game you can't find elsewhere.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
You will probably end up regretting selling the PS4 just like you are regretting selling the Wii U now.

Stop selling, reselling, buying, rebuying consoles.

You are losing money in the long run by going back and forth. Stick to what you have, save a bit more, and buy a second console then.

Otherwise you will be in the same situation once the market shifts again and you want to play a new game you can't find elsewhere.

Agreed. Selling and re-buying is a good way to fuck your budget.


Stop selling, reselling, buying, rebuying consoles.

You are losing money in the long run by going back and forth. Stick to what you have, save a bit more, and buy a second console then.

Otherwise you will be in the same situation once the market shifts again and you want to play a new game you can't find elsewhere.

Wise words. Always did this in the past, wasn't really planning on selling my Wii U but I'm sure my buddy's kid is having tons of fun with it. Feelings.


Unless you are a casual player. NEVER sell your consoles. So keep your PS4 and save up for a Wii U.


You already have the PS4, just keep it.

The WiiU has finally got a decent number of good games, but PS4 will too in 2015.


Do what the dude above said and keep the PS4 and get a Wii U later, you'll certainly be able to save up for one over time and the games will be even cheaper by then. I used to sell my consoles off prior to Xbox 1 and regret it now. Now I have rebought a Jaguar, 3DO, and Dreamcast but it would be cool if I still had my Genesis/Sega CD around, or my original FZ1 3DO instead of the FZ10 I could find, it's just not worth it in the long run I don't think.


If we were talking about the Bone, I think the answer would be simple. Lots of bled over there for the console exclusives in general. PS4, though, I don't know. Sony usually keeps their actual first/second party things locked to their hardware without a PC port. It'll just come down to whether or not you enjoy Sony exclusives more or Nintendo exclusives more.


To be brutally honest, there is relatively little point to owning a PS4 prior to Bloodborne.

You have had it this long, might as well sell it after Bloodborne has come out. Wii U has an excellent library now, but nothing huge releasing for a bit.
The timing is almost perfect with that strategy.
Stop selling, reselling, buying, rebuying consoles.

You are losing money in the long run by going back and forth. Stick to what you have, save a bit more, and buy a second console then.

Otherwise you will be in the same situation once the market shifts again and you want to play a new game you can't find elsewhere.

The only good advise here. +1
Off the top of my head you will miss out (at least this year) on:

Persona 5
Uncharted 4
The Order
Tomorrow Children
No Man's Sky
MLB 15: The Show
Fat Princess Adventures
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
The Witness

Plus potential E3 announcements that may release this fall/winter.

If none of those interest you then go for it.
Stop selling, reselling, buying, rebuying consoles.

You are losing money in the long run by going back and forth. Stick to what you have, save a bit more, and buy a second console then.

Otherwise you will be in the same situation once the market shifts again and you want to play a new game you can't find elsewhere.
Adding another affirmation of this post. Stop flipping consoles around. Keep the PS4 and just save a little at a time until you can get the Wii U. The Wii U isn't going to vanish and the games will still exist down the road.


Depends on what you want.

Do you want PS4 exclusives like Bloodborne, Resogun, etc. Or are they not that big of a deal to you?

If not, just roll with your PC for big 3rd parties and buy a Wii U for everything else.


Neo Member
If you're on a budget the Wii U isn't a great console, all the games for it are Nintendo™ expensive and will likely never drop below $60 each, while if you're patient you will be able to get games on the PS4 for $10 each, or even less. Besides, the Wii U is great now, but it's not going to last. It is very likely Nintendo will drop most support in 2016, and then you'll have to buy their next console, while the PS4 will last you a much longer time.

That being said the Wii U does have a great library right now and it's certainly worth getting.
In my opinion you can get a more diverse gaming experience with the PC/Wii U combo. I´m surprised myself of the quantity of games I have bougth for my Wii U and with the increase of "console games" making the jump to PC you should be fine.

I´m not saying that the PS4 is a bad console or that it has no good game exlusives, but i think that you could miss more exlusives or unique experiences if you don´t have a Wii U.
Sell your PC, get a Wii U

Seriously I would suggest selling your PS4, wait for couple of years when the price goes down and/or your finance getting better then get PS4 again, for now IMO Wii U > PS4 if you already have a gaming PC


Get a WiiU and buy a PS4 when its cheaper. Seems your PC will cater to your "core" needs while getting the games you love in the WiiU now.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Instinctively came into the thread to say long term? PS4. Short term? WiiU

But the PC part changes things.

Go the WiiU. You'll even be getting Xbox One games on PC too.


I'd honestly go with the Wii U as it could compliment your PC as a companion platform with more unique software and what your Wii U lacks in quantity of software, your PC can easily make up for. Plus, we are already aware of most of the Wii U games coming out this year, so you know what to expect for the most part. Lastly, the combination of a cheaper price point, off-TV play, full backwards compatibility with previous gen software, free online play and emphasis on local multiplayer offers things PS4 doesn't.


this this this! thats what idid, PC/WiiU, i have 0 desire to want a PS4 right now.

You should put that you have a PC in the thread title.

PC/Wii U is better than PC/PS4. Do it.

Guys he is interested in PS4 titles, but he wants something to play NOW. In essence, he will regret the decision to sell his PS4 by the time uncharted 4 hits the market.

Dude, seriously, even if your PS4 is going to collect dust for months (years maybe idk) there will come a time when you wish you had a PS4 because you are interested in its exclusives. DO NOT SELL IT!


Adding another affirmation of this post. Stop flipping consoles around. Keep the PS4 and just save a little at a time until you can get the Wii U. The Wii U isn't going to vanish and the games will still exist down the road.

Yep, plus since its the worst selling console deals will pop up randomly from retailers trying to clear back stock. Just keep an eye out if you must have it.
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