"WB has announced that Zack Snyder will direct Creed 2."
THIS BUFFOONERY SHALL NOT BE SANCTIONED"Also will direct next Mad Max movie"
wish it killed bays movies
You're joking.
I'm gonna laugh so fucking hard if it can't reach Deadpool's overall domestic gross.
People gonna be claiming WB will be trying to do whatever they can to fix things, when in reality most will be chilling like
Who did this? Nonjas need to get that weak shit off my track.Trashing on Speed Racer and calling Sucker Punch a great movie.
you guys are nerds.
no way. all the rumored directors being approached for black panther were black. that's likely the only thing they offered him.
same goes for wonder woman and a woman director. it's easy to see through this, i bet WB were only offering him cyborg. as a sort of political move. i'd say no to that shit too tbh. especially with creed's success.
Bays movies get great word of mouth.
I could use a bit more color... The "original" version of Man of Steel broke my heart when I compared it to the "restored color" version.
I wish Koichi Sakamoto could direct DCEU movies...
Not sure if that's sarcasm... but I'll bite.
Sadly, Death Wish is being remade. And yes, Bruce Willis hasn't given a fuck since he had hair.
Deadpool is praised for not being a standard Marvel fare, and that's where most of its appeal comes from too. Here BvS is criticized for not being standard Marvel fare. Logical, right?The 2nd weekend will tell the whole story. This weekend is gonna be huge, no question. But the legs it has in the next few weeks are gonna dictate the entire narrative going forward.
I'm gonna laugh so fucking hard if it can't reach Deadpool's overall domestic gross.
Hahahaha thank you. Now this thread is complete.
"Also will direct next Mad Max movie"
People? I think it was just me and I don't feel bad about it at all. I haven't read one word that deflated my excitement for the movie in the least.
Deadpool is praised for not being a standard Marvel fare, and that's where most of its appeal comes from too. Here BvS is criticized for not being standard Marvel fare. Logical, right?
Deadpool is praised for not being a standard Marvel fare, and that's where most of its appeal comes from too. Here BvS is criticized for not being standard Marvel fare. Logical, right?
What grand departures from other superhero movies are they taking with this movie? I keep seeing people act like they're doing some crazy experimental film and I have no idea where this is coming from.You know what, fuck it! I want to enjoy the shit out of this movie. I want something that is far removed from the same, tired, formulaic tripe we've been getting from the MCU. The genre is getting a little stale at this point, outside of films like DoFP that show some actual, you know, heart and subtext instead of just coming off an assembly line to make way for the next assembly line product.
Even if this is utter, incoherent trash...at least it will have failed while taking some risks in an inane and hilarious attempt to be "bold".
Good News, BvS is the underdog. Always bet on the underdog.
Even the harshest Bay critics never call his movies BORING. Thats the worst thing you can call a summer blockbuster.
Guess what one of the main criticisms of BvS is thus far.
Say what you want about the TV show Smallville but Michael Rosenbaum was an amazing Lex Luthor.
Seriously why Eisenberg as Lex Luthor?
Jesus, stop feeding into this mook's egoBecause someone at WB had the bright idea to have Lex inspired by fucking Max Landis.
Yes, but Snyder still essentially had the job of polishing Goyer's turd. With a good writer he could have delivered. Snyder's best movie (Dawn of the Dead) was written by James Gunn.
"Remake Death Wish despite it being remade Infinity times."
But, even the negative reviews say Affleck is the best part of the film...
He's not the problem at all
I was suggesting hypocrisy but please continue to be a dismissive ass.I was waiting for the "CONSPIRACY" and "BIAS" posts to start coming in.
I'd just be fucking happy if Marvel would announce who's playing Captain Marvel. I still believe the only reason they announced that movie was to calm down fans berating them after the Wonder Woman movie was made official. The constant post-poning makes me think it more.
Sure he might be good in the movie, but his presence will give the feeling that the Batman movie will be the same ass quality as this movie.
While Batman v Superman and eventual sequels will bring money to them for sure, I do think they are not happy about this at all. With this reception, doing stuff similar to MCU's GotG, Ant-Man, Cptn Marvel, Black Panther etc. etc. will be a lot harder, as people are not likely to be invested in DCU at all at this point. And there is a lot of money to be made there.
The MCU brand is strong enough to bring all kinds of unknown comics to the masses and build on those as well, to the point of them having several successful blockbusters in a year (I mean, just look at the success of the MCU films up until now, that is massive). I am pretty sure that is what WB would like as well,
I know. I mean he was already in WB pockets with Creed and they let him walk on over to Marvel to do Panther.
Then again, he had a chance to do BP. That's a ticket too good to pass up.
I was suggesting hypocrisy but please continue to be a dismissive ass.