I find a lot of people's enjoyment of a movie being bad really disheartening.
Why? People have gotten enjoyment out of bad movies since movies became a thing.
I find a lot of people's enjoyment of a movie being bad really disheartening.
Well, so much for a DCCU movie series.
At least someone got some enjoyment out of something bad, not everyone will be miserable out of this!I find a lot of people's enjoyment of a movie being bad really disheartening.
True.Yeah but that was more than just boring, that was awful in every capacity.
What the? I feel like I should watch whatever this is from.
This just makes me glad that Grant Gustin won't be playing The Flash in the upcoming film. Keep the DCTV Arrowverse far, far away from this.
I find a lot of people's enjoyment of a movie being bad really disheartening.
Why? People have gotten enjoyment out of bad movies since movies became a thing.
I feel bad that I'm enjoying all of the bad reviews. I guess I really am a marvel fanboy
I don't mean enjoying bad movies, but rather satisfaction that a movie failed to live up to expectations.Why? People have gotten enjoyment out of bad movies since movies became a thing.
I feel bad that I'm enjoying all of the bad reviews. I guess I really am a marvel fanboy
This just makes me glad that Grant Gustin won't be playing The Flash in the upcoming film. Keep the DCTV Arrowverse far, far away from this.
I don't think Aang Lee's Hulk is much to aspire to though.
But that show's better than Arrow!No worries. Legends Of Tomorrow is there to do all the damage to Arrowverse.
I don't mean enjoying bad movies, but rather satisfaction that a movie failed to live up to expectations.
Ang Lee's Hulk is legit one of the most underrated comic flicks
it should be for some people. everything's gotten cookie cutter.
only xmen and nolan are handling good character stuff and singer will probably leave the franchise soon (to the chagrin of fanboys) and nolan's gone for good.
Trashing on Speed Racer and calling Sucker Punch a great movie.
If the best defense one can offer for Ang Lee's Hulk is "It's not cookie cutter," that's confirmation Aang Lee's Hulk fucking should be for some people. everything's gotten cookie cutter.
only xmen and nolan are handling good character stuff and singer will probably leave the franchise soon (to the chagrin of fanboys) and nolan's gone for good.
True. Haha, I guess as a writer it irks me most in the arts.Schadenfreude exists everywhere in life.
That chart isn't so much the Marvel formula as it is the popcorn movie hero formula. Star Wars checks off most of those boxes.
Hell, Kung-Fu Panda checks off most of those boxes.
- The hero starts out naive and quick to fight, but must learn what it takes to be truly heroic. Along the way, he will come into possession of a signature weapon... (Luke, his father's lightsaber)
- ...But will also have to deal with the death (Or seeming death) of a white-haired, bearded old mentor/father figure. (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
- Eventually, our hero squares against an enemy with very similar powers, but an opposing ideology, bonus points if the villain is someone with a personal connection to the hero. (Darth Vader)
- And in the second one, a figure from our hero's past who was thought to be gone forever will return with a vendetta against the hero and/or his dad. (Darth Vader in the Empire Strikes Back)
Which X-Men are getting good character stuff, again?
Ang Lee's Hulk is legit one of the most underrated comic flicks
You'll never get a better Bruce Banner than Eric Bana
Terrence Malick's Superman.
Ang Lee's Hulk is pretty damn admirable. Still surprised it even exists though, it be like talking about Wes Anderson's X-Men or Terrence Malick's Superman.
Xavier, Magneto, Mystique to name a few as of the latest film.
Which X-Men are getting good character stuff, again?
If the best defense one can offer for Ang Lee's Hulk is "It's not cookie cutter," that's confirmation Aang Lee's Hulk fucking sucks.
Even the visuals, while creative and often stunning, function as little more than annoying gimmicks. "CAN YOU TELL THIS IS A COMIC BOOK MOVIE?"
No worries. Legends Of Tomorrow is there to do all the damage to Arrowverse.
Terrence Malick's Superman.
Bad word of mouth will only affect the legs. I am still thinking we see a $200+ opening.
I don't see the opening being majorly affected, but yeah, the legs are going to get hurt real bad if audience WOM is in-line with critical reaction.Bad word of mouth will only affect the legs. I am still thinking we see a $200+ opening.
The climax of the movie is so goddamn bad. It's almost intentionally bad.Ang Lee Hulk is the genesis of "tried something, didn't exactly work out". Art film introspection mixed with hulk dogs, comic book panel transitions, and a terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE third act.
Still, great score by Danny Elfman, the greatest of comic book movie composers.
openings gonna be huge. the 1 billion worldwide is definitely less certain now though