Good thing it's not Spore then.Spore space mode was interesting for about an hour.
All my planets shall be Asimov references.
I'm slightly interested, but waiting for impressions and reviews before buying it right away.
Yeah, this is what's really keeping me away from this game. Randomly generated worlds is like Kryptonite to me. It doesn't really give me any sense of accomplishment. I like to play games that have a concrete world that I can fully explore.
Otherwise, I still think it looks pretty cool, just not my thing.
I really don't get this point of saying one is interested in the game but the delay made them less interested. I mean seriously. You either want to play the game or you don't.
Do people honestly believe 6 weeks was going to make any meaningful impact on a game that was in development for years, if anything it would mean more optimizations and things smoothed over, I don't think that's enough time to change the scope and overall aims of the game and what its trying to achieve.
You might as well say "If I don't have this game by such and such time, then I don't want this game at all" It just comes across as impatience,
The game will finally release in August (hopefully). Has been delayed multiple times, no show at E3 this year and a lawsuit settled recently. Their website was last updated in May with the IGN preview. Things aren't looking good for them.
and the lawsuit was a borderline frivolous lawsuit from Sky, which they won.
Still trying to figure out why I am supposed to explore these planets... Exploration without a purpose is just wandering.
That seems kind of silly. Naughty Dog made Crash Bandicoot and The Last of Us. The developer of mobile endless runner Ski Safari made the PC/consoles card game - brawler - dungeon crawler Hand of Fate. Stephen King can write a dystopian thriller and a horror story about otherworldly mist. Sean Murray worked on Burnout 3, Black, and Joe Danger. Your mindset is like saying because Spielberg made a kid's adventure about an alien, he can't make a brutal war movie. The tools and experience making a game aren't exclusive to a single genre or a single game.
Ah I see. Misunderstood your "Was reminded that they made Joe Danger" commentHoo boy, definitely not what I was trying to say there. No Man's Sky looks extremely ambitious and I'm glad to see Hello Games branching out. I would never expect a developer to focus on one style of game for their entire existence, that just isn't how creative minds work. I also wasn't trying to say that No Man's Sky will be the same style of game as a Joe Danger.
The real meat of what I wanted to say was that I don't see this game as being a life-consuming experience like I once did. That isn't a bad thing and it certainly won't be the case for everyone. The fact that I enjoyed Joe Danger in 20 minute sessions doesn't mean that there weren't people who blew through it in a day. That's not me making a comment on the quality of the game or Hello Game's talent as developers. It's simply my personal reflection on what I think I would get out of the title.