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Fallout 4 |OT| Atom Bomb Baby

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N° 2048

Wait, you've been playing for 40 hours, and not been to Diamond City? Christ, you must have done shitloads of sidequests.

How are you only lvl 14 with 40 hours played?

I'm at 35 hours and level 26 lol.

A lot of slow exploring...rofl...I explore every possible corner before I leave a place. For reference, I spent 2 hours in Super Duper Mart making sure I got everything. Also spent A LOT of time building settlements. (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1140728)

Gaming OCD -.-

Fallout is life.
Mod that shit! Go to a weapons bench (there's one at Sanctuary, among many other places) and you can increase damage, accuracy, add silencers, and a bunch of other stuff.

If only i had the right materials, not yet. And it's possible i do have the materials, but it could be in one of the many different weapon benches, and these aren't shared, are they?

Weapon modding. Dump all your junk to a weapons work bench and mod a away. Remember workbenches are exclusive to each other. Its not a Resident Evil magic box. So consolidate all your junk to one workbench.

Ah yes, i should make a habit of simply fast traveling to one workbench as soon as i can't carry any more stuff.
A lot of slow exploring...rofl...I explore every possible corner before I leave a place.

For reference, I spent 2 hours in Super Duper Mart making sure I got everything. Gaming OCD -.-

Also spent A LOT of time building settlement. (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1140728)

Fallout is life. I went to bed at 4am and slept for 3 hours. I'm ready.

I started off that way and still do explore every place, however I had to start doing quests as I have like 20 in my questlog and I am level 29.
Mirelurk Queen was ridiculously OP. It took me about an hour, and several retries to take her out since her acid spit was a one hit kill.

I got lucky and lured her into town, where she got into a fight with a Legendary Synth Patroller and a 3 man squad of Gunners(who were friendly for some reason). They only drop her to 50% health before she turned them into goop. After that I spent 20 minutes trying to position a Vertibird so I could use the turret on her, she went down shortly thereafter. Overall, good fight.


I'm already lvl 28 with 30 hours on the clock and only done a handful of missions (I haven't started doing the main story in Diamond City). That Idiot Savant perk is glorious.


Are there any good tutorials for the settlement building? Always end up with walls sticking out over the ground as it's difficult to make them fit the surface area. :(
If only i had the right materials, not yet. And it's possible i do have the materials, but it could be in one of the many different weapon benches, and these aren't shared, are they?

Yeah, you need Local Leader (charisma perk) for settlements to share resources. For low charisma characters like mine, I just always make sure to deposit my junk into Sanctuary.


Man oh man I just keep getting new companions. It's like there's a companion for every kind of person. Where's my bird companion?


I'm 44 hours in and just made it to Diamond City......its just too easy to get sidetracked and just go exploring,looting and crafting.

My base is so shit and I don't even care, I've spent hours on it, It's crazy.

Def getting my money's worth for a change.


You can fail the relationship option?

I picked up Cait and we've been chumming around. She's great!

She finally trusts me enough to tell me her problems and about her personal mission.

We travel across the map. Face a horde of Ghouls. Then a Deathclaw, then not one, not 2 but THREE Assualtrons (2 at the same time) and a whole legion of Gunners.

And near the end of her quest she tells me how shes never been able to trust someone before and she really cares about me and wants to know how I feel.

So I get the yellow option to tell her "I love you". And with my CHA 6 I FAIL it and she rejects me. I was actually hurt by this.

Sigh. Felt like my dating life before I got married. What the hell fantasy game?

How do you have a romance system that comes down to... whatever the CHA system is (I never seem to pass these without CHA gear and my nat CHA is 6!)?

I dont know if I will get the chance again or if its just done but wow it really sucked to get rejected heh.
I started building my house (more like compound) last night. I need to restock on materials though. I'm using one of the ruined house foundations in Sanctuary then building up, above the existing houses, then expanding it out. It will be a place of luxury while my settlers scrounge for food outside. What's the best way to do interior walls?


Combat rifle is amazing and I have a nearly endless supply of .45 ammo. Nice. Also had a silenced sniper drop so I can move the suppressor over to my sniper before hitting gun nut rank 3.


I can't help but wonder if there are any mods for New Vegas that pre-empted or inspired how amazingly convenient the new looting method is in F4. From the lack of waiting times to the conveniently sorted list that lets you take ammo and consumables first, it would be a big step back to return to New Vegas.

While I'm enjoying F4, I want to go back and do a second run of New Vegas. I was always a fan of F3's world and I didn't 100% "get" the love for NV, but F4 has retroactively made NV better. I don't really know why, maybe it's the 4 dialogue option thing. Despite it's orangeness that I need to re-mod out (TTW somehow broke while left unattended so I'll start again), I will revisit it. But I need something to make it smoother. Skyrim had the fantastic auto-loot/harvest mods where you pick and choose what to auto loot like ammo, plants and gold (even make it a spell if you want it to be a bit more lore-friendly), but New Vegas' mods aren't quite as good. (Fake edit: there is one that looks pretty good and has MCM support as of earlier this year, maybe I'll just use that).


So I got Gift of Gab with Piper last night, now if I switch to another companion and work on that relationship, will I still her perk active?
Are there any good tutorials for the settlement building? Always end up with walls sticking out over the ground as it's difficult to make them fit the surface area. :(

The basement thats left over if you completely scrap a house is not meant to be used as the floor of the basement if you can say it like that. There are special floors that are meant to be used as the basement and walls will then correctly snap onto them. Took me a while to figure it out...
So I discovered a building downtown which ran pretty poorly on PS4
Hallucinogenic building

Other than that, I haven't really been bothered by any dips.

N° 2048

The basement thats left over if you completely scrap a house is not meant to be used as the floor of the basement if you can say it like that. There are special floors that are meant to be used as the basement and walls will then correctly snap onto them. Took me a while to figure it out...

Basement? Do you mean the Foundation Floors? Yea you stick em underground and create a raised foundation.


I've spent 1600 caps on the expensive medic stand to have easy access to medical supplies, but the settler in charge of the stand got stuck while I assigned her to the store... Great first impression on the new job!

Yeah, you need Local Leader (charisma perk) for settlements to share resources. For low charisma characters like mine, I just always make sure to deposit my junk into Sanctuary.

Yep. Sounds like the best idea for sure.

By the way, i LOVE the audio in this game. From the sounds of certain enemies creeping up on you (Feral Ghouls, Mirelurks) to environmental sounds, the music, the lovely powerful gun sounds.



i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.
Was traveling on a side of the map I hadn't seen yet, stumbled into the swamps and found Quincy.

Needless to say, I was hopelessly overencumbered by the time I was done there.

Also, I had the Mysterious Stranger show up and not kill his target twice in a row. :lol Two Mutant Hounds, he took 'em down to a sliver of health and they both survived.
i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.

I feel like this 'free pass' people keep talking about is ridiculous. Anywhere you look they are getting called out on the bugs. It dominated the first week of discussion.
i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass?

Free pass? Bugs in this game have been discussed at length since the release, both by gaming sites and on forums. How is that a free pass? Even here on Neogaf, there has been at least 4 long specific threads about bugs and glitches.


i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.

What are your specs? I am using an Intel i7 3700 with gtx 670 everything ultra with steady 60fps. Which I believe barely I'd above minimum specs. Not a single crash since launch. Had a few bugs but no crashes.

Sounds like it is specific to your machine.
i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.

Are you on pc?

I thought people were having less issues on pc generally? Maybe try reinstalling your os or drivers? May be a local issue?


i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.

The key part in that is "for me". A lot of people will just see small bugs here and there, some with render things unfinishable. Unlike Batman, which was just a shitshow for almost everyone unless you had a very specific spec.

It's had just as much outrage about the bugs, last weeks front page was covered in it. But if the press don't experience what you are, but mentioned the bugs and performance issues they did have, how can they judge it on that?


Neo Member
i dont get it. this game is unplayable for me, never had so many crashes and problems and still Bethesda gets a free pass? this game is even in worse shape than Batman Arkham Knight or AC Unity and for that games there was a huge shitstorm from fans and press. im waiting for a patch to adress the most critical bugs and nothing. not even a single word from Bethesda when a new patch will be released. fuck them. this was my last Bethesda game.

This game has been far less buggy than either of those games for me. Don't get me wrong there are some bugs but nothing that has hampered my enjoyment of the game. It just be your computer.


No bald cap? Lies!
Hey, bro marsh. I am level 21 at 65hrs. So I am probably worse than you are lol!


My ocd does not fuck around.

Wow I've played that long as well, but I'm level 56 and I've tried my best to take my time in every location to see and find everything.
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