The Nader shitting is disappointing- Al Gore Lost his own state. Think about that. Had he won that, he had won the election. Had he led Bill Clinton campaign for him he would have won. His campaign was full of incompetence, that he was in control of. There where many areas where he did wrong. What helped Bush, just like what is helping Clinton is that being fairly moderate honks votes from across the political spectrum. That is the definition of a opportunistic politician. Someone who is not so nuanced in their beliefs. When Hillary has the stance on Marijuana she has, she hopes that she both gets the votes from people who are against legalizing weed, and those who are for it. But in reality, reducing the drug to a lower class, is doing depressingly little. It's taking a blatant no-stance, of trying to run out the clock and not lose decisive voters where this issue is a deal breaker.
Hillary Clinton is a smart politician and she doesn't come out for a cause before it makes sense. The XL pipeline is going to happen, so she can comfortable say she is against it and look more liberal. The same is true for the Iran deal. Both the XL pipeline and the Iran deal, were some of the issues were Hillary was incredible hostile. Her war rhetoric and threats towards Iran were of McCain levels. Along with the TPP, it feels like mental gymnastic reducing all these issues as just being Hillary Evolving.
You don't just evolve over so many issues that fast. It's being incomprehensible naive. And if you look closer, on the minimum wage. For years and years people had tried to get her to being the rallying cry for that movement. She didn't come out for it until 2014 well into her pre-planning.
While these are the actions of a gifted tactician and political powermachine, I think it is being obtuse to act surprised when people have a deep seated problem with her. You shouldn't be surprised that so many young voters are incredible angry. They don't understand how somebody can just be just vetted for the job, or just have virtually all the delegates or some mysteriously still have the support of all the unions, when her opponent is the champion of those causes. It doesn't make sense, and it makes Hillary somehow the symbol of that anger. She is just a symptom of a corrupt system where Democrats brought themselves down 30 years ago and engaged in many of the same dirty political tactics that their republican opponents did, but she still harnesses that anger.
And I think that the more people try to apologize Hillary Clintons past while simultaneously bringing up her experience is inexcusable. It' is double standards of the highest of order. Selection bias where only Clintons victories matter, and her failures are just opinions she has nuanced on. The same is true when the actions against her husband comes up. She owns his victories, but not his defeats and mistakes. It's upsetting and a fallacy.
Hillary Clinton is not a terrible person like Donald Trump is a terrible person, and that makes the difference.
Blaming Ralph Nader is some CNN levels of dumb logic. I wish people would stop keeping that myth alive.
Bush won because he was fairly moderate. The Democratic party is full of disguised moderates, which just further gives credibility to people like Sanders and Nader who are the only ones calling out all the disgusting tools hiding among the democratic mists.
The Iraq war was a popular war among the democrats which further shows how not-progressive a lot of them are. Hillary Clinton is the perfect leader for this lot. On some issues she is more pro-war than McCain.
Please spare us this shit that the Iraq war is on the republicans when she voted yes for it, knowing what would happen.
Please spare us this shit when she has been since then the instigator of several of the worst conflicts in the 21th century. She does this while at the same time taking campaign contributions from mass murdering Saudi monachs- The main funders of ISIS.
There is no level of mental gymnastic you can fucking pull to remove her record on these foreign policy issues. At a certain point you cannot deflect with the guilty by association card. She is literally running on money from people who engage in some of the worst human rights violations in the world. It's up there with North Korea and Mugabe.
You should still vote for her, just like you should have voted for Obama. But engaging in this blatant historical revisionism and perplexing these lies about Nader being the culprit of the Iraq war. Gross.
As a foreigner it just makes me more angry, that there are so many people who are willing to bend and try and rewrite history because they are too far into the fanboy loop of Hillary Clinton. She loves war. She believes in the military industrial complex and this ideal that America has the right to fly drones into innocents home over some make belief fantasy war she helped orchestrate.
There has never been secular tribal civil wars solved by outside parties (to my knowledge) so this idea that she is on her actions as SOS out of the good of those people is drinking offensive levels of kool-aid. She isn't dumb. Defense spending remains a major source of income and interest for the US war machine, and it is in the countrys interest to engage in warfare. Either as a seller of arms or direct instigator. It's a charade that people like Hillary Clinton pretend Saddam was ever a threat to America. She along with a majority of Democrats on the vote agreed to this shit.
She represents everything that makes US democratic politicians look like hypocrites in the international community. You can vote for someone like her (and you should vote for her against Trump) and still correctly understand the historical facts that coexisted revolving around the invasion of Iraq.
Over half a million children had died of starvation in Iraq under US heralded sanctions in the mid 90s under Clintons watch. These sanctions were so severe that several UN officials quit in protest saying that they were genocidal in nature. So this idea that "thousands more could be alive had you not voted for Nader". What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even have a modicum of understanding just what the US has done to Iraq and do you understand just how much it has created radical terrorisim where there was but a tiny fraction?
This idea that that you can scapegoat everything on the republicans and make the democrats look like heroes makes me sick. Blatant shitty lies ushered by ignorance.
And let me irederate for the third time; You should vote for Clinton. Pointing out her record and the record of other dems- Like Kerry, Biden and everyone else who thinks Team America is an accurate depiction of foreign policy, is not the same as thinking Trump should win. He clearly shouldn't as he is much worse. But that doesn't give you the right to make Hillary infallible. There are people here who point it out, but I am speaking directly to the people who are saying Nader caused those deaths in Iraq (by letting Gore lose the election, which is false), and to those that say that Hillary Clinton voted yes to Iraq war in good faith. That is bullshit by untold levels of magnitude.
There was mass protests all over the world months and months before the war started. The iraq war is a war crime. Even with WMDs it would have been a war crime. It included military coverups of murdering of civilian, it includes massive international breach of human rights violation by torture in abu ghraib and Guantanamo, and the war itself has killed over 1,5 million people- Mostly innocents.
Politicians involved knew what was going to happen because there is not a track record of world power intervention in a civil war that has a happy ending, besides taking direct steps to stop a genocide. And the US is clearly not eager to stop genocide- Neither is Europe. When Saddam gassed thousands kurds in the late 80s, nobody gave enough of a shit to do anything because as long as he has followed a pattern of being useful to US interest he is allowed to state.
So let's kill any notion that the Iraq war was not a selfish war over bullshit, and 1,5 million died for bullshit. There are dictators all over the world, many who are worse than saddam, and all who are not being invaded because the result of invasion and meddling in a local countries civil war feuds ALWAYs ends in disaster. Bushs administration knew this. And Hillary Clinton knew this. The world knew it, as millions and millions of us protested in mass protests all over the world throughout 2002 and the early 2003.
There wasn't anybody who didn't know that the US weapon inspectors wouldn't find shit. And when they didn't find shit they went anyway. Even if the false intel bullshit would have been right, they shouldn't have been able to do anything. There were dozens of countries more inflated with Terrorists than Iraq. Including- surprise surprise, Saudi arabia.
I would have been susceptible to believe that Hillary Clinton would have been off the hook if that had been the end of it. But her repeated actions (and Obama) to a large part suggests, that she along with republicans like McCain believe that direct military intervention or supporting rebels through military might has good outcomes. These outcomes led to the formation of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, just as the Iraq war led to ISIS, and the indirect trading, arms selling and oil trade indirectly finances ISIS activity. You cannot in good confidence make the argument that the republicans and democrats who honestly believe that intervention in Yemen, Syria and Libya was to help the locals. They know damn well that it makes everything first.
And it's the same with arming of Israel- of which Bernie Sanders is also guilty. But there is virtually no mainstream US politician under the sun (that I know off) who has distanced itself from the military enabling of the state.
Instead of humanitarian aid, government sanctions, modern US foreign policy is playing out like Eisenhowers worst nightmare. The Iran deal is one of the best things Obama has done, and it shows what progressive thinking is about. Intervention in local conflicts trying to stir the outcomes or topple dictators over selfish interest is a war crime by proxy, because of what it leads to. It is Americas job to protect. But it is not protecting anybody when you bomb a country, refuse to pick up the pieces and am unable to keep a peace as a country devolves into complete destruction that increases the death toll compared to the dictator.
Even a dictator kills protesters or throws journalists in prison it doesn't compare to what happens, and how many people die in a civil war.
Hillary Clinton is not going to change things, in the same way that Obama is not going to change things. There will be some progress like Obamacare, like the Iran deal, like the progress for gay marriage, but it is an impossible battle when you're in bed with the corporate elite- And she is.
But being in bed with the elite is nothing new. Donald Trump is not that.
Who you vote for reflects your belief. It's who you support.
What Liu Kang Bakes a Pie said, about trump leading to an economic collapse is an interesting idea. It sounds like the "you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette". But what are the chances that Trump would cause a government collapse that would allow a peaceful reformation, sort of like how the soviet union collapsed with a whimper. Not a mass civil war. Would the parties cut all the debt, start a new US currency, throw the constitution in the trash and write something new that didn't reflect the minds and wishes of racist slave owners who ran on religious beliefs?
What are the chances that a donald trump presidency would be violent?
It's a risk. It's a risk saying that you would want your country to burn. It's an anarchist fantasy, and they are fun to speculate on. Everyday here in Europe we talk about what would happen if the Eurozone ended and the Euro currency collapsed. Could the short term disaster, panic, upset and destruction cause good things?
When the arab spring started, many people were hopeful and talked about a new muslim golden age. the new uprising and reformation of the muslim world that would allow it to remove itself from its corrupt shackles.
What scares me the most, is the Brave New World-like apathy that we have in the western world. We are upset when people protest. We are fearful of change. We do not want different, and we think same-as-always is safe. But all empires fail. I agree that the United States being in complete standstill thanks to gerrymandering, patent trolls and so much of its income not going back into investing into the economy is serious risks at undermining the very power structure of their position as a world leader. At least economically. And that is scary, because when the US needs something. Be it manpower, oil or other resources it just takes it. it orchestrate conflicts, it overthrows governments, its intelligence community has a long history of fucking with asian and latin american countries- which many of them have never recovered from.
But even so. Even with all this, we have to admit to the notion that a world where Russia or China is the world leader who creates the agenda, is a much, much worse world. We are harsh on America because it needs to be better, but also because it can be better. Russia and China doesn't have that in the current incarnations.