Nah, I'm an argumentative SOB. The work is good. End of.
Yeah, Red Son is amazing (named a band after a line in it). I think Morrison said he wishes he never gave him that ending idea.
Millar is hit and miss for me (his recent stuff is... yeah). Authority was quite good and, contrary to popular opinion, I think his run on Ultimates was actually a pretty good take. Hulk was hilarious and I loved the idea of him as 'the nuclear option'. Cap had some genius moments too and was a particularly interesting take because he was very much from an outsider's (non-US) perspective. A sly little dig on the US at the time. I thought it worked pretty well.
My two biggest issues with him are that he's a mean bastard (at least Ennis has/had some genuine heart) and he popularised the 'Superhero as part of the Military Industrial Complex'. I really hate that.