"And then my master plan to kill Superman was: wing wang wong!"Because someone at WB had the bright idea to have Lex inspired by fucking Max Landis.
Who's that? Snyder?
Bale is probably the definitive Batman for them because the live-action competition is incredibly lacking.Even though a lot of the reviews say Ben makes a solid Batman I'm really curious what people will think about him. To most general audiences Bale is the definitive Batman and people lived those films. From what I understand Batfleck is totally different so maybe that will help aince its not the same sort of comparison
Who's that? Snyder?
What the hell did he ever win an academy award for?
I was suggesting hypocrisy but please continue to be a dismissive ass.
Captain Marvel is happening between Infinity War Part 1 and 2, right? I'm guessing origin story as well as recruitment if those characters really are appearing.Well they had no problem saying "HEY EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE IN CAPTAIN MARVEL!"
This is a movie that has a hell of a hook to it. It'll do well.
Who's that? Snyder?
What the hell did he ever win an academy award for?
Oh god.
I half expected them to say the movie gave them cancer. The quotes seem a little harsh TBH, even if they didn't like it at all.Those quotes in the OP....... brutal stuff, wow.
That chart isn't so much the Marvel formula as it is the popcorn movie hero formula. Star Wars checks off most of those boxes.Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the Marvel flicks. Own them all. But they're all basically the same movie, structurally. Except for Winter Soldier. That movie fucking rocked.
Ant-Man fits right in.
It's back at 40% after a short dip into the 30s
The dream will never die
Based Zack Snyder
All I see are hips.
I feel like the movie will reach 60%. #believe
I don't understandI don't think it will stay on 40, but I would have to reevaluate my life if it broke 50% from here.
This movie is going to be a box office success whether reviews are bad or good.
Or, maybe, the movie tries to be funny at points and drops the ball stupidly hard, and, as has been pointed out in the actual reviews not just the blurbs posted, it can't nail down story direction, tonal consistency, art direction, or pacing.
But no it's not just like Iron Man that's obviously why people are bitching.
Ah, yes. We've arrived at the bargaining stage!I feel like there's still a sliver of hope for 60.
Mr. Terrio is a former student of British literature and phenomenology who dropped out of a masters program at Cambridge University to study film. On his first big-budget movie, he cites as influences not just Frank Millers seminal comic-book miniseries The Dark Knight Returns (which features its own Batman-Superman battle) and Mr. Nolans trilogy of Batman films. He also invokes Italian semiotician Umberto Ecos 1972 essay The Myth of Superman and the W.H. Auden poem Musée des Beaux Arts, which contrasts the quotidian details of normal peoples lives with the epic struggles of mythological figures.
Given the scale, you would think the whole thing has a corporate stench, but the way we worked there was this quality of, I cant believe theyre letting us do this, Mr. Terrio said.
In superhero stories, Batman is Pluto, god of the underworld, and Superman is Apollo, god of the sky, observed Mr. Terrio. That began to be really interesting to methat their conflict is not just due to manipulation, but their very existence.
Mr. Terrio recently finished his script for Justice League, which starts shooting next month, giving him a key role defining the big- screen versions of DC superheroes. To prepare, the writer says he studied red- and blueshifts in electromagnetic physics to think about the Flash, investigated deep sea biology in the Mariana trench to create the world of Aquaman, and read the Greek historian Diodorus of Sicilys account of the war between Amazon and Atlantis to better understand Wonder Woman.
If you told me the most rigorous dramaturgical and intellectual product of my life would be superhero movies, I would have said you were crazy, the screenwriter said.
Well they had no problem saying "HEY EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE IN CAPTAIN MARVEL!"
Well it'll make money that's for sure.
Success is relative. Warner needs this to carry them, to be their flagship for the next 10+ years.
If it's just a pretty solid hit with bad word of mouth, then that's a problem.
and the film looked great almost all the time.
Even from a pure objective stand point, half of that isn't even true. None of the humor (which there isn't much of) falls flat aside from maybe one joke? The tone and story are consistent, pacing in the first act is fairly horrid, and the film looked great almost all the time.
where was this in Daredevil, Netflix
It's all we can hope for now!Ah, yes. We've arrived at the bargaining stage!
I am guessing they will need to get rid of Affleck to make Batman viable again after this disaster.
I could use a bit more color... The "original" version of Man of Steel broke my heart when I compared it to the "restored color" version.
Deadpool is praised for being a good movie.Deadpool is praised for not being a standard Marvel fare, and that's where most of its appeal comes from too. Here BvS is criticized for not being standard Marvel fare. Logical, right?