Smiles and Cries
those top secret riddle missions even with a guid ugh 
I fucking hate Tatsu. I'd take Riki back in a heartbeat.
tatsu is the worst.
Literally every. single. fucking. Noppon is better than him.
I'd kill and eat tatsu if it meant I could bring lularita in my party.
I fucking hate Tatsu. I'd take Riki back in a heartbeat.
Fuck Tatsu and his cringey, terrible, weird lines. I hate him. I wish there was a sidequest to permanently kill him off. Or bake him.
I'd take Koko too. Mamapons are tough.Tatsu took me from being lukewarm-at-best towards Riki to actively begging for him to come back. He's that bad.
I think Koko's more endearing. The only bad thing about her is that she gave birth to that disgrace.
Tatsu is fine. It's Lin that is terrible. All the worst Tatsu things come from Lin being "lol you food lol ololololololol".
Every single story mission beginning cutscene
Lin: What eat?
Lin: aight
Tatsu: What cook?
Lin: hurrr hurrr Tatsu
Tatsu: Tatsu not for eating
(somewhere among the Wii U owners who owns this, a single dude is laughing everytime he hears this exchange)
Chapter 8 is my favorite so far because it interrupts this bullshit
[see what happens]
[throw Tatsu at the projectile to prevent it from hitting people that matter]
My dream is that at the end of the game a piece of debri is gonna hit someone important and you get the choice
Then tatsu gets hit. And as he's dying he whispers for you to come closer
"Now... tatsu is for eating"
Then the final scene is everyone having a party having some Tat-stew
My dream is that at the end of the game a piece of debri is gonna hit someone important and you get the choice
Then tatsu gets hit. And as he's dying he whispers for you to come closer
"Now... tatsu is for eating"
Then the final scene is everyone having a party having some Tat-stew
Sylvanum was great for me because it stormed the entire way there and the fog parted right when I was crossing the final land bridge with the continent in sight. It was kind of magical.
So, I just about always hate comic relief characters in RPGs....
But fuck me if Tatsu ain't awesome and fun. Someone give that potato a gun and let him join the squad!
Could someone please explain divisions. Do they each have their own quests? And should you stick to one?
Could someone please explain divisions. Do they each have their own quests? And should you stick to one?
Only real problem I'm having is trying to get my exploration percentage up in order to get further missions. Like I'm going to the areas the handheld screen says I haven't activated yet, exploring and using the camera to explore evwey part of that area but I can't seem where to install the probe. There's no beam of light anywhere.
have not missed the breast slider since my all ladies team looks great AKA Tatsu's Angels
but damn the Japanese version must be insane if the default was the middle of the slider
Only real problem I'm having is trying to get my exploration percentage up in order to get further missions. Like I'm going to the areas the handheld screen says I haven't activated yet, exploring and using the camera to explore evwey part of that area but I can't seem where to install the probe. There's no beam of light anywhere.
what's the magic button i need to push to pull the camera away from my character? it's way too close and everything gets pretty wonky pretty quick.
what's the magic button i need to push to pull the camera away from my character? it's way too close and everything gets pretty wonky pretty quick.
what's the magic button i need to push to pull the camera away from my character? it's way too close and everything gets pretty wonky pretty quick.
what's the magic button i need to push to pull the camera away from my character? it's way too close and everything gets pretty wonky pretty quick.
just don't forget to collect your daily division rewards they have good stuff
just don't forget to collect your daily division rewards they have good stuff
That's about what I've got. I make about 32k a pop, any more than that seems like it would take a crazy amount of optimization.
tatsu is the worst.
Literally every. single. fucking. Noppon is better than him.
I'd kill and eat tatsu if it meant I could bring lularita in my party.
You people are just jealous of his greatness!I fucking hate Tatsu. I'd take Riki back in a heartbeat.
Fuck Tatsu and his cringey, terrible, weird lines. I hate him. I wish there was a sidequest to permanently kill him off. Or bake him.
How does one do this? :O
L then move the stick to zoom out.
Hold L, move right joystick up and down.
Hold L and move the control stick up/right and down/left to zoom in and out. L also recenters the camera behind the characters back. The default camera speed is very slow though.
Some are in caves or very high peaks.
I had almost forgotten about the breast slider removal until now. Man. What a shame.
Ahhh ok. Didn't know some were in caves so that helps to know. I have seen some on incredibly high places that no amount of abusing the super jump would get me to, and there was one way up above but there was a tiny walkway to get to it, and a high level aggro monster at the very end, blocking me from getting to it.They can be in caves or under overhangs as well. There are also some that are simply not possible to get until you have a flying Skell so don't stress it too much.
Ahhh ok. Didn't know some were in caves so that helps to know. I have seen some on incredibly high places that no amount of abusing the super jump would get me to, and there was one way up above but there was a tiny walkway to get to it, and a high level aggro monster at the very end, blocking me from getting to it.
When online, go to barracks and go to the multiplayer console. The division activity lets you see the rankings and the daily rewards you get.
I love the 30k per day reward for my division.
Who made the decision to slow down the camera movement indoors and not let you adjjust though? Because fuck that guy
I only have the first two. I wish I could get the refuel ticket, but it's always greyed out.
Every single story mission beginning cutscene
Lin: What eat?
Lin: aight
Tatsu: What cook?
Lin: hurrr hurrr Tatsu
Tatsu: Tatsu not for eating
(somewhere among the Wii U owners who owns this, a single dude is laughing everytime he hears this exchange)
Who made the decision to slow down the camera movement indoors and not let you adjjust though? Because fuck that guy
Finally beat the main story. Other people have laid out their thoughts and I would agree with the majority that X is a big downgrade from Xenoblade. Cons would be unrelatable and annoying characters, silent protagonist is a massive downgrade from shulk, idiotic QoL choices like party members not leveling with you, nonsensical main story, strange music issues, and less fluid combat overall.
The things it does better are obviously the addition of skells, the otherworld design and exploration which I thoroughly enjoyed.
It's a mixed bag and a 7/10 game imo. Just an average experience.
i mean if we're getting to it guys...
there's no reason that your division shouldn't be prospectors if you care about daily rewards. They are WAY above and beyond the leaders of the divisions which means you're likely to get more tickets faster and you get options to all of the rewards.
what majority, exactly? the impressions here have been glowing