That's why Nintendo is specifically taking both into account, rather than only taking critic's review or user reviews.
Which is a bit silly. Like I said, user scores are flimsy at best, misleading at worst. Look at Fez. Perfect examples.
The author of this game thinks you should pay him money for streaming it on twitch or making a youtube video with this game in it. So why would you support this in anyway? 1/10
User scores are rubbage. PS fanboys railing against Xbox versions, non-relevant facts bringing a game down, etc. On the flipside, look at games like Neptunia on the Vita. 66, but a 8.5 Metacritic. Some of those scores are Vita fans propping up their system that isn't selling. Similar to Wii U.
There's no denying that Nintendo makes quality games. That's not on trial. What I find dubious is using user scores. That's all.
"critic" scores are also way off base.
GTA IV - PS3 - 98/100
followed by
GTA IV: Gay Tony - PS3 - 89/100
That's simply madness. GTA IV on PS3 is almost unplayable because of the shitty framerate (and it's a bad game on top of that).
The user score (7.5/10, Gay Tony is 8.0/10 - at least that makes sense) is way more accurate than those "critic"scores.paid off
And then there is NieR sitting at 69/100 and the user score (8.4/10) is also way more accurate.
So if they agree with you, they're accurate. Got it.