Who the fuck are they to tell us how to conduct our affairs?
How slow are you to realize we started this and half of us were shouting at our president not to do this already?
Who the fuck are they to tell us how to conduct our affairs?
Not "evil" country which occupies Tibet and where political opponents tend to disappear although sometimes they are just openly murdered in massacres on plazas.
It's hilarious how so many people suddenly support China just because Trump doesn't like them.
China is the only remaining safeguard for progressive western ideals and I'm not even joking. That is, considering how much of a threat Russia is to progressives in the west.
Should have clarified, I was referring to a major nation in Asia who understands that progressive values are essential for western democracies even if out of self interest. Unlike say Japan who bent over backwards to appease the orange bigot.
I agree that it is incredibly unprofessional and he should speak with more thought and care considering how much power his words now hold.
You're not proving him wrong at all, you're still thinking simplistically. Every country has its ups and its downs. The only instance in which I can think of a country being 'good' or 'evil' is if it is immensely small and therefore can fill the description completely. The US, being 300 million people and diverse, is not wholly 'good'. The 1 billion plus population of China means that it cannot be a nation wholly 'evil'.Not "evil" country which occupies Tibet and where political opponents tend to disappear although sometimes they are just openly murdered in massacres on plazas.
It's hilarious how so many people suddenly support China just because Trump doesn't like them.
The Chinese government is not "evil". That's an overly simplistic, undiplomatic, and unconstructive way to frame the situation.
Tell that to Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, dissidents, the families and students of those who participated in Tiananmen Square protests, people from Taiwan, Hong Kong, their support of North Korea, etc. The CPC and Chinese government is easily one of the most authoritarian, corrupt, vile governments in human history. Their near total control of all forms of media and secret police still jailing or watching family members should teach you otherwise. Fuck the CPC.
Not only that but they covertly helped Pakistan develop nuclear weapons capability, which is perhaps the one state in the world right now most likely to fall under extremism.
yep. All 1 billion Chinese are evil. US=good China=bad.
"Chinese" and "Big Sticks" does not compute.
The message that I'm getting from this thread is that it's ok to make stereotyped comments against Asians.
I can deal with lawful evil but chaotic evil is the kind of character that has to die for the better of everyone else. Of course people who like to play CE characters are always super pissed when you gun for them because "I am not an amoral asshole, that's just my character!! Roleplay, roleplay!!!"I'd say that China represents lawful evil whereas Trump is chaotic evil.
By that metric, Putin would probably be neutral evil, yet sometimes pretending to be chaotic evil when it suits his needs.
I didn't know all 1 billion Chinese are part of the Chinese government or communist party of China like I stated in my post or do you just like to talk out of your ass.
The Chinese government is not China, and criticizing them is not racist. Hong Kong, Taiwan are prime examples of how an ethnically Chinese country can flourish free of an authoritarian and tyrannical government.
Still standing ground on the day he's sworn is you wont see this kind of Trump on Twitter. You can criticize his cabinet to the nth-degree but there is no way the House, Senate or any other foreign affairs type committee would allow Trump to fire off the way he does.
Who the fuck are they to tell us how to conduct our affairs?
Yeah, because no country ever dictates to any other country how to conduct their affairs... Especially the US.
The Global Times claimed any new tariffs would trigger immediate countermeasures and tit-for-tat approach from Beijing.
A batch of Boeing orders will be replaced by Airbus. US auto and iPhone sales in China will suffer a setback, and US soybean and maize imports will be halted. China can also limit the number of Chinese students studying in the US.
Chinese government really has a fragile ego, huh.
This should be fun.
Unless it effects my business (I have products that ship from China). Because then I'd have to add this to the list of things I'm going to get pissed about.
You're not proving him wrong at all, you're still thinking simplistically. Every country has its ups and its downs. The only instance in which I can think of a country being 'good' or 'evil' is if it is immensely small and therefore can fill the description completely. The US, being 300 million people and diverse, is not wholly 'good'. The 1 billion plus population of China means that it cannot be a nation wholly 'evil'.
For instance, China is putting immense effort and resources into researching climate change and developing green energy. In comparison, the US lets its population run amuck with guns and allows its police officers to discriminate against minorities in their handling of situations, resulting in significant deaths but few trials and convictions against police. From this sort of description, is it not possible to consider "Oh, China good, US bad"?
Don't act like you actually care about Tibet and use it as an argument to point out how China is 'evil' and how you're standing on some righteous pedestal.
this will only provoke him
Idiot is going to start a trade war and collapse the global economy because he can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Fuck this country.
None of these players are "evil". Did we all secretly actually agree with Bush's foreign policy or something and just didn't want to admit it at the time? Simplistically framing major superpowers as "evil" or "children" in order for their actions to more comfortably fit your worldview is not constructive.I'd say that China represents lawful evil whereas Trump is chaotic evil.
By that metric, Putin would probably be neutral evil, yet sometimes pretending to be chaotic evil when it suits his needs.
A superpower?
Similarly, the CPC have done some pretty awful things, but all in all I have hope they're trying their best to run a functioning government. At least they're not trying to undermine democracy or governments in other countries in order to gain more power for themselves.
I'm fine if you want actions like that to qualify a country as "evil", but then so would the USA, and a lot of other major powers.Tell that to Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, dissidents, the families and students of those who participated in Tiananmen Square protests, people from Taiwan, Hong Kong, their support of North Korea, etc. The CPC and Chinese government is easily one of the most authoritarian, corrupt, vile governments in human history. Their near total control of all forms of media and secret police still jailing or watching family members should teach you otherwise. Fuck the CPC.
Not only that but they covertly helped Pakistan develop nuclear weapons capability, which is perhaps the one state in the world right now most likely to fall under extremism.
I'm fine if you want actions like that to qualify a country as "evil", but then so would the USA, and a lot of other major powers.
Again, if your point is that all huge governments are evil, I guess you're right. Then the Chinese government is evil, just like America, Russia, etc.Tone of the argument, however, seems to point at China being especially evil, and at that hahahaha okay.
"Chinese" and "Big Sticks" does not compute.
With the "big sticks" please
Oh my bad, I forgot the CCP has been interfering in European, Russian, and American elections to get weak leaders elected, or been sending clandestine teams to assassinate leaders and put in puppet governments for their own benefits, destabilizing an entire region.
Again, if your point is that all huge governments are evil, I guess you're right. Then the Chinese government is evil, just like America, Russia, etc.Tone of the argument, however, seems to point at China being especially evil, and at that hahahaha okay.
Oh my bad, I forgot the CCP has been interfering in European, Russian, and American elections to get weak leaders elected, or been sending clandestine teams to assassinate leaders and put in puppet governments for their own benefits, destabilizing an entire region.
Again, if your point is that all huge governments are evil, I guess you're right. Then the Chinese government is evil, just like America, Russia, etc.Tone of the argument, however, seems to point at China being especially evil, and at that hahahaha okay.
Chinese government really has a fragile ego, huh.
This should be fun.
Unless it effects my business (I have products that ship from China). Because then I'd have to add this to the list of things I'm going to get pissed about.
Trump's just doing a social experiment to see if negging works on a global scale.The next 4 years of diplomatic relations with other nations will be interesting to follow. Generally the USA has erred on the side of caution when speaking with foreign leaders who aren't our political allies (China, North Korea, etc.) so it won't provoke them and potentially cause an expensive and damaging war. But Trump isn't going to sit there and take it, he's going to fight back when they say something he doesn't agree with. And we've never had a president like this before. At least, not in modern day history.
The Chinese government is not "evil". That's an overly simplistic, undiplomatic, and unconstructive way to frame the situation.
China's more likely to back off than Trump is. China is clearly flustered by Trump and what he's doing and offering for businesses wanting to come back to the US, at least in part.
Personally, I think Trump's on the right track in regards to China. He's trying isolate them, not only from Russia, but us as well.
Still standing ground on the day he's sworn is you wont see this kind of Trump on Twitter. You can criticize his cabinet to the nth-degree but there is no way the House, Senate or any other foreign affairs type committee would allow Trump to fire off the way he does.
It's hilarious that you equate not wanting to call a country "evil" with "support", as well as thinking the only reason I feel this way is because Trump doesn't like them.Not "evil" country which occupies Tibet and where political opponents tend to disappear although sometimes they are just openly murdered in massacres on plazas.
It's hilarious how so many people suddenly support China just because Trump doesn't like them.
Tell that to Tibetans, Falun Gong practitioners, dissidents, the families and students of those who participated in Tiananmen Square protests, people from Taiwan, Hong Kong, their support of North Korea, etc. The CPC and Chinese government is easily one of the most authoritarian, corrupt, vile governments in human history. Their near total control of all forms of media and secret police still jailing or watching family members should teach you otherwise. Fuck the CPC.
Not only that but they covertly helped Pakistan develop nuclear weapons capability, which is perhaps the one state in the world right now most likely to fall under extremism.
China own 7% of the national debt ($1.2 trillion) so the only way Trump can win this fight is if he's got some kind of experience in welching on debts or going bankrupt or something.