Okay, so I'm going through a bizarre few stages of grief, I guess, from my experiences with the film, like a reverse form of depression.
At first, I was laughing and amused. I had sort of prepared myself for a negative reception, and I enjoy a good "bad film" every now and then to make the actual good ones shine brighter. I enjoyed watching the negative reviews pile up after I accepted it wasn't going to prove the doubters wrong.
Then... from what I saw... I started to get confused. Like, how DO you screw up that badly in this day and age, surrounded by sterling examples of superhero films done correctly and decades of established history and success?
Then I started to get angry. This wasn't just any old Superhero film. It's not Catwoman or Elektra or Ghost Rider or Steel... it's BATMAN and SUPERMAN, two of the absolute most iconic and inspiration heroes to ever exist. And while this film has two idiots dressed up as them, I never felt like Batman or Superman were actually in the film because they so rarely behaved or did things that were Batman-y or Superman-y outside of their gadgets and powers. The "people" inside the suits were unfamiliar and, you know what, insufferably stupid, morose, joyless, and frustrating.
And then my anger finally gave way to where I'm at now: depression. While I think superhero films will be fine in the long-run (we just had Deadpool and Civil War looks great), I'm a DC super-fan and have been for over thirty years, far beyond Superman and Batman, and I realized that, for a whole generation of kids growing up, this is "their" Batman and Superman, and for a whole group of people who waited their whole lives for this meeting on the big-screen, THIS was the best they could do.
And I see a future where I hate it. I hate it all. I'll never get a modern DC movie universe with Martian Manhunter, I'll never get one with Plastic Man or Hawkman, I'll never get one with my buddies Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. I'm never going to see Doomsday or Lex Luthor done right, never see Superman square off against Brainiac or Metallo or Parasite or Bizarro or any other villains. Never see Cyborg with the Teen Titans. Never see the timeless friendship of Batman and Superman hold any merit. Not until the next movie reboot.
Which means I have to wait, for years and years and years and years, until DC decides to start again, and then I go back to crossing my fingers and hoping they don't screw it up again.
I absolutely, completely wanted to love this, and I hate it now more than ever. ESPECIALLY when so much of their competition is hitting it out of the park.