Xeno Unity.
Xenosaga Trilogy
Xenoblade Chronicles + X
Three publishers. Six games. Reveals strange connections and teases a return to Fei and Elhaym.
What? I got really drunk one night and had a fever dream.
Legacy Of Kain/Soul Reaver.
of Kain.
Give us them all.
Legacy Collection of Kain. Mmm.
Dead Space 1,2,3 remastered.
A few come to mind.
Persona: The Wild Card Collection
- Contains Persona 3 FES, Persona 4 Golden and Persona 4 Arena Ultramax
- Persona 3 FES get's quality of life improvements from P4G and Female MC option
- All three games run at 60FPS and 1080p
- Bonus: Persona 3 Movies in English Subtitles included for Pre-Ordered versions
Sonic - The Classics Collection
- Developed by the team working on Sonic Mania
- Contains Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, Sonic Mania, Sonic CD and Knuckles Chaotix
- Sonic/Tails/Knuckles playable in all games
- Knuckles Chaotix has Sonic & Tails playable
- Trophies, 1080p/60fps, Wide Screen Support and Co-op Multiplayer
Crash's N. Sane Adventures
- Wrath of Cortex, Nitro Kart and Twinsanity Remastered at 1080p/60FPS
- Wrath has Xbox version visuals and improvements
- Twinsanity gets two additional levels based off cut content
- Nitro Kart has online support and new characters (Spyro the Dragon for example)
I love everything about these.
Motorstorm series
Ace Combat series if that counts
Mgs for pc
Or this. Dammit I'm so mad. That's such a good idea I wish it was mine.Most of all? Shadow Hearts for Japanese titles and SSX for US/EU titles.
Shadow Hearts
Breath of Fire
Wild Arms
Shin Megami Tensei
Digital Devil Saga
Devil Summoner
Devil Survivor
Devil May Cry (DMC HD Collection is PS360 only, and DmC Definitive Edition is not on PC)
Ninja Gaiden
Resident Evil (Original versions of 1-3 at the very least)
Dino Crisis
Street Fighter Alpha
Street Fighter 3
Rival Schools
King of Fighters
Legacy of Kain
Tomb Raider
Castlevania (mostly the Igavania ones)
Complete with all the weird one-off console versions of Quake 2. N64 Quake 2 at 1080p with a stable framerate would be great!
The first one isn't that great, but I'd love 2 and 3 running in HD.
Oh my gobrino. I love this and will probably post in it later. <_<;
Xenosaga Trilogy -REMAKE-
Fold in story elements from Xenosaga The Animation, Pied Piper, I Reloaded, Freaks and Xenosaga I&II to give the most complete Saga game to date. Reworked gameplay of the engine from three (to make I and II less of a slog). Direct connection from Xenogears to Xenosaga. Standardized voice acting and character models. And the coup de grâce? New Ultimate Bosses including cameos from Xenoblade characters as well as a direct story link from Saga to Blade!
having the whole Resident evil games in a single system would be awesome
Sega AM2 Legacy Collection.
A few come to mind.
Persona: The Wild Card Collection
- Contains Persona 3 FES, Persona 4 Golden and Persona 4 Arena Ultramax
- Persona 3 FES get's quality of life improvements from P4G and Female MC option
- All three games run at 60FPS and 1080p
- Bonus: Persona 3 Movies in English Subtitles included for Pre-Ordered versions
having the whole Resident evil games in a single system would be awesome