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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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i'm not so sure a complete reboot is necessary. The individual performances/characters don't seem to be as much of a problem. And it didn't seem like WB had any plans to make any more solo Superman movies anyway so I'm not sure they have to worry about Cavill's ability to carry a movie.


Sooo I don't really want to read the shitstorm that every thread on this movie probably is but basically if I really liked MoS I'm gonna like this one? Seems it's the same vein after all.

I'mseeing it anyways on the weekend.

I dunno. There are people who liked this movie more than MoS. I prefer MoS over BvS.

Opinions are all over the place really.


i'm not so sure a complete reboot is necessary. The individual performances/characters don't seem to be as much of a problem. And it didn't seem like WB had any plans to make any more solo Superman movies anyway so I'm not sure they have to worry about Cavill's ability to carry a movie.

To be fair, I don't even think Cavill is the problem. Just the material he had to work with.

You could put Christopher Reeves himself in this role and it still wouldn't work.
If it drops any more, it's at risk of dipping below My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 and becoming the second best reviewed movie opening this weekend. BvS is at 29% and MBFGW2 is at 25%.
From what I hear, Routh is a pretty awesome and humble guy, while Cavill probably should keep his mouth shut.

In five, ten years... I can absolutely see Cavill slumming it on the CW.

Seriously. He seems like a nice guy and hell I liked MoS but I can't see him surviving at this level.

A turn in the Justice League movie (variable depending on the legs of this) and then mainstream audiences won't see him again.
And I thought I disliked his Superman..sheesh. Anyway, a fine nugget I just saw in the BvS thread


Wrap it up folks..



Junior Member
cavill, like routh, seems a pretty average and limited actor. that more than anything is what would prevent him from bouncing back. he also has v little charisma.


Paper or plastic?
I thought Cavill was fine, though they really didn't ask much of him in this film in the way of acting. Affleck is stellar as Bruce Wayne AND Batman which a big deal for me as it is either one or the other with the previous actors.

Just makes me all the more angry with what Zack did with the character.


cavill, like routh, seems a pretty average and limited actor. that more than anything is what would prevent him from bouncing back. he also has v little charisma.

It has to be said that they've tried launching him in other things and none of them have taken off. It's starting to look like a pattern.


And I thought I disliked his Superman..

Nah, I actually don't think he's the problem as a gaffer above pointed out too. I liked him well enough in MoS and I couldnt see anyone making Superman work in the context of this production.

I just don't think Cavills charismatic enough to escape coming out of this well career trajectory wise outside of whatever time he has left in JL.

I hope I'm wrong. I'm just bummed that no-one seems to know what the fuck to do with Superman as a movie property. Superman Returns, MoS and now BvS is pretty damn rocky
Chris Evans has had an extremely hard time making a decent career outside of comic stuff too and he's got more comedy chops than Cavill

some people are just destined to be average players.

They're lucky to have franchises like this and avatar to give them something to do.

Edit: man from uncle was pretty fun. Liked vikander and hammer more than Cavill tho. But all 3 were entertaining.
Nah, I actually don't think he's the problem as a gaffer above pointed out too. I liked him well enough in MoS and I couldnt see anyone making Superman work in the context of this production.

I just don't think Cavills charismatic enough to escape coming out of this well career trajectory wise outside of whatever time he has left in JL.

I hope I'm wrong. I'm just bummed that no-one seems to know what the fuck to do with Superman as a movie property. Superman Returns, MoS and now BvS is pretty damn rocky

Isn't this more about how he's written/directed. I found him fine in UNCLE..


Chris Evans has had an extremely hard time making a decent career outside of comic stuff too and he's got more comedy chops than Cavill

some people are just destined to be average players.

They're lucky to have franchises like this and avatar to give them something to do.

Evans is doing directing work though, sucks though because he has comedy chops.
Brandon Routh is an okay actor, but maaan was he blah in Chuck.
Chris Evans has had an extremely hard time making a decent career outside of comic stuff too and he's got more comedy chops than Cavill

some people are just destined to be average players.

They're lucky to have franchises like this and avatar to give them something to do.

Edit: man from uncle was pretty fun. Liked vikander and hammer more than Cavill tho. But all 3 were entertaining.
Evans has pretty much said he just wants Cap to be his acting career lol
This fucking thread, you guys.

This thread.

This is about 63% your fault.

I wanna see Ben Afflecks response to that video. I'm sure he'd take it lightly and find it funny

Besides he should be perfectly aware that he seems to be one of the actual positives in the reviews.

I think he had an idea this was coming. And yeah, he's widely considered a good positive.

An amazing bomb

You son of a bitch

It was the blandest shit.

YOU son of a bitch
Evans is doing directing work though, sucks though because he has comedy chops.

Trash directing work tbh. And he wasn't getting anywhere before he did. He's lucky he has a big Marvel franchise.

People like evans, Reynolds, Cavill etc. are all competing for the same roles. But unless theyre bankable nobody really cares.

I think Cavill should try his luck going the indie route or something. But dude said he just wants some money which is cool and everything but yeah I don't see him having much of a body of work
Evans tried to direct and star in his own fancy New York version of Before Sunrise


It was a meh flick. Absurdly homoerotic movie, but didn't have the guts to admit it.

Cavill had all the swag in the world in that movie, EVEN when he was shit talking Armie Hammer's mom


I thought Cavill was fine. Affleck, Gadot and Irons steal the show. Eisenberg was the only actor I found was miscast.

If anything, the movie's failings are not the fault of the actors, so I can see them doing fine into future projects.


I thought Cavill was fine. Affleck, Gadot and Irons steal the show. Eisenberg was the only actor I found was miscast.

If anything, the movie's failings are not the fault of the actors, so I can see them doing fine into future projects.

Yeah, even Cavill was fine I thought, he just wasn't given very much to work with.

I really liked what little screen time Gadot got, so if nothing else this has me looking forward to the Wonder Woman film, should it turn out well.


Bobby's right. When all is said and done, I wanna see as much behind-the-scenes stuff for this movie as possible. Everything Snyder's said in the past three days alone has been batshit insane, a full look might be as iconic as Phantom Menace's.
I don't doubt that his film wasn't very good, but there are far worse filmmakers to aspire to than Linklater.

I feel like every high school movie director looks at him and John Hughes as influences but maaaan why you gotta do such a blatant remake in this case

Looking forward to that college movie linklaters got coming up.
Well there's always Netflix and parody porn...

Guy Ritchie won't direct pornography!

I don't doubt that his film wasn't very good, but there are far worse filmmakers to aspire to than Linklater.

Dude can beat the shit out of Bucky but he can't do a walk and talk!

I feel like every high school movie director looks at him and John Hughes as influences but maaaan why you gotta do such a blatant remake in this case

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to try it tbh

Btw this stupid topic is now about Before Sunrise, GET EDUCATED
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