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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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Blade trilogy was honestly shit. There was nothing to write home about the writing. And the best movie in The Dark Knight trilogy was mostly written by Christopher Nolan. And MoS is shit in the script department too. Goyer is a terrible writer.

He said just Blade, not the trilogy.

Are you saying Blade 1 was shit? really????


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Genuinely baffled that its RT score is so much lower than Marvel's stuff. How so many people could love, say, Ant-Man or Thor 1, but hate on BvS is very strange to me.

I'd certainly rate it below any of Marvel's stuff, honestly I may even rate MoS above BvS, and I don't care much for MoS either. Both MoS and BvS suffer from many of the same symptoms, both films have script and tone issues which just bring everything down to an unbearable state no matter how great other aspects of the films are. HOWEVER, at least with MoS, the editing is much bettter, I mean it's a well directed mess, BvS seemed juvenile in comparison from an editing and direction point of view, with the exception being the action scenes in which Snyder does excel at. But great action without a compelling story or characters is just uninteresting in the end (see the Star Wars prequels). And even though Batman was done extremely well in BvS (except for that one thing which pissed me off terribly) the rest of the movie really wasn't. Superman is an unlikable terror, Wonder Woman is barely in it, Lex is The Riddler, any humor is missing, the tone is dire and depressing, the music was loud and obnoxious at times, the villains were not compelling nor interesting, there isn't anyone to root for, and the pacing and editing were baffling and even confusing.

Nah, I can easily see why it's at 30%. Most people just won't enjoy a mess like this.


Zack Snyder said:
We call it the Ultimate Cut because to me it’s a deeper dive into that world and there are storylines in there that get fleshed out by the longer version… I would say that we didn’t really take out much of the Superman/Batman story because I felt like, you know that’s kind of the movie, but there was some sort of interstitial stuff that surrounds the story, that kind of finishes some of the ideas that we trimmed back, and I think that’s what you get

If you watch Watchmen on TNT or whatever, the TV cut, it’s the movie, it’s in there, if you watch it you’re like, ‘Oh okay, I get it,’ but all the edges get knocked off of it by the nature of putting something that’s kind of that rough on TV. In a weird way, the theatrical cut is a step up from that, and then the director’s cut [of Watchmen] is really where it’s at, in my opinion. With a movie like that where I was in a, I don’t wanna say I was in a battle with the studio but I was probably more headstrong on that movie because the material was so important to me.


Oh did this film get fucked in editing.


It remains to be seen how much the ultimate cut changes the movie -- and whether it's story issues are rooted in bad writing, bad editing or both -- but as is, I would say Goyer's MoS script is better than Terrio's here. Which is something I definitely never thought I would say. :lol

This movie's issues run so deep and are so many I think there's no chance of any of these changes bringing substantial improvement to it.
It remains to be seen how much the ultimate cut changes the movie -- and whether it's story issues are rooted in bad writing, bad editing or both -- but as is, I would say Goyer's MoS script is better than Terrio's here.

Here's the interesting turn about the ultimate cut. This week Snyder opened up about how recently cuts and edits were made to the theatrical version, talking about how a 3 hour cut couldn't be in theaters. But weeks ago, Snyder said WB were okay with releasing the 3 hour cut in theaters and he didn't want to. Add to that, the ultimate cut was rated in December '15 and the theatrical cut's run time revealed late February. It's wishy-washy both ways to look at it.

From trailers, set shots, and promotional items, there is quiet a lot to add back. Surprising or not,
lots of Clark Kent scenes were cut.
I just remembered another nonsensical, totally thrown in for no reason scene in the movie.
I'm talking about the opening where Bruce is lifted up by the Bats, Batfleck narrates saying how in his dreams they always carried him into the light. So, we have Batfleck narrating things to the audience? Which is never done again in the entire movie. It reminds me of those early episodes of S1 of Arrow where they hadn't quite figured out the character yet and he would end up narrating his thoughts and plot to the audience for a few episodes before they dropped it completely.
I'd say Winter Solider, Guardians, Cap 1, and Avengers 1 are definitely better. Iron Man 1 is probably within BvS's range. Actually haven't seen Ant Man.

Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are the bottom tier. Iron Man 2, Thor 1, Norton Hulk are all a step above, but I'd rank them below MoS and BvS by a pretty wide margin.


I'd say Winter Solider, Guardians, Cap 1, and Avengers 1 are definitely better. Iron Man 1 is probably within BvS's range. Actually haven't seen Ant Man.

Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are the bottom tier. Iron Man 2, Thor 1, Norton Hulk are all a step above, but I'd rank them below MoS and BvS by a pretty wide margin.

Hey now.

Heeey now.



steals Justin Bieber DVDs
I'd say Winter Solider, Guardians, Cap 1, and Avengers 1 are definitely better. Iron Man 1 is probably within BvS's range. Actually haven't seen Ant Man.



Aftershock LA
My wife and I finally got to see the movie, and I wrote a review about it. It's obscenely long, so I didn't want to copy paste the entire thing here. I'm not sure what the rules are about linking to your own stuff, but seriously, it's a long fucking review. I'll copy paste my verdict, and just link to the whole thing, I guess.

It is a spoiler filled review, so I talk about all aspects of the movie (that I could remember after my viewing of it).


Let me be clear: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, is not a bad movie. It’s not Sucker Punch or Fantastic Four (all three) levels of mediocre to awful. Not every movie falls into the categories of “Greatest of All Time,” or “Dog shit.” There are many layers of quality, and Dawn of Justice does not tread anywhere near “Dog shit.” Nor does it soars to the heights of “GOAT.”

The acting is solid. Visual effects are nice. Action scenes are Snyder doing what he does, and doing it well. My issues primarily stem with the bloated, unfocused, and sloppily edited plot/pacing, and some questionable choices as far as characterization goes (ie, the ease at which Superman and Batman kill others without comment or regret). Is it a trainwreck? No. But it’s not a very good movie. Nor is it bad. The most damning criticism I can level at it is that it’s sadly, boring. Two hours and thirty minutes of screentime, yet it could have easily been pared down to two hours or less, and been a much tighter paced, satisfying film.

At the very least, it is worth a Rent when it become available on Blu Ray and Video on Demand services. I can’t recommend spending money on the film in the theater unless you can get good priced tickets (the theater by my home is anywhere between $18-$24 per ticket, and I go with my wife, so, $50+ for a trip to a movie I may not like wasn’t the most appealing prospect, but I digress). If you really want to see the film in all of its big screen spectacle (and I admit Snyder does spectacle very well), by all means, treat yourself. For everyone else, a solid rental, on your comfy couch and maybe a few drinks could help the movie go down easier.

And here's the link to my full review if anyone is interested: https://selectstartgames.wordpress....-v-superman-dawn-of-justice-review/#more-3289
Recent comic book movies better than BvS for me: TDKR, Dofp, Cap 2, Iron Man 1 and 3, Guardians, Deadpool

At its level or worse: everything else.

The highs of this eclipse almost anything on either list or are certainly up there. And it's cool that it attempts ideas like bringing the heroes down to our world rather than raise the reality up to them. But as a coherent and competent film it fails. Even the worst of mcu's movies or even amazing spiderman 2 works fine as a coherent and straight line narrative. Man of Steel did too.

The pacing and the inclusion of certain scenes in here was idiotic. But I think it belongs in the whatever pile with many other movies. It has some great stuff in the Shell of a badly told story


lmao nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be--it's too damn long for sure, but very solid

definitely not Amazing Spiderman 2, or Daredevil bad. I'd have it above Avengers 2, maybe above Avengers 1 because I think that film has aged like shit, but not Winter Soldier tier

but oooff....that was a really long film. but its good.

This was definitely worse than TASM2?

The only difference is some of GAF likes Batman more than Sony Spider-Man (and they were also lobbying for the rights to go back) so they are willing to justify most of the garbage in this film.

The films both hang on a very thin thread.


I hated this and asm2 for the exact same reasons.

Kind of surreal.

It's almost like greedy companies are more concerned with trying to build a universe of spin-offs instead of focusing on making a satisfying, self-contained film that makes any semblance of sense.

This is "put the cart a mile ahead of the horse" syndrome.


Me and my kids followed the movie without issue, despite the editing complaints. The dream sequences and Flash vision were taken in stride. We spoke on its significance afterward. The only thing they asked by way of explanation was exactly how Supes would be coming back to life since he was both gored in the heart and his body was buried in a box underground and denied healing sunlight. That's a tough one. I settled on Supes being so irradiated with the Sun's rays that he regenerates on a cellular level--sort of what the Hulk does in the comics. Heh. They didn't buy it, and who can blame them.

Pretty good convo with them. We all agreed that the Justice League should show a shift in tone.
You know what was funny? That fucking crate in the
"Save Martha"
I laughed my ass off when it bounced off of one of the soldier's faces like a rubber sandwich.
List of Marvel movies that BvS is better then: None

Marvel at least largely respects the source material and the movies are coherent.
Depends if you mean Marvel in terms of properties.
BvS is better than all Fantastic Four movies, but those were produced by Fox.
It's also better than Man if Steel, but that is because Ma and Pa Kent are in it less.
You know what was funny? That fucking crate in the
"Save Martha"
I laughed my ass off when it bounced off of that soldier's face like a rubber sandwich.

Yeah that fight got pretty crazy. When the bat solo movie comes they better bring with it the Arkham game style combat scenes.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Nah that would be the thors or amazing spidermans

TDKR is starting to look like apocalypse now with every passing year that this genre continues

Lord Nolan has abandoned us

For all its flaws and plot contrivances, TDKR is so much better than BvS. I've seen TDKR twice in the theater. You couldn't pay me enough to see Snyder's film again.


Marvel movies are like canned tuna. Even if it's not fine dining, you can still spread it on a piece of toast and it's at least edible.

BvS was like a plate of messy nachos. You gotta dig and pick around things to get a bite that isn't drenched and soggy from too many ingredients.


I had a newfound appreciation for how hard it is to make films when I left the cinema after seeing Batman v Superman.

You can have all the right elements and still fuck it up.


During the Batman v Superman fight why didn't Supes just say,
Bruce, they have my mother".
" straight off?
Marvel movies are like canned tuna. Even if it's not fine dining, you can still spread it on a piece of toast and it's at least edible.

BvS was like a plate of messy nachos. You gotta dig and pick around things to get a bite that isn't drenched and soggy from too many ingredients.
I would say Marvel is like White Bread and DC is like Flatbread for the most part.

I had a new found appreciation for how hard it is to make films when I left the cinema after seeing Batman v Superman.

You can have all the right elements and still fuck it up.
I rewatched Superman Returns with more appreciation no doubt.


Eisenberg was irritating, to say the least. I couldn't stand the incessant reliance of those facial ticks, head tilts, or the scrunching of his mouth to convey "unhinged." Plus, the constant modulation of his voice wasn't unsettling or diabolical, it was just grating to the ears.

While Wonder Woman being awesome holding her own in that fight, it wasn't earned. And neither was that group shot. All this hoopla over DC beating marvel to the bunch with a Superheorine and she's just another decorative element.

Batman's laser focus on killing Superman being diffused by their mom's sharing the same name?

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