Yea sorry, I just saw your answer.I answered your question about it being fixed in the long run.
Yea sorry, I just saw your answer.I answered your question about it being fixed in the long run.
But nice try? I mean you're the one already cussing. You and projectjustice should just get a lobby together and play.
You need to calm the Fuk down. Only one here being a fanboy here is you calling me out. When I never said Capcom doesn't deserve the blame.
Yet at the very mention of Sony you are getting angry.
Also they should have been working on a patch much before the games actual release since it was submitted much earlier than that.
Oh wow haha this thread.
Maybe you should join us.
its not the fact that you called me or anybody but I despise idiots that resort to a stupid dismissive answer. "O I can't make a good argument so I'll just dismiss them as being XYZ fanboys/defense force". It could of been any name beside sony and I would of still given you the same response.
They can't reasonably find and fix all the broken stuff in a month.Also the switch to 360 pretty much confirms Sony doesn't give a shit and that the upcoming patch is probably gonna do jack squat . I hope Sony proves me wrong though, I really wanted this to be the definitive version.
Oh please you just used the same fanboys response a few posts back. Calling me Capcom fanboys and what not.
The Sony fanboy comment was on people bashing Capcom and not Sony. Your post wasn't even there before that.
Money post, people just say what they want.lmaoo you really act like Capcom is an innocent party in all of this. Sure Sony may have approached them first but Capcom no doubt took money and agreed to this. They also had no issue in accepting the 500k prize pot money Sony put up.
Don't act like Capcom was bullied into this. They agreed to this and they should have had eyes on it. It's one of their flagship games. They signed the dotted like to have this version be the one used for their pro circuit.
Also Capcom provides the code to port over correct? So why are people saying the PS3 version is the base when their is PC code that could have been ported over? Capcom provides the code. Sony and Other Ocean can't make the game from nothing.
Money post, people just say what they want.
From my experience as a tester, very few people would ever have caught input lag like this. Fighting games were not in many tester wheelhouses. Much more likely bugs to be reported would be: "This character has straps on his right leg but when he faces the opposide direction, the straps swap to the left leg (in a 2D fighter). Or, "player 1 cannot see player 2's cursor when selecting their character in an online match".Sure. Even if there were no technical glitches in this game. Can you trust Sony or Other Ocean to know the frame data and other nuances to look for in this game?
From my experience as a tester, very few people would ever have caught input lag like this. Fighting games were not in many tester wheelhouses. Much more likely bugs to be reported would be: "This character has straps on his right leg but when he faces the opposide direction, the straps swap to the left leg (in a 2D fighter). Or, "player 1 cannot see player 2's cursor when selecting their character in an online match".
I would agree with you, but Corsi's PR specifically said the PS4 version got rid of the PS3 lag, so somebody somewhere must have tested the input lag.From my experience as a tester, very few people would ever have caught input lag like this. Fighting games were not in many tester wheelhouses. Much more likely bugs to be reported would be: "This character has straps on his right leg but when he faces the opposide direction, the straps swap to the left leg (in a 2D fighter). Or, "player 1 cannot see player 2's cursor when selecting their character in an online match".
Everybody is to blame, but we have persons who are just on the "blame the Sony train" and there are also people pretending that they know for a fact that the PS3 version was used for the port. Marketing was pushing hard that the PS3 version's lag was gone, it's all they kept on saying. Maybe they used the 360 version, isn't that the version with the least lag?... the 360 also has a start button, isn't that more plausible?This entire debaucle is an embarrassment, from all the companies involved to the people arguing over which company gets more blame instead of the problems involved in the port.
I wonder where Gio got that whole less delay than the PS3 version stuff. Maybe Other Ocean just straight up lied to him about it.
Everybody is to blame, but we have persons who are just on the "blame the Sony train" and there are also people pretending that they know for a fact that the PS3 version was used for the port.
The point is, there's a lot we don't know yet, the patch will be the first indicator come next week or we can get someone at Other Ocean to answer some questions.
The only people who are to blame, are the people who bought the game day-1, without waiting for the reviews to come out.
Seriously, this industry has become the embodiment of Caveat Emptor.
Without actual purchases, this kind of shit would go away faster than Capcpom's profits ought to.
I'm with you there.I answered your question about it being fixed in the long run.
its not the fact that you called me or anybody but I despise idiots that resort to a stupid dismissive answer. "O I can't make a good argument so I'll just dismiss them as being XYZ fanboys/defense force". It could of been any name beside sony and I would of still given you the same response.
Yeah, I bought it the moment it came out, why? Because This was going to be the new tournament standard, I bought a brand new stick for this port and was planning to go to evo this year for fun. And on the sony blog, they made the claim that this was going to be the definitive version. This game has come out on a total of 4 platforms and has gone through 4 revisions, under what circumstance was anyone to believe that anyone could possibly fuck this port up?
Don't blame the consumer for falling for false advertising, especially when there were no reviews to contradict what we were led to believe.
Sony's fault for cheapening out and getting a shitty dev. Both of their faults for not overseeing the project from start to finish and fixing the issue before release. Out of the two, capcom should of been the first to notice the issues and make a stink about it.
If I had to say, it was all capcom's executive who didn't give two shits. The likelyhood of capcom FGC division knowing there were issues are very high. It either means capcom didn't bother pushing the issue enough or sony not giving a shit and burning bridges. What sounds more likely given capcoms executive's record?
Kinda upset that the sony mvp program gaf members didnt mention any issues when they had the game like a week early
Why are people saying sf5 is in fall of 2016?
Capcom said the release window is first quarter 2016 I thought.... Did that change?
You'd think when someone says "input lag is completely eliminated" they would know that the player base they are selling to would automatically know that its not the case.
Where exactly was the communication during the development of this port? For Sony to let it out like this, and seemingly no one, even the people developing it, Other Ocean to understand the backlash for this kind of thing.
Start button prompts on the title screen? Really? Where was the quality control?
Because of how confident they were that this version was the ultimate version of the game, it makes me wonder if Sony uploaded an old version of the game that was being developed to their serves by mistake.
The fact that 360 is now being used in a tournament which Sony spent a good chunk of dough on to begin their plan of associating Street Fighter with Playstation is nightmare PR enough. That prize money and the PS4 port itself are essentially wasted investments at a crucial time leading up to SFV.
While I'm not without sympathy for Sony, since it was a well-intended gesture which just happened to blow up in their faces really hard, the shame they face is entirely deserved at the end of the day, particularly when they literally lied to us.
Unless SFV has like 6-8 characters, we're not getting a console release until fall 2016.
People are concerning about SF5 because of this USF4 fuck up.
As far as we know SF5 is still on track for Q1 2016
CanadaIs Other Ocean a US company ?
Would Sony sue them, I wonder.
LOL, Sony blew it. BIG.
Though it's best for Capcom & EVO to use the Xbox 360 version, because if they use the PS4 version, it would greatly embarass Sony beyond belief. They can't afford negative PR like that.
Yeah, I bought it the moment it came out, why? Because This was going to be the new tournament standard, I bought a brand new stick for this port and was planning to go to evo this year for fun. And on the sony blog, they made the claim that this was going to be the definitive version. This game has come out on a total of 4 platforms and has gone through 4 revisions, under what circumstance was anyone to believe that anyone could possibly fuck this port up?
Why not the PS3 then?
From what I experienced even the Arcade have input lag compared with 360... looks like the 360 is the best version in terms of gameplay (not graphics of course).
Kinda upset that the sony mvp program gaf members didnt mention any issues when they had the game like a week early
They would have noticed how slow menu Lag is.why? just because they are "mvp" members doesn't mean they are hardcore fighting game /sf4 fans and would necessarily notice this stuff.
They would have noticed how slow menu Lag is.
They would have noticed how slow menu Lag is.
Don't the fighting people hate 360 controller for fighting games?
This should be good lol
Has sony said anything about fixing the game?