You're a sweet guy Meat. I'm putting together a portfolio as we speak, but as a penciller, I'm not confident in my inking yet.You, sir, are talking bollocks.
Your Joker looks like Bruce Dern and It. Is. Awesome. As is HarleyI really like your work! You doing any regular comic work?
God yeah. It was great to see the 'home' team do so well. Most of them cut their teeth on 2000AD, which used to be an absolute hotbed of talent and weirdness (your stuff would not be out of place there).
Yea dude, ironically enough, Miller's DKR opened the gateway to that era of comics. I think the only guy I'm not in love with is Mark Millar. His best work is Red Son, and that was ghost writen with a Grant (that ending is sooo Morrison).