Kind of wish I didn't pre-order my tickets
Hey at least you didn't buy this like some people did:
Kind of wish I didn't pre-order my tickets
Kind of wish I didn't pre-order my tickets
How the fuck is the Avengers rated as some top tier in terms of great movie, even for Marvel movies? The only good thing is that it has superheros as a team getting together.
- The villains overall are garbage. 1,000s of generic looking characters that all get beat and we know nothing from their feats. Big snake thing that comes out and gets destroyed by the hulk. All of them being led by the guy that got his ass smashed by Thor. But now we are supposed to take him seriously as Thor whose noticeably stronger teams up with Ironman, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury, the Hulk, & Captain America.
- Which leads to having literally no tension at all during the movie. Execpt for that overly scripted death scene that later on doesn't even turn into a death scene. Apparently this is also a guy everyone here is supposed to care, how many of them know him exceptionally well?
- The plot.. fuck lets just move on.
- Captain America's writing & costume.
- Needed a laugh track to equal to Big Bang Theory type of comedy. I actually dug some of the comedy but was too overdone.
- Deus Ex Machina Hulk being able to control and not control his powers depending on what the movie needs.
- Bomb explosion makes generic 1,000s of copy & paste bad guys disappear because why not.
FUN theater experience. Had a blast. Generally on second watches, the quality is very little over, under or the same. Only movie I had a totally different outlook on the second viewing and promised to not watch again so I wouldn't rate it any lower. No idea what appeal this movie has over CBM other than superheroes getting together, plenty of Marvel movies are better written and directed let alone overall. Even with those flaws, it's a fun movie and should be enjoyed. If Avengers came out today, I guarantee you it would be nowhere near as well received as it originally was.
I still don't know why one of Thanos' people didn't fall from sky.
It'll be lucky to get past 40.Between 40 and 50 would be my guess.
That's a shame really.It's back up at 41. Doesn't seem to want to break it though.
How the fuck is the Avengers rated as some top tier in terms of great movie, even for Marvel movies? The only good thing is that it has superheros as a team getting together.
- The villains overall are garbage. 1,000s of generic looking characters that all get beat and we know nothing from their feats. Big snake thing that comes out and gets destroyed by the hulk. All of them being led by the guy that got his ass smashed by Thor. But now we are supposed to take him seriously as Thor whose noticeably stronger teams up with Ironman, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury, the Hulk, & Captain America.
- Which leads to having literally no tension at all during the movie. Execpt for that overly scripted death scene that later on doesn't even turn into a death scene. Apparently this is also a guy everyone here is supposed to care, how many of them know him exceptionally well?
- The plot.. fuck lets just move on.
- Captain America's writing & costume.
- Needed a laugh track to equal to Big Bang Theory type of comedy. I actually dug some of the comedy but was too overdone.
- Deus Ex Machina Hulk being able to control and not control his powers depending on what the movie needs.
- Bomb explosion makes generic 1,000s of copy & paste bad guys disappear because why not.
FUN theater experience. Had a blast. Generally on second watches, the quality is very little over, under or the same. Only movie I had a totally different outlook on the second viewing and promised to not watch again so I wouldn't rate it any lower. No idea what appeal this movie has over CBM other than superheroes getting together, plenty of Marvel movies are better written and directed let alone overall. Even with those flaws, it's a fun movie and should be enjoyed. If Avengers came out today, I guarantee you it would be nowhere near as well received as it originally was.
I still don't know why one of Thanos' people didn't fall from sky.
Yep, to an extent, I mean Terminator 3 and Spider Man 3 are fresh and people hate those movies a lot.Honestly, it is a discovery for me to see that people obsess over RT scores.
It is ultimately a meaningless number as much as most critics opinion.
You can enjoy a bad movie.
You can dislike a masterpiece.
From the outside, it looks like you are turning to RT for some sort of validation.
That's a bit confusing since it's a different actor. Didn't know they were still from the same world. Didn't he go completely insane because the ship turned into a wreck? Then hitting the Hulk?Sephzilla said:You do know that Banner was starting to learn how to control it at the end of Incredible Hulk, right?
I had a fun time watching both movies. Esp if you watch it in theaters since it has some shine. But when people talk about the best superhero movies list, my reaction is alwaysAoU is the superior movie
Have Superman kill.
You do know that Banner was starting to learn how to control it at the end of Incredible Hulk, right?
A lot of stuff that made Watchmen remarkable are strictly limited to its comic book medium. The techniques it used, the craft of it all, the way words juxtaposed against panels, the usage of synchronicity and symbolism and motifs, or how an issue visually constructed the same way front to back like a Rorschach, or just the fact that it came out in a medium dominated by superheroes who didn't typically deal with things like this or sound like this, or the supplemental prose back-ups. You take all that away, what do you have? Just a gritty superhero murder mystery, 25 years removed from its peak impact and influence. You don't really have Watchmen anymore.
Would have been awesome if she made the sound after she says chosen one..
rektI love how a movie about Ant-Man was reviewed by critics and received by audiences better than the first live action movie featuring Batman and Superman.
"Flavor of the month" Ant-Man.
Bucky Barnes actor's comments on Zack Snyder are still hilarious.
Sebastian Stan: "I would say were still making something very original in our own way. I mean, the Russos are coming in and taking something people are used to and theyre shaping it up and changing it in a very different way. Theyre not trying to mimic a better Christopher Nolan movie or something like that."
Wonderful post.
The praise for its "faithfulness" to the graphic novel are just compliments to its skin-deep superficiality, not faithfulness to what made it special.
AoU is the superior movie
The major problem with "just firing Snyder" is that he's not just a director-for-hire, he's the chief visionary behind the DCEU. He was the one who tweeted out that first shot of Aquaman, for instance.
In fact it's worse than I thought, filming on Justice League Part 1 starts in two weeks!
Would have been awesome if she made the sound after she says chosen one..
I like it more that TDK.
I wonder how Kevin Smith will react to this, bet he likes it in the beginning he really liked TDKR
Then again he's been a spokesperson/moderator for some DC stuff and old friends with Affleck.. It's gonna be interesting
I just hope Ben would do Fatman on Batman
Will robots and/or zombies do?
"I'm coming!"
A brainless action blockbuster with superheroes in there. They happen every year, just without superheroes. There's absolutely nothing special in it other than heroes get together for the first time which is cool to see.Avengers is a structurally tight blockbuster, that knows when to have fun and when to get (relatively) serious, and balances the two tones exceptionally well. Great cast dynamic where everyone plays off each other pretty perfectly (doubly impressive considering they were all hired in separate movies apart from each other). The plot is simple but perfectly functional in executing what the movie is actually about and needs to do: blending these six or seven completely different personalities together, and wringing as much chemistry and entertainment out of it as possible.
The movie could have easily been a disaster but ends up working so well that it almost looks effortless. Yeah yeah, flat lighting, Cap's costume, Hawkeye is a zombie for most of the movie, blah blah. The strengths outweigh the weaknesses and the whole thing is greater than the sum of its parts.
How the fuck is the Avengers rated as some top tier in terms of great movie, even for Marvel movies? The only good thing is that it has superheros as a team getting together.
- The villains overall are garbage. 1,000s of generic looking characters that all get beat and we know nothing from their feats. Big snake thing that comes out and gets destroyed by the hulk. All of them being led by the guy that got his ass smashed by Thor. But now we are supposed to take him seriously as Thor whose noticeably stronger teams up with Ironman, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury, the Hulk, & Captain America.
- Which leads to having literally no tension at all during the movie. Execpt for that overly scripted death scene that later on doesn't even turn into a death scene. Apparently this is also a guy everyone here is supposed to care, how many of them know him exceptionally well?
- The plot.. fuck lets just move on.
- Captain America's writing & costume.
- Needed a laugh track to equal to Big Bang Theory type of comedy. I actually dug some of the comedy but was too overdone.
- Deus Ex Machina Hulk being able to control and not control his powers depending on what the movie needs.
- Bomb explosion makes generic 1,000s of copy & paste bad guys disappear because why not.
FUN theater experience. Had a blast. Generally on second watches, the quality is very little over, under or the same. Only movie I had a totally different outlook on the second viewing and promised to not watch again so I wouldn't rate it any lower. No idea what appeal this movie has over CBM other than superheroes getting together, plenty of Marvel movies are better written and directed let alone overall. Even with those flaws, it's a fun movie and should be enjoyed. If Avengers came out today, I guarantee you it would be nowhere near as well received as it originally was.
I still don't know why one of Thanos' people didn't fall from sky.
Hey at least you didn't buy this like some people did:
I wonder how Kevin Smith will react to this, bet he likes it in the beginning he really liked TDKR
Then again he's been a spokesperson/moderator for some DC stuff and old friends with Affleck.. It's gonna be interesting
I just hope Ben would do Fatman on Batman
He should never criticize someone else's movie. So probably nothing.
I would. No amount of damage that these movies do can undo the decades of great stories from DC.., or the actual good movies in that regard. My Number superhero movie will always be Donner's Superman I.I wonder if they name this movie, Disasters of the DC Cinematic Universe... would you also get chuckle when you say it out loud?
You know your stuff.
Now someone queue a gif of Snyder getting his head slammed repeatedly against the conference desk by a WB exec
Well I can count for snyder for action scenes, honestly that's all I want
Honestly, it is a discovery for me to see that people obsess over RT scores.
It is ultimately a meaningless number as much as most critics opinion.
You can enjoy a bad movie.
You can dislike a masterpiece.
From the outside, it looks like you are turning to RT for some sort of validation.
On the bright side, Transformers always does bad reviews but still makes billion dollars.
On the bright side, Transformers always does bad reviews but still makes billion dollars.
Not as bad as Bush v. Gore, but close.
Batman. The character that once made the Academy to expand the number of Oscars nominations to avoid the risk of ignoring it again, reduced to a Transformers wish. Kill me now.On the bright side, Transformers always does bad reviews but still makes billion dollars.
Agreed. It might be an empty brainless childish affair, but boring or sloppy it was not. Credit where credit is due.Why even quote me if you're just going to gloss over everything I wrote?
Blockbusters like the first Avengers are pretty rare, despite what the "AVENGERS IS SHIT" contingent on GAF would like to believe. Few are as well put together or genuinely exciting to watch, with casts that work as well as that one. Most are pretty sloppy, boring affairs with dull actors and duller action. Whether that says more about Avengers' strengths or how few actually good blockbusters we get every year is another matter though...
A brainless action blockbuster with superheroes in there. They happen every year, just without superheroes. There's absolutely nothing special in it other than heroes get together for the first time which is cool to see.
captainamericaiunderstoodthatreference.gifThe movie needed a gigantic mechanical spider, that would've saved everything
How the fuck is the Avengers rated as some top tier in terms of great movie, even for Marvel movies? The only good thing is that it has superheros as a team getting together.
- The villains overall are garbage. 1,000s of generic looking characters that all get beat and we know nothing from their feats. Big snake thing that comes out and gets destroyed by the hulk. All of them being led by the guy that got his ass smashed by Thor. But now we are supposed to take him seriously as Thor whose noticeably stronger teams up with Ironman, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury, the Hulk, & Captain America.
- Which leads to having literally no tension at all during the movie. Execpt for that overly scripted death scene that later on doesn't even turn into a death scene. Apparently this is also a guy everyone here is supposed to care, how many of them know him exceptionally well?
- The plot.. fuck lets just move on.
- Captain America's writing & costume.
- Needed a laugh track to equal to Big Bang Theory type of comedy. I actually dug some of the comedy but was too overdone.
- Deus Ex Machina Hulk being able to control and not control his powers depending on what the movie needs.
- Bomb explosion makes generic 1,000s of copy & paste bad guys disappear because why not.
FUN theater experience. Had a blast. Generally on second watches, the quality is very little over, under or the same. Only movie I had a totally different outlook on the second viewing and promised to not watch again so I wouldn't rate it any lower. No idea what appeal this movie has over CBM other than superheroes getting together, plenty of Marvel movies are better written and directed let alone overall. Even with those flaws, it's a fun movie and should be enjoyed. If Avengers came out today, I guarantee you it would be nowhere near as well received as it originally was.
I still don't know why one of Thanos' people didn't fall from sky.
the entire point of the alien tentacle monster is to present a neutral, completely free of ideological ties threat that would cause all of the world's nations to drop their petty differences and unite to confront a possible threat to all.
So yeah, the ending was a complete misfire and misses the entire point.