1. The lot of you are crying about how you can't vote for a politician who doesn't truly represent you. Boo fucking hoo, minorities, LGBT, and women have had to deal with that for decades. There is a political party that is actively trying to fuck their lives up in so many ways. They never get a politician who that truly represents them but you don't see them saying "Fuck the system lololol, I'll vote republican for the lulz!" They still vote for the closest politican they can find.
You don't worry about that because you're a white male
Stop right there. I am not. I am actually a minority myself. I am a Semite and I'm queer to boot. Don't assume. You talk about a group in the first part, then talk directly to me as someone and something I'm not? Not cool. Let's proceed.
and because of such the policies the right will enact will affect you much less than the non white groups of America. It's white privilege to be able to vote for a repressive party because you didn't get your way. The rest of us don't have such a luxury. We have to vote for whoever is trying to fuck us over the least. Many upon many Americans stand to loss much with Trump/Cruz in office. They stand to lose insurance via ACA, which probably doesn't affect you because you have a decent paying job that provides adequate insurance. LGBT stand to lose the right to get married, again this doesn't bother/concern you because you're a straight white male, you've been able to get married since this country's inception.
Except you are still assuming things. I can't afford insurance, got fucked over by the ACA, the legal relationship equality I want will never come to be, and as a student, my job is keeping me afloat, but it's a struggle each month to ration. I do and can understand what you are saying, about voting out of fear against those people and groups that can screw you over, and while I do sympathize, isn't that just saying you're gonna vote for someone most beneficial to you? I do understand and have no doubt that someone in the case you described might have more at stake, but we all are, or should be voting for our own self-interests at the end of the day, preferably while hurting others the least.
2. With number one stated, it's clear that none of you actually ever gave a fuck about Bernie's platform and what he stands for because if you did then you'd have long realized how selfish and arrogant to vote against what he stands for. Hillary is corporate yes but even Bernie himself has acknowledged on more than one occasion that they both have the same goals in mind in regards to making America a place more tolerable for those who didn't hit the genetic lottery to be born middle class, white, and male. Bernie Sanders himself will vote this election and I can promise you he'll vote for Hillary.
Not entirely the case, but I can see and totally respect where you are coming from; keep in mind though, not everyone voted for Bernie for civil type stuff thou.
Bernie's policies and platform were never the reason you people were voting for him. You were voting for him because most of you are to put it bluntly...fucking hipsters and Bernie Sanders/Feel the Bernie was the newest fad that you jumped on to show all your twitter/Facebook friends that you're "socially woke" and to pretend that you give a damn about the country or the people. It was an shallow act, and now that Bernie has lost you've dropped the fad and are on to the next one. You people heard the buzzword "anti-establishment" and jumped on the hype train, went to your social networks and blogs and posted links and articles about the sad state of America telling your friends to "wake up" like you were this social justice warrior but the entire thing was a damn act. You never gave a damn about the state of America or how it's people are being treated, and I mean ha why should you? It would barely affect you in the end. You're not poor, you're not LGBT, you're not a minority. At most you'll lose a dollar or two because of tax but hey life is still good.
Wow. Truthfully, it's hurtful to hear that stuff coming from a fellow minority.
Then when Trump/Cruz is elected and the put some ridiculously conservative judges on the SCOTUS and rollback all the progress America made, you'll sit in your ivory tower of white privilege and go "If only you people voted for Bernie! we could have avoided this!" Not once realizing that you directly contributed to the shit state of affairs when you decided to pout that your politician didn't get elected.
It's like you people don't understand a thing about politics, politics is all about compromising, even voters have to compromise. I personally would like the next 5 Presidents to be socially progressive minorities but I can't get that, but I am presented a politician who while I don't agree with all of her stances on things, she's the closest thing I've got to my ideal politician, and she's also the one who will fuck over us non white males the least and at the very least protect some of the laws that keep us safe and rollback others that hurt us. And that's the crux, you weren't "added" as a clause to be considered equal or worth protecting. We were and we'd like to see the clauses stay as they are and not eroded or removed completely because a segment of America deems us to be lessers.
But hey, take your ball and pout. That's the privilege granted to you. It must be nice.
I really do sympathize, and I do thank you for taking the time to elaborate. Truly, some of us in this nation are less fortunate than others, and it shouldn't be, and like you said, some people do seem better of for no decent reason than others and that is not fair either. It really did bring some things to light in a different way. That being said, please don't attack someone in a minority you are speaking of (in this case, queer) defending, just don't. Differing opinions know no boundaries of race, color, orientation, location, or creed.
Also, electoral college and whatnot.
*bro fist*
in 2012 I thought about writing him in again, but I closed my eyes at the booth and I have no idea who I voted for
Really? Wow. In 2012 I voted for Obama, not because I am the biggest fan (specially the way he's been anti-Cupertino lately), but because I couldn't imagine this nation with Mr. Ryan as its VP, so I do understand concerns like these.