If you like the game, and there are plenty of us who do, no amount of explanation of other people's dislikes is going to make us change our opinion. Especially when most of the complaints are completely subjective value judgements.
Telling people what they like is "wrong" is never going to fly.
I'm not saying people are wrong for liking it or trying to change people's opinions. I'm glad people like it, and overall I still think it's a good game. There is just a disappointment I felt when I played through it and while I own bloodborne and ds1 there is no reason for me to revisit it.
My point was I don't understand how people can say they literally don't understand the complaints because a lot of them are objective facts that they don't like.
It's fact that the level design is inconsistent and makes no logical sense.
It's fact that the movement has huge dead zones on ps4 version at least.
It's fact that you have to fight way more groups of enemies.
It's fact that a lot of the bosses have very similar move sets.
If you say you cant understand these issues then I find that strange. If you say they don't effect your enjoyment then that's fine and an entirely different argument.
It does some thing better as well though. It's way easier to start a build suited for you early on in this game because you don't have to scour the world for embers where you can't make a fire weapon till the end of the game for example.
You get more materials to level up more gear which is nice.
You get more weight allowance before you get a really slow roll allowing more armour options
There are several things like this that I feel are better in ds2. However those don't help my personal enjoyment when I dont find the level design or encounter design very fun.
There is a reason this game is so divisive.
Dead mans wharf is it? I made it through there, opened up the shortcut, took on flexible sentry, got beat. Then I lost lots of souls twice.
I'm kinda tempted to go back least till I beat the sentry, but, I dunno. Its driving me mad.
What build are you doing? Maybe try some magic? Maybe a hybrid or magic and melee.
I guess I don't see that as a problem in DSII. I love the duel style fights. I think that's where Dark Souls style combat shines.
I don't really agree that circle strafing works on all the bosses in DSII. You can't walk your way around Sir Alonne or The Fume Knight.
What I loved about DSII, is that the bosses forced me to play differently. Even the duel style fights force you to change your combat style. It was brilliant. Bloodborne is the definition of play the same for each fight. Dodge, attack, retreat. Repeat. Don't get me wrong, it's still difficult, the timing varies, the fights are still crazy fun, but you're never requires to alter your tactics between bosses. I never thought "maybe this weapon combination would be better" but I found I was constantly swapping weapons in DSII. Some fights I'd rock a shield and mace. Others I'd use a single large blade. Some I even took a spear or fast thrusting sabre. Once I found the weapon I enjoyed in Bloodborne, I never wanted to change it. There was no need.
I didn't circle strafe any bosses in ds2 really. But I used the same set up and tactics for almost all of them. Dodge the attacks. Wait for the 2-3 attacks that have a big opening for a hit or 2. Back off and repeat. You don't need a different set up for any bosses at all. However all the humanoid bosses were very very similar. A charge lunge style attack (gap closer) a 2-3 hit combo. And over head smash and some kind of magic AOE attack. It got really boring seeing it over and over again. At least the DLC humanoid bosses had larger movesets.
Saying all that I have certainly watched videos of people who absolutely did just circle strafe fumey and alonne.