Coded Heroin
[PS4] 1740K
[XB1] 1460K
[WiiU] 340K
[XB1] 1460K
[WiiU] 340K
Vince Ingenito from IGN is great, but yikes...just listened to his prediction for sales in 2016 on the most recent GameScoop. He thinks the Xbox One is going to close the gap a lot in 2016 (though not all the way). One of the other guys on the panel was agreeing too. It's interesting to me sometimes to see how out of touch people in the industry can be in terms of sales. One of Vince's arguments is that PS4 had a weak 2015 with exclusives and Xbox One has been righting the ship (I personally actually preferred PS4's lineup). This makes no sense since you should be looking at the 2016 lineup when predicting the sales, if exclusives even do matter much.
The greatest games lineup in 2015 was so great that it will have an aftereffect in 2016 that will allow the X1 to finally catch up to PS4.Vince Ingenito from IGN is great, but yikes...just listened to his prediction for sales in 2016 on the most recent GameScoop. He thinks the Xbox One is going to close the gap a lot in 2016 (though not all the way). One of the other guys on the panel was agreeing too. It's interesting to me sometimes to see how out of touch people in the industry can be in terms of sales. One of Vince's arguments is that PS4 had a weak 2015 with exclusives and Xbox One has been righting the ship (I personally actually preferred PS4's lineup). This makes no sense since you should be looking at the 2016 lineup when predicting the sales, if exclusives even do matter much.
Vince Ingenito from IGN is great, but yikes...just listened to his prediction for sales in 2016 on the most recent GameScoop. He thinks the Xbox One is going to close the gap a lot in 2016 (though not all the way). One of the other guys on the panel was agreeing too. It's interesting to me sometimes to see how out of touch people in the industry can be in terms of sales. One of Vince's arguments is that PS4 had a weak 2015 with exclusives and Xbox One has been righting the ship (I personally actually preferred PS4's lineup). This makes no sense since you should be looking at the 2016 lineup when predicting the sales, if exclusives even do matter much.
Why would PSVR flopping negatively impact the PS4 in NA?He doesn't know anything and he is most likely talking about NA numbers. It could be possible in the NA market if Sony's gamble on PSVR back fires.
Even if the PSVR backfires badly, it would only be seen as an accessory (I think it is more than that, but as far as impact the very worst would be badly selling VR titles) with low sales.He doesn't know anything and he is most likely talking about NA numbers. It could be possible in the NA market if Sony's gamble on PSVR back fires.
Why would PSVR flopping negatively impact the PS4 in NA?
Sorry, I'm not sure what you're saying there.Are you referring to the ratio of sales between the US:UK? I had already agreed with you that yes, the UK has slowed down when looking to June 2015. This was because of the fact that the Xbox One had serious sales in November 2014, and the UK was a price war between the Xbox One and PS4. I then took the discussion of not the ratio between the US:UK, but how the UK would be performing to what it did in 2014 to what it would be doing in 2015. That was the point of the post I linked to. Trying to find a minimum of what the Xbox One would be WW.
Yeah, my bad. I didn't bother to divide initially, but no, that's not a huge difference.That's a 5% difference in performance
It's doing pretty bad in Italy too, right? I realize we're talking about smaller and less significant markets here, but that's sorta my point, actually; these markets appear to be down, but they're not hugely significant either way. Germany and France together don't do half of what UK does. And since UK is far and away Bone's strongest non-US market, if it's pacing behind the US, I don't know why you'd assume things have gone any better for Bone on the mainland.And with Spain, yeah it is where the Xbox One probably performs the worst out of the original 13 countries, but I would not use that as the rule, but rather an exception.
Oh, so that was a Latecomer Takes Lead article? Okay, that makes sense, thanks. How credible is this source? I only ask because a lot of sources were reporting 100k day-one sales for Bone as though that were true too. It's hard for me to judge, not being able to read the source myself, sorry. Not really looking to discard the number or anything; just curious.That was as of the end of April. So 8 months of Xbox One sales and I believe just 1 month for the PS4.
But my point is that if mighty Japan, Emperor of Tier 2, is a mere rounding error, it's hard to argue that T2 accounts for at least a million extra Bones. Is it possible? Sure, but a great many things are possible. I'd be more inclined to believe that Japan and China account for more than half of T2's sales on their own, much like Germany, France, Spain, and Italy combined don't come close to equaling the UK.I probably (definitely) could've worded this section better, but I wasn't trying to prop up a strawman or anything of the sort, or even suggest that the Xbox One for sure sold X number in Tier 2 and it is that number.
Japan might be big for Nintendo, Sony, and mobile, but they are not for Microsoft. Never have been, and certainly not now with the Xbox One. Japan made up about 2% of the total sales for both the Xbox and 360, but now it's not even 1% for the Xbox One. It's a rounding error.
On its own.
And that is where I'm trying to get at. All these tiny countries in comparison to the US/UK/Canada (yes Canada) that when you look at them individually, they are miniscule. Combined though? They start adding up, and trying to establish a minimum of what a country might sell, taking that number, and trying to establish a minimum for an entire group, is better than the attempts at saying "Hard to believe it's selling THAT well in the ROTW".
There is a point where these countries start adding up, especially after 2 holiday seasons.
Yeah, that's kinda what I've been saying. I do like your overall strategy of estimating the split in Tier 1, then adding "some amount" for Tier 2, but yeah, a million is probably a bit generous for the latter. Once we get NPD, I figure I'll make a little table showing a range of possible splits for T1, and people can just choose their favorite. Then the table can serve as a makeshift bias-o-meter, additionally verified by the value they then add for T2. lolWe're 4 days away from NPD, and hopefully in that period we get updates on some Euro countries, so until then I guess it is pointless to try and figure this stuff out now.
Because they might focus most of their resources towards PSVR to make that a success and ignore other areas? MS might portray that as a negative and use that for their marketing campaign. I say NA because that and the UK are the only markets that MS has any chance of coming back from a sales perspective.
Just call it around 35% and it will be close enough for internet arguments.Since the NPD is almost here ( only 4 days to go), and since we discussed so much of what are the XB1 sales in US compared to the rest of world, i thought could be cool talk about the PS4 sales in the US compared to rest of world too.
I already maked this comment, but i repost it if someone missed it, since i will update this comment when the NPD is out.
We also know that by 22 November 2015 the PS4 has sold 30.20 million WW, and is at 10.85 million in the US, but there is a week of difference, normally that's not that important, but when we talk a week like BlackFriday, i don't think we can make a comparation.
That said, we now know that the PS4 is at 35.90 million unit sold WorldWide by 3 January 2016, and NPD numbers for December 2015 are 29 November to 2 January if i'm correct.
So, in 4 days, we will have an update of what is the US ratio by end of last year for the PS4.
If my 1.5 million prediction is right, PS4 will be at 12.35m in the US, and the US ratio will be ~34.4%.
Or, with other possible result:
1.2m = 33.6%
1.3m = 33.9%
1.4m = 34.2%
1.6m = 34.7%
1.7m = 35.0%
1.8m = 35.3%
1.9m = 35.5%
2.0m = 35.8%
Because they might focus most of their resources towards PSVR to make that a success and ignore other areas? MS might portray that as a negative and use that for their marketing campaign. I say NA because that and the UK are the only markets that MS has any chance of coming back from a sales perspective.
Again, I currently have one of the highest number for WiiU with a 13% drop from last year (which I feels is super conservative). Why is EVERYONE over 50% drop YOY?!?! I must have missed a very important retail insight or everyone is on crazy pills (or just I am^^).
Again, I currently have one of the highest number for WiiU with a 13% drop from last year (which I feels is super conservative). Why is EVERYONE over 50% drop YOY?!?! I must have missed a very important retail insight or everyone is on crazy pills (or just I am^^).
He doesn't know anything and he is most likely talking about NA numbers. It could be possible in the NA market if Sony's gamble on PSVR back fires.
Vince Ingenito from IGN is great, but yikes...just listened to his prediction for sales in 2016 on the most recent GameScoop. He thinks the Xbox One is going to close the gap a lot in 2016 (though not all the way). One of the other guys on the panel was agreeing too. It's interesting to me sometimes to see how out of touch people in the industry can be in terms of sales. One of Vince's arguments is that PS4 had a weak 2015 with exclusives and Xbox One has been righting the ship (I personally actually preferred PS4's lineup). This makes no sense since you should be looking at the 2016 lineup when predicting the sales, if exclusives even do matter much.
Again, I currently have one of the highest number for WiiU with a 13% drop from last year (which I feels is super conservative). Why is EVERYONE over 50% drop YOY?!?! I must have missed a very important retail insight or everyone is on crazy pills (or just I am^^).
[WIU} 240K
November 2013 to February 2015
So, in 4 days, we will have an update of what is the US ratio by end of last year for the PS4.
If my 1.5 million prediction is right, PS4 will be at 12.35m in the US, and the US ratio will be ~34.4%.
Or, with other possible result:
1.2m = 33.6%
1.3m = 33.9%
1.4m = 34.2%
1.6m = 34.7%
1.7m = 35.0%
1.8m = 35.3%
1.9m = 35.5%
2.0m = 35.8%
I think most are expecting it will be down because NX is on its way and the bundles/discounts in November didn't seem to do much of anything.
I think most are expecting it will be down because NX is on its way and the bundles/discounts in November didn't seem to do much of anything.
I think most are assuming that Wii U/3DS will have the same kind of nearly flat Nov->Dec transition that PS4/XB1 will likely have. They probably aren't taking the differing historical transitions of the consoles in Nov->Dec into account, then. For example, you have Wii U at 417K, which is ~75% MOM increase from November. The three previous predictions on this page show 240K, 210K, 250K, and 270K, which would all be about flat from November MOM.
Does the general consumer even know that the NX exists?
Isn't that whole Nintendo conference debate precisely about the best avenue to let the public know that there's a new system at all? But now that same new unknown system is affecting sales in Dec '15?
Vince Ingenito from IGN is great, but yikes...just listened to his prediction for sales in 2016 on the most recent GameScoop. He thinks the Xbox One is going to close the gap a lot in 2016 (though not all the way). One of the other guys on the panel was agreeing too. It's interesting to me sometimes to see how out of touch people in the industry can be in terms of sales. One of Vince's arguments is that PS4 had a weak 2015 with exclusives and Xbox One has been righting the ship (I personally actually preferred PS4's lineup). This makes no sense since you should be looking at the 2016 lineup when predicting the sales, if exclusives even do matter much.
I'd read a couple of your articles. Have you considered writing for Forbes or something?and people call me crazy. So unjust is this world. ;(
and he is associate editor. Can i get deputy associate editor post?
I think most are expecting it will be down because NX is on its way and the bundles/discounts in November didn't seem to do much of anything.
Heads up your WIIU estimate is closed with the wrong character. Might wanna fix that.
Cheers! Very helpful. Personally I'm thinking they'll be ~1600k for December. Do you happen to have any WW split data for XB1?
I'd read a couple of your articles. Have you considered writing for Forbes or something?
I think the UK has fallen off pace from where it was at, compared to the US, back in May 2015. How much so? Ehhhh idk.Okay, Welfare, dig this. We figured that coming out of October '14, UK was outpacing US by 44%, right? But over the course of Nov '14 through June '15, the UK lead shrank to 11%. So in the intervening eight months, UK was only averaging 70% of the US pace. (I'm "arbitrarily" lumping November '14 in to the second sample, on the assumption that the bulk of that month's sales were captured in the second sample, giving us a "ten month" and an "eight month" sample of UK sales. Keeps the math simple.)
Okay, so there are two ways we can look at the drop in the UK. It could be a one-time course correction, immediately shifting to a 70% pace and holding there. If we project that 70% pace out over six more months, they'd end 2015 in a dead heat with the US.
On the other hand, if the drop in the UK wasn't a one-time correction but instead a gradual decline, that would paint a different picture at the end of 2015. For example, maybe UK didn't see quite the boost US got Holiday '14, and didn't sustain its holiday sales as well in to 2015 as the US did. So they may have been at 100% of US pace in December, and 40% of US pace in June, giving the 70% average over the eight months. (Ass-sourced numbers that may or may not actually work.) So if UK was on such a downslope that continued through the end of the year, then they should indeed be behind the US pace through end-of-2015, though how much is behind anyone's guess without monthly UK data to track.
So, does that seem like the two most likely results for the UK coming out of 2015? The former seems a bit idyllic to be probable, but can we agree the best UK can probably hope for versus 2103 is flat, and "down some small amount" is at least equally likely if not a bit more so? Pending actual numbers from UK, obviously.
Just to clarify, do you mean down from the x1.11 it was at, or down from the 70% average that brought it from x1.44 to x1.11? Like I said, if you just project that 70% out to the end of the year, the best they'd end up at is x1.008, and if you apply any kind of natural curve to the decline, they'd be behind the US. So, less than or equal to x1, basically.I think the UK has fallen off pace from where it was at, compared to the US, back in May 2015. How much so? Ehhhh idk.
[3DS] 400K
[PS4] 1900K
[WIU] 280K
[XB1] 1400K
Playing it conservative and giving a boost to all over November. Going a little stronger for PS4 to take into account my belief that the TFA translates into Battlefront bunduru sales spike.
Just to clarify, do you mean down from the x1.11 it was at, or down from the 70% average that brought it from x1.44 to x1.11?
This deserve a thread.Did anyone read this PAL NPD?
I originally had my PS4 prediction that high but reduced it for 2 reasons.
1) PS4 November NPD numbers were probably artificially higher due to preorders for BF and BO3 being shifted into the month from prior months. I guesstimated (based on absolutely nothing) a 200k bump and had to back that out first before using November to predict December.
2) Battlefront bundle sales also spiked when it was released in November so the spike is already baked into the November numbers. I wouldn't expect and additional bump over November sales due to the movie release.
Did anyone read this PAL NPD?
Did anyone read this PAL NPD?