He deserves it.
Good to know.
He deserves it.
No, all I'm saying is that the Tekken brand and characters don't have enough popularity to stand on their own. Street Fighter a more well known property, so putting a guest character in it puts more eyes on the game, and expands the audience to SF fans too.
My guess is that this is because Tekken isn't really making that much money, but it's just a guess.
No, all I'm saying is that the Tekken brand and characters don't have enough popularity to stand on their own. Street Fighter a more well known property, so putting a guest character in it puts more eyes on the game, and expands the audience to SF fans too.
My guess is that this is because Tekken isn't really making that much money, but it's just a guess.
Is this a PC version or something? I don't remember the graphics looking this good.
Damn. Well that only means I'll thoroughly enjoy beating the shit out of this Jin dude.
He deserves it.
After the whole Mika thing this is pretty hilarious
He deserves it.
Tekken brand has been standing well on its own for 20 years.
There has been a decline in console sales but it still sells well enough. TTT2 sold close to 2 million. A lot of fighting games wish they could reach that number.
The developers have also indicated that Tekken 7 is the most successful arcade Tekken title in franchise history and I imagine it's because they've added features like revenge match and have higher prices.
The current game exists in arcade
Harada a while ago mentioned graphical improvements, along with story stuff and other suprises. My guess being those redesigns and akuma and possible other fight streeters and some stuff we can't guess.
Tekken definitely has a storied history, just I don't think the brand is that relevant anymore. I don't know much about Arcade sales, but it's only relevant to Japan's shrinking arcade market.
TTT2 selling 2 million isn't bad though. I wonder if Tekken 7 will keep up the trend. I also wish I knew how the F2P Tekken did.
Will the arcades be upgraded to these graphics?
How would you feel if Akuma had high damage/low HP like in Street Fighter?
Who said they were scrapping TxSF?Scrapping TxSF might be a really smart move. Throw it all in T7 so you're not competing against your own game.
Really hope they nail the online. I'd love a perfect online T7 and SFV next year.
When's ps4
Gonna say it right now:
Unreal is the best thing to happen to the Japanese games industry in a long, long time.
Gonna say it right now:
Unreal is the best thing to happen to the Japanese games industry in a long, long time.
I think it's a pretty cool plot twist. And honestly is it anymore ridiculous than the Mishima family starting WWIII?
I don't mean 'ridiculous' in terms of silly; that's Tekken's bread and butter. I mean that Harada allowed Street Fighter to basically co-opt the Tekken narrative at the point where the 20 year long story is finally wrapping up. It's a 1000x bigger troll move by Harada than Lucky Chloe.
It wouldn't be selling 2 million if it wasn't relevant anymore.
And that 2 million figure is for a spin off series that released at the very end of a console generation in the same year as Dead or Alive 5, Virtua Fighter 5: FS, new Blazblue, Skullgirls, SoulCalibur V, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Persona 4 Arena. 2012 was jam packed with fighters so 2 million is pretty good considering the competition.
And as I mentioned, the most recent title has been a huge success in the arcades.
It's very relevant as a franchise. It wouldn't be getting a sequel if it was dead in the water.
In their financial report released today, Namco-Bandai specified that Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has fallen short of their expected sales for the title. Namco was hoping that the game would have hit 1.7 million copies shipped to retailers at the end of March 2013, but it ended up short with only 1.5 million copies shipped.
It's getting a sequel but from what I understand, the budget is pretty low for a game made in 2015. Namco also said TTT2 missed targets on release. Out performed by Soul Calibur, of all things...
Putting a Akuma in will definitely draw in new fans, although I wonder how much it will change the downward trend. When you're selling 8.3 million copies of Tekken 3 in 1997, plus profits from the much more vibrant arcade scene at that time, you're looking at a much larger profit. Considering how much AAA games cost these days, I bet those guys are under a lot of pressure to deliver a lot with a little.
Gonna say it right now:
Unreal is the best thing to happen to the Japanese games industry in a long, long time.
Tekken Tag 2 deserves so much more success. What an incredible game. Netcode was damn near perfect too. Me and my boys have spent too many hours playing 4 player matches with beers.
I wonder what From Software could do with it.
If tekken characters started showing up in SF on the regular, would that be an acceptable trade off?
Tekken 7 and Ace Combat 7, can we get a ----- ----- 8 to complete the trifecta ?
They announced Akuma before my main man Lee.
Harada with the priorities.
Yeah. Dude was good, now he's a dick like the rest of the males in his family. Shame too, he destructed their fighting style in Tekken 4 to the point of being too awesome, but he became a dick afterwards in the sequels.
They announced Akuma before my main man Lee.
Harada with the priorities.
Tekken in general has this annoying obsession with making characters randomly switch intentions. It's not even in a grey area for some, it's just "I am bored of being evil/good!!"
I don't think that's the case.
Good luck.
It's getting a sequel but from what I understand, the budget is pretty low for a game made in 2015. Namco also said TTT2 missed targets on release. Out performed by Soul Calibur, of all things...