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This "I'm a progressive but if Hillary is the nominee, I'm not voting" shit is stale

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Honorary Canadian.
Any Bernie supporter who doesn't vote for Hillary in the general is a traitor to progressivism. I mean this sincerely. If Trump wins because a portion of the Left stays home throwing a temper tantrum and leaves Hillary out to dry, then fuck em. They deserve to rot. And every woman that dies from a back alley abortion and every soldier sent to die in Iran? Their blood is on your hands. You could have done something and instead, out of spite, decided to take your ball and go home.

I truly believe most liberals know this, though. I believe that it's a long time between now and November, and people will cool down and become more rational.


It really pains me how many people give no fucks about either not voting, or throwing the vote away on a third party candidate. It really pains me.

Honestly, people voting for a third party candidate is significantly less frustrating than not voting at all or voting for Trump. At least then they might also shoot in a vote to get rid of some of the tea partiers in Congress.


Oh please, I am a "minority" in more ways then one, and even I would never vote Clinton. Never compromise, even in the face of Armageddon.

yo i'm a fan of alan moore too, b
but do you recall what happened right after rorschach said that

Well said. Well said. It's hideous what's going on here.

agreed, it's absolutely hideous to say you ride for social progress & are comfortable leaving supreme court noms/etc up to trump

But, electoral college.

is the shitty system we currently operate under & we should absolutely work to get rid of it, i agree 100%
seeing as the chances of that between now & november seem slim, what's that got to do with the conversation at hand?

THIS. Red state, blue state, or wherever, your vote MATTERS.

completely agree - we've already seen projections on locked-in states like texas potentially flipping blue in the future, that doesn't happen by being defeatist
as a south florida resident: please believe i understand this plight

... and while I do sympathize, isn't that just saying you're gonna vote for someone most beneficial to you? I do understand and have no doubt that someone in the case you described might have more at stake, but we all are, or should be voting for our own self-interests at the end of the day

...as opposed to, say, claiming to be a gay minority but supporting homophobic GOP candidates?

Righteous fury feels so good doesn't it?

Unfortunately, doesn't really win people over to your side, so much as it does galvanize the base. I mean... one only has to think about holding that sort of righteous fury over different view points, and feeling as convinced of your certainty and moral superiority in holding those different view points... and you start to get an inkling of why that sort of rhetoric is not so convincing to bystanders.

sometimes it's not about hearts & minds, though - case in point: people go on about BLM's non-inclusive or whatever messaging, and i'd get good vegas odds 90%+ of those people are not riding for that cause to begin with. sometimes truth & knowledge trump feelings.

I think write-ins/3rd party votes should never be something to shame someone on. I am proud to live in a nation that lets me have my right to vote for whomever I want, regardless of size or chance.

not a popular view - especially since i live in a swing state - but i do tend to agree here, in certain contexts
though my pragmatism will push me to vote-trade on those situations too

boiled goose

good with gravy
Votes matter and if giving the middle finger to the democratic party is how people feel then they are free to vote however the fuck they please.

People will vote or not vote in whatever way they feel is best for the country. Sometimes long run, sometimes short run.

Disagree? Well Fucking welcome to democracy.

Hillary is not entitled to any votes. No one is. Votes are EARNED.
Stop right there. I am not. I am actually a minority myself. I am a Semite and I'm queer to boot. Don't assume. You talk about a group in the first part, then talk directly to me as someone and something I'm not? Not cool. Let's proceed.

Except you are still assuming things. I can't afford insurance, got fucked over by the ACA, the legal relationship equality I want will never come to be, and as a student, my job is keeping me afloat, but it's a struggle each month to ration. I do and can understand what you are saying, about voting out of fear against those people and groups that can screw you over, and while I do sympathize, isn't that just saying you're gonna vote for someone most beneficial to you? I do understand and have no doubt that someone in the case you described might have more at stake, but we all are, or should be voting for our own self-interests at the end of the day, preferably while hurting others the least.

Not entirely the case, but I can see and totally respect where you are coming from; keep in mind though, not everyone voted for Bernie for civil type stuff thou.

Wow. Truthfully, it's hurtful to hear that stuff coming from a fellow minority.

I really do sympathize, and I do thank you for taking the time to elaborate. Truly, some of us in this nation are less fortunate than others, and it shouldn't be, and like you said, some people do seem better of for no decent reason than others and that is not fair either. It really did bring some things to light in a different way. That being said, please don't attack someone in a minority you are speaking of (in this case, queer) defending, just don't. Differing opinions know no boundaries of race, color, orientation, location, or creed.

Also, electoral college and whatnot.

Really? Wow. In 2012 I voted for Obama, not because I am the biggest fan (specially the way he's been anti-Cupertino lately), but because I couldn't imagine this nation with Mr. Ryan as its VP, so I do understand concerns like these.

You are voting now to be against any candidate that doesn't support TPP and only that?
Righteous fury feels so good doesn't it?

Unfortunately, doesn't really win people over to your side, so much as it does galvanize the base. I mean... one only has to think about holding that sort of righteous fury over different view points, and feeling as convinced of your certainty and moral superiority in holding those different view points... and you start to get an inkling of why that sort of rhetoric is not so convincing to bystanders.

why put the important part in spoiler tags?


So if you "never compromise" and all that, and Trump wins, do you think things will be better for Muslims with Trump running the country?


No, but your making it sound as if I am supporting Trump. I am not. The best way I can describe it is that, in Watchmen, I thought in the end, Rorschach was right. Not Ozymandias. Rather be able to exercise a right- a freedom, than be another cog in this machine. I understand this utilitarian point of view, but many people feel used, you know? People like Hillary who take socialists and left-wingers for granted, counting on their vote because she is the closest to their beliefs.

Do I hope Clinton wins? Yes. But she won't have my support.
I think write-ins/3rd party votes should never be something to shame someone on. I am proud to live in a nation that lets me have my right to vote for whomever I want, regardless of size or chance.
You can vote for who you'd like, but it's throwing away a vote either way. It's meaningless.
Votes matter and if giving the middle finger to the democratic party is how people feel then they are free to vote however the fuck they please.

People will vote or not vote in whatever way they feel is best for the country. Sometimes long run, sometimes short run.

Disagree? Well Fucking welcome to democracy.

Hillary is not entitled to any votes. No one is. Votes are EARNED.
Yea lets fuck the country for a few decades. That's how we will bring about change....
Hillary isn't perfect.

Neither is Bernie. I'm tired of people putting him on a fucking pedestal. He's a flip-flopping, lying politician as much as the rest of them, and Hillary is not the devil.

"But Hillary flip-flopped on the Iraqi War!" That's true. You know what though? Fucking good for her! Bush and the rest of the Republicans snookered 72% of the country into supporting that shitty war. It's a mark against Hillary and Bernie deserves props for it, to be sure, but I have much more respect for Hillary saying it was a mistake than any Republican saying "Fuck that, 30,000 troops in Syria, yeehaw!" and pulling out their guns like Yosemite Sam.

Speaking of guns, how about Bernie's lurch left on gun control? Gotta protect those gun manufacturers until it's politically inconvenient to do so. Immigration reform, too. We could have had that shit settled in 2007 had Bernie - among others - been on board. But instead he sided with the Republican Party.

"But Hillary flip-flopped on gay marriage!" So did Bernie. And yet another issue where anti-gay politicians were in line with the vast majority of the American people for a long time. Again, props to those who did stand up for gay rights (read: not Bernie), but we need to understand: politicians are people, and people "flip-flop" all the time. Do you want a president who carefully evaluates situations and is flexible about changing circumstances, or a blowhard ideologue who sticks to his guns even when he's wrong? Because the former you get with Hillary and Bernie, the latter you get with the GOP.

I caucused for Bernie, I gave him money, I've supported him since I first got politically involved in 2008. But yeah, call us "Hillary in the GE" voters centrists or whatever, who fucking cares about moving the Supreme Court left or expanding Obamacare or protecting abortion or civil rights, #feelthebern.

Oh and when he got on TV tonight and said his plan to win the nomination was to swing all the superdelegates and override Hillary's pledged delegate lead - you know the thing that Bernie supporters have been bitching about endlessly for months - that made me rather I'd caucused for O'Malley. So great.
Every single election you establishment Democrat supporters try to sell the Left the same bill of goods, vote for our candidate or the devil will win. Every single election. What have the socialists, laborists, Marxists, Greens, and similar leftists gotten out of this deal from the last two Democratic presidents? Fuck all, that's what.

You sabotage and villify any legitimate Left voice that comes close to getting the Democratic nom, and you make their supporters out to be naive idealists or Communists or whatever red-baiting bullshit you can come up with. You call us anti-feminists or racists and actively work against our efforts to have our voices represented in the party. You do all of this while at the same time insisting that we fall in line with whatever pro-Capitalist, anti-labor aristocrat you've put up to the microphone to promise us little more than business as usual, and this cycle repeats every time.

I'm a citizen of Texas and will be submitting an absentee ballot, so my vote is doubly useless, but you can bet whoever I vote for will be someone whose ideals match mine, not the one who simply gives me less fear.

Still speaking from a place of extreme privilege. You think minorities don't feel the same way?! Minorities have felt this way since they got the right to vote. Our voices have NEVER been fully represented in this country. But you know what? We don't shrug and go "whelp!".

Righteous fury feels so good doesn't it?

Unfortunately, doesn't really win people over to your side, so much as it does galvanize the base. I mean... one only has to think about holding that sort of righteous fury over different view points, and feeling as convinced of your certainty and moral superiority in holding those different view points... and you start to get an inkling of why that sort of rhetoric is not so convincing to bystanders.

Not righteous fury, it's minority anger watching a bunch of white people flaunt their privilege in my face. I'm not a "good one" that's gonna tap dance and baton twirl to get you on my side.
The Clintons don't control the media, the owners of corporate media control the Clintons which is why they also favor them.

Well whatever the case, the way NBC treated Juanita Broaddrick was unsavory as fuck. Her interviewer acted like Bill Clinton's goddamn defense attorney and made sure every second question was about if Broaddrick had done something to warrant Bill's sexual advances.
If that interview were conducted that way today, in 2016, there would be outrage.
Im aware Juanita retracted the story after bullying and intimidation from the Clintons, but the details of it havnt changed and she has corroborating witnesses.


It's nice to want things.

In the real world, not voting doesn't get you a better system.

It gets you ignored.

Voting for those who uphold the current system won't result in a better system. Mid-term elections might be different but that's not what we're talking about here. I can assure you that Hillary is more than happy to maintain the same old system that's given her so much political success.


Any Bernie supporter who doesn't vote for Hillary in the general is a traitor to progressivism. I mean this sincerely. If Trump wins because a portion of the Left stays home throwing a temper tantrum and leaves Hillary out to dry, then fuck em. They deserve to rot. And every woman that dies from a back alley abortion and every soldier sent to die in Iran? Their blood is on your hands. You could have done something and instead, out of spite, decided to take your ball and go home.

I truly believe most liberals know this, though. I believe that it's a long time between now and November, and people will cool down and become more rational.

I think it only really matters if their vote makes a difference. Battleground states. If your state or locality is safe... there's certainly still a point to voting, but much less so - and just as much a point to not voting really.

Like Besada says - the more effective course of action is drumming up awareness for the importance of voting at all elections (especially non-federal ones).
I'm sure the majority of voters will vote on the basis of their party allegiance rather than the candidate. Many Republicans will probably begrudgingly vote for Trump for that reason.


Unconfirmed Member
How many of these protest voters/stay at homers actually live in swing states where their vote matters?

It actually makes a ton of sense to stay home if you don't care or strategically vote third party if your vote wasn't going to matter anyway.


It really pains me how many people give no fucks about either not voting, or throwing the vote away on a third party candidate. It really pains me.

I find it abhorrent that anyone would strive to keep our choices to just two parties who work to keep it that way for their own mutual benefit.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Any Bernie supporter who doesn't vote for Hillary in the general is a traitor to progressivism. I mean this sincerely. If Trump wins because a portion of the Left stays home throwing a temper tantrum and leaves Hillary out to dry, then fuck em. They deserve to rot. And every woman that dies from a back alley abortion and every soldier sent to die in Iran? Their blood is on your hands. You could have done something and instead, out of spite, decided to take your ball and go home.

I truly believe most liberals know this, though. I believe that it's a long time between now and November, and people will cool down and become more rational.

Where are the polls to support this outrage? It's going to be completely insignificant in the GE. GOP has a much bigger problem on their hands convincing conservatives to vote for outsider Trump.

If you're using what a small handful posters on NeoGAF.com are saying to make generalizations about a large group of people, you're out of your mind.
is the shitty system we currently operate under & we should absolutely work to get rid of it, i agree 100%
seeing as the chances of that between now & november seem slim, what's that got to do with the conversation at hand?

Because bashing people not living in swing-states on how they vote (or lack thereof) doesn't really do anything except piss people off. As a Californian I will vote for whoever turns up as the Democratic candidate. On that note I don't get pissed off at people who are apathetic to the voting process living in my state or any other non-swing state. It's the voting process itself in this country than churns our the apathy so many people have.
I can only speak for myself, but who get riled up about the choices of others like yourself is what makes some us want to get closer to voting Trump. You can be progressive and not like Clinton. not liking Clinton doesn't make you anything, it just means you don't like her, that's all.

I don't fully like any candidate really, the one I voted might not make it, and labels just make things worse.
Aren't you the guy who posted this?
Fuck... I saw the whole thing and, damn...

If Bernie doesn't win and it is Clinton V Trump, and I just don't vote, it does show I don't care who wins. But I DO care who wins, and if that is the scenario, I'd want Trump to win. But voting for Trump? Ugh... I mean, I've effectively not voted before. But for this election I do care who wins. Fuck. There is wisdom in old videos like these.

And this?
Really? I assure you, that thread had the opposite effect on me. All this time, even though I think he's horrible, I have been rooting for Trump in the Clinton Vs Trump scenario, but you and that video right completely: by not voting, it means you don't care who the president it. Well, I do care, and I don't want her to be Hillary.

I really don't want to vote for him, but in the minuscule chance that scenario happens and I do, you are partially to thank for it.

And I mean it, thank you. Even though it is an ad, there is wisdom in that vid.
Republicans deserve to be rewarded for blocking Obama from appointing a Supreme Court justice. They are so good at their jobs. They deserve it more.


Any Bernie supporter who doesn't vote for Hillary in the general is a traitor to progressivism. I mean this sincerely. If Trump wins because a portion of the Left stays home throwing a temper tantrum and leaves Hillary out to dry, then fuck em. They deserve to rot. And every woman that dies from a back alley abortion and every soldier sent to die in Iran? Their blood is on your hands.

How is this possibly allowed here? I deserve to rot and am guilty of human atrocities because I voted for Bernie in the primaries but will not be voting for Hillary in the general?

Hopefully you can take your own advice in the coming months.

I believe that it's a long time between now and November, and people will cool down and become more rational.
Righteous fury feels so good doesn't it?

Unfortunately, doesn't really win people over to your side, so much as it does galvanize the base. I mean... one only has to think about holding that sort of righteous fury over different view points, and feeling as convinced of your certainty and moral superiority in holding those different view points... and you start to get an inkling of why that sort of rhetoric is not so convincing to bystanders.

I think he has a great point and while it's a bit accusatory in parts, I can understand his frustration. Please see the humanity in his plea and consider the content over the delivery. I don't agree with his views some of the time but I completely understand where he's coming from and agree with him here.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Any Bernie supporter who doesn't vote for Hillary in the general is a traitor to progressivism. I mean this sincerely. If Trump wins because a portion of the Left stays home throwing a temper tantrum and leaves Hillary out to dry, then fuck em. They deserve to rot. And every woman that dies from a back alley abortion and every soldier sent to die in Iran? Their blood is on your hands. You could have done something and instead, out of spite, decided to take your ball and go home.

I truly believe most liberals know this, though. I believe that it's a long time between now and November, and people will cool down and become more rational.

BS. As if corporate lapdog politicians have never cost any livelihood or lives.

It's not spite to not vote for Hillary. I probably will, but i understand why some people dont want to.



Not righteous fury, it's minority anger watching a bunch of white people flaunt their privilege in my face. I'm not a "good one" that's gonna tap dance and baton twirl to get you on my side.

This sort of polarizing dialogue leaps way past any subtelty and nuance that might be employed in massaging human psychology. Always bringing issues down to a us vs them problem is by definition polarizing.

Nonetheless I am 'on your side' - simply disagreeing with the rhetorical strategies employed. Also a minority here.
No, but your making it sound as if I am supporting Trump. I am not. The best way I can describe it is that, in Watchmen, I thought in the end, Rorschach was right. Not Ozymandias. Rather be able to exercise a right- a freedom, than be another cog in this machine. I understand this utilitarian point of view, but many people feel used, you know? People like Hillary who take socialists and left-wingers for granted, counting on their vote because she is the closest to their beliefs.

I never said that or that you should love Hillary. I am not a fan of Hillary, like at all and Bernie isn't my dude either. (I wanted Diamond Joe to run) but the reality is, whether we like Trump and/or Hillary, one of them is gonna win this thing.

Knowing this, which way would you rather see this thing swayed? It's really that simple. For me, continuing Obama's social progress is most important.

And the SCOTUS draft picks are key to that.

Fuck the idea of giving those to Trump.
Hillary is not entitled to anyone's vote.

Right now I'm leaning towards not voting at all. Won't vote for Hillary, I refuse to vote for Loebsack after he sided with the GOP to block the refugees, and the Iowa Senate race is essentially irrelevant as Grassley is an immortal invincible vampire.

Can I borrow your Trump lawn sign when you're done?
Just north of you guys. Believe it or not, but whatever happens there effects us too. I am trying to guide Americans on to the enlightened path of Socialism, but alas! The world watches, and wonders why the heck Bernie isn't winning.

Speak for yourself. I'm Canadian and I support Clinton. I usually vote NDP, but voted Liberal last election to block the Conservatives. It's not unheard of, in fact it's almost common sense. 4 years of Harper would have destroyed Canada and 4 years of Trump or Cruz will sure as hell destroy America. That is the Fall of the Roman Empire level shit right there.


Aren't you the guy who posted this?

And this?

Yeah, I even alluded to it earlier, about possibly fixing my former party's mistake. You've opened my eyes man. Still don't think I can go through with it though.

On the other hand, why wouldn't I? If not voting is the same to so many as voting republican, why not just vote republican? Maybe it was a mistake to get involved in the primaries. Still hoping Bernie gets it.
Considering Hillary is a pro-war candidate I don't think things are so clear cut. I expect many votes for her will be with an eye roll. But she will be the least bad candidate compared to whoever makes it through the shit show that is the GOP.
Yeah, I even alluded to it earlier, about possibly fixing my former party's mistake. You've opened my eyes man. Still don't think I can go through with it though.

On the other hand, why wouldn't I? If not voting is the same to so many as voting republican, why not just vote republican? Maybe it was a mistake to get involved in the primaries. Still hoping Bernie gets it.

Can you please explain to me how you can go from Bernie to Trump.
Yeah, I even alluded to it earlier, about possibly fixing my former party's mistake. You've opened my eyes man. Still don't think I can go through with it though.

On the other hand, why wouldn't I? If not voting is the same to so many as voting republican, why not just vote republican? Maybe it was a mistake to get involved in the primaries. Still hoping Bernie gets it.
I think you should stay home. You'll feel better about it.
So, why do some people here & overall feel like you have the right to tell someone else who they should vote for? You get 1 vote during primary & GE, they get 1 vote and I get 1 vote. Each person should be making up their own mind, and should be voting for who they think is best for them self, their family and the country/world. If they want to write-in Sanders, vote for Trump or 3rd party or Hillary, it should be up to them.

If a friend was telling me I was wasting my Michigan primary vote by voting for Hillary, I would fight back, maybe tell them something not nice & ignore them for a while. I personally do not trust Sanders and would not vote for him if he was the Dem nom.

I do wish everyone would go out & vote, regardless if it is for Hillary.
The first black president should be shown out the door by a white supremacist. Racist republicans who obstructed progress and the government should get what they want. After all both parties are the same and it doesn't matter anyway.
I really feel for those in a rigid two party system. I really hated MMP when it was introduced here, but all the coalition building tension, the kingmakers, the strategic voting, the small party voting, the coalition collapses... it's all made it worth while.
1. The lot of you are crying about how you can't vote for a politician who doesn't truly represent you. Boo fucking hoo, minorities, LGBT, and women have had to deal with that for decades. There is a political party that is actively trying to fuck their lives up in so many ways. They never get a politician who that truly represents them but you don't see them saying "Fuck the system lololol, I'll vote republican for the lulz!" They still vote for the closest politican they can find.

You don't worry about that because you're a white male, and because of such the policies the right will enact will affect you much less than the non white groups of America. It's white privilege to be able to vote for a repressive party because you didn't get your way. The rest of us don't have such a luxury. We have to vote for whoever is trying to fuck us over the least. Many upon many Americans stand to loss much with Trump/Cruz in office. They stand to lose insurance via ACA, which probably doesn't affect you because you have a decent paying job that provides adequate insurance. LGBT stand to lose the right to get married, again this doesn't bother/concern you because you're a straight white male, you've been able to get married since this country's inception.

2. With number one stated, it's clear that none of you actually ever gave a fuck about Bernie's platform and what he stands for because if you did then you'd have long realized how selfish and arrogant to vote against what he stands for. Hillary is corporate yes but even Bernie himself has acknowledged on more than one occasion that they both have the same goals in mind in regards to making America a place more tolerable for those who didn't hit the genetic lottery to be born middle class, white, and male. Bernie Sanders himself will vote this election and I can promise you he'll vote for Hillary.

Bernie's policies and platform were never the reason you people were voting for him. You were voting for him because most of you are to put it bluntly...fucking hipsters and Bernie Sanders/Feel the Bernie was the newest fad that you jumped on to show all your twitter/Facebook friends that you're "socially woke" and to pretend that you give a damn about the country or the people. It was an shallow act, and now that Bernie has lost you've dropped the fad and are on to the next one. You people heard the buzzword "anti-establishment" and jumped on the hype train, went to your social networks and blogs and posted links and articles about the sad state of America telling your friends to "wake up" like you were this social justice warrior but the entire thing was a damn act. You never gave a damn about the state of America or how it's people are being treated, and I mean ha why should you? It would barely affect you in the end. You're not poor, you're not LGBT, you're not a minority. At most you'll lose a dollar or two because of tax but hey life is still good.

Then when Trump/Cruz is elected and the put some ridiculously conservative judges on the SCOTUS and rollback all the progress America made, you'll sit in your ivory tower of white privilege and go "If only you people voted for Bernie! we could have avoided this!" Not once realizing that you directly contributed to the shit state of affairs when you decided to pout that your politician didn't get elected.

It's like you people don't understand a thing about politics, politics is all about compromising, even voters have to compromise. I personally would like the next 5 Presidents to be socially progressive minorities but I can't get that, but I am presented a politician who while I don't agree with all of her stances on things, she's the closest thing I've got to my ideal politician, and she's also the one who will fuck over us non white males the least and at the very least protect some of the laws that keep us safe and rollback others that hurt us. And that's the crux, you weren't "added" as a clause to be considered equal or worth protecting. We were and we'd like to see the clauses stay as they are and not eroded or removed completely because a segment of America deems us to be lessers.

But hey, take your ball and pout. That's the privilege granted to you. It must be nice.

This post is so fucking bad ass.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.

I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.

You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.


Speak for yourself. I'm Canadian and I support Clinton. I usually vote NDP, but voted Liberal last election to block the Conservatives. It's not unheard of, in fact it's almost common sense. 4 years of Harper would have destroyed Canada and 4 years of Trump or Cruz will sure as hell destroy America. That is the Fall of the Roman Empire level shit right there.

I voted Liberal too, and I oscillate between NDP and Liberal depending on who best represents me at the time. The glory of the parliamentary system! And Harper wasn't as bad as any GOPer this election.

I would rather live in Canada under Harper than America under Clinton.


Hot damn.

i will also leave this here.


I wonder how many bernie fans know what its like to live among people who dont want you here.

yeah, that really does speak volumes - and none of them good, jesus

Because bashing people not living in swing-states on how they vote (or lack thereof) doesn't really do anything except piss people off. As a Californian I will vote for whoever turns up as the Democratic candidate. On that note I don't get pissed off at people who are apathetic to the voting process living in my state or any other non-swing state. It's the voting process itself in this country than churns our the apathy so many people have.

i actually really sympathize with the voter apathy thing - it's why i find gerrymandering & the increasing voter ID laws so heinous & anti-democratic. but again, as a pragmatic, i do think others here established the importance of taking part in an even locked-in state...these things are studied, and send ripples. my homestate went for obama both times (i wanna say) but i live in a sea of blue surrounded by an otherwise firmly red state...swing or not, how's that gonna change if i just resolve myself to letting these baby boomers decide our path?

Aren't you the guy who posted this?

And this?

well, shit

Not giving a fuck about actual policy for one.....

yeah, it really is just a "anti-establishment" sentiment, i'd wager - you literally can't look at most of their larger issues and see hegemony there.

Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life.

...so supporting the party that actively shows disdain for programs of social uplift seems a logical choice? kinda lost here


Is the appeal of Trump that he is against money in politics? Admittedly I don't know much about him. Aside from his tax plan, the wall, and hate speech.
I'd love for their to be more than two viable parties. But there isn't. Work within the system you have.

Exactly. I hate the two party system shit is utterly dumb because by it's very nature you're always voting on approximations as neither party will fully represent you (unless you're like racist or something then yea the republican party has you covered). I think Hillary Clinton is wack as fuck and doesn't represent me very well, but hey Bernie lost and she'll be the nominee so I'll vote for her. None of the old fucks in Washington represent me very well. My state governor and senator don't represent me at all. But you can bet your ass I'll vote if not for myself then for those who I know would fare better under one party than the other. Maybe it's because I don't have many privileges or maybe it's because I place the wellness of others above my personal greed and some crass borderline nonsensical principle.


Is the appeal of Trump that he is against money in politics? Admittedly I don't know much about him. Aside from his tax plan, the wall, and hate speech.

He's "anti-establishment". People are attracted to the buzzword of the year. Hipsters hopping on fads is all.
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