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Capcom just doesn't seem... cool anymore.


Media Create Maven
Hm, didn't expect the entire OP to be about Street Fighter, although it does seem disappointing. Maybe the title should be "Street Fighter isn't cool anymore". At the same time, the rest of Capcom has been lagging too, so maybe that does kind of apply across the company.


A lot of this comes down to gamer psychology. When a game comes out the gate with flaws, it becomes "that bitch eating crackers." Everything it does is now bad.

And that's how you get incoherent OPs like this.

You can't go in on SF2 not being good and praise MvC2 as your intro and then grouse about wanting understated design as your main point. You're undermining your own premise. Whatever it is you don't like about SFV... I don't think it's about a shirtless guy with dreadlocks being "overdesigned."��

Wow, was not expecting that level of condescension.

SF2's designs weren't good- but it was also successfully iterated upon with Alpha and then succeeded with SF3. Regardless, it doesn't undermine the over-arching point that modern Capcom just lacks the style and sophistication required to create something like the previously mentioned titles today. SF should be the Overwatch of fighters but it can't be if they can't even emulate what used to make those games so great.

Hm, didn't expect the entire OP to be about Street Fighter, although it does seem disappointing. Maybe the title should be "Street Fighter isn't cool anymore". At the same time, the rest of Capcom has been lagging too, so maybe that does kind of apply across the company.

Agreed. I should have changed the title after I started in of SF so hard.


Laura sums up my mixed feelings about the game. Her costumes are tacky. Her persona is dizzy and manic. But she's one of my favorite characters to play in the whole series. If not my absolute favorite. Mentally crush countering an opponent who tries to dp, neutral jump, or back dash out of a command grab warms my ice cold and hollow heart. And I love them cornrows.
Real talk Laura's battle outfit would arguably be my favorite outfit in the game if she was wearing a sports bra instead of the bikini top.


Isn't Q just a Shotaro Ishinomori rip off?

Looks like Kikaider or some shit with a trenchcoat.

Robot Detective (K)


He usually wore a red suit rather than the trenchcoat though.


Junior Member
Can't read the whole thread right now, but it seems OP basically misses late 90's and early 2000's 2D fighter aesthetic: 3rd Strike, Marvel 2, Last Blade, Garou, etc.

The reason Capcom took its current path is to be more reminiscent of Street Fighter 2, which the mainstream audience remembers. Only hardcore fans paid any attention to SFIII.

Closest recent fighting game I can think of to that era of style is Yatagarasu.


I mean...they're already doing that.

SF5 didn't flop because of DLC (though I am not a fan of how they handled season 1). SFxT didn't flop because of DLC. Those games were flawed at launch regardless of how much you paid. For all we know, MvsCi could EASILY be in that same boat, we won't know until....oh my god next week (oh my god e3 is next week what the fuck....). But no one, NO ONE, has been out of a popular fighting game due to DLC. If anything, it's the one thing that gets us every single time, whether you're mainlining SF5, KI, GG, KOF, or smaller independent games.

If those DLC packs have 1 character that the masses want, we will buy it, and they know that as a fact.

Oh well duh. Capcom (and more importantly marvel) probably think this game is going to sell 4 million. There are probably heads at Disney that thing this game is going to do Contest of Champions numbers, which is absolutely will not.

But it will break 2 million if the game is not a burning tire fire at launch. That being said, I don't trust in capcom's ability to not have it be a burning tire fire at launch.

I enjoy SF5 more than MK9 and Mk10 as a fighter.

But make no mistake, outside of the fighting engine, MK9 and 10, and injustice 1 and 2 are better video games than SF4 and 5, HANDS DOWN.

This poor game....this poor poor game...

Yes, SFxT failed in large part to the backlash of on disc DLC. That was the flawed lunch, in addition to gems. No idea what you are talking about.

After SFV Capcom doesn't have any good will to give, and lunching with a small roaster, awful graphics, mostly reused characters, and less SP content than it's peers doesn't inspire confidence after that fiasco. ADDITIONALLY, like I said and you ignored Capcom and DLC is a very big red flag to consumers even NRS and their shitty practices don't get called out as much. You have a small roster and sell most of the characters as DLC it screams of greed. Especially when those characters are ones that are new to the series or ones that people want.

They don't expect 4, they expect two but people will vote with their wallet just like they did for SFV.

If the game makes money off of DLC, it's not failing.

Ok? And it didn't reach sales exceptions, and it still hasn't over a year later.


Real talk Laura's battle outfit would arguably be my favorite outfit in the game if she was wearing a sports bra instead of the bikini top.

Mine too. I only rock with the battle outfit. I wish they would give her a full BJJ gi or a Ronda Rousey/MMA/sports bra+compression shorts fit, but Capcom seems worried nobody would play her if she dressed like an actual athlete.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
People in this thread are trying to argue that Capcom was never cool which is like, the ultimate troll job.

They were, and remain, exceptional ... even if I think their new character design work to not be as good as it used to be.


necalli isnt overdesigned and if he kept his suit he'd be even cooler

but in the game he's a fucking embarassing college kid learning to do vibrating clipping dreads with link joints joke


I think SFV has the best art design and animation (aside from Cammy air grab) out of Tekken and Injustice, when it comes to seamlessly conveying fighting game information.

A lot of the actual character art is a bit overdesigned, but I personally have no problem with it. I picked up the new character Ed and I think his aesthetic is weird if just looking at a picture, but I really like his play style and combat effects.


I honestly can't remember the last console game I bought from Capcom.... I think it was Lost Planet 2 in the hopes of trying something new? Didn't like it.

What I wouldn't give for a new Mon Hun, Deep Down, Breath of Fire or just another new IP in RPG form.


SFV still plays better than any FG released this gen. The gameplay is what matters if you're a big FG fan.

Tekken 7 is a lot of fun, but still not as responsive and snappy as SFV IMO.
SFV still plays better than any FG released this gen. The gameplay is what matters if you're a big FG fan.

Tekken 7 is a lot of fun, but still not as responsive and snappy as SFV IMO.
Comparing Tekken 7 and SFV in terms of responsiveness is like comparing apples and oranges.


What? I dont think many would agree with you. SF3 alone puts the franchise among the best ever in Gaming. Not to mention iconic themes from Alpha and SF2.

I know, and I don't need many to agree with me. SF is actually very weird for me in this sense. I'm not particularly interested in the series but as a music fanatic I always listen through every new OST that comes from it and I just don't like anything in it. I don't mean in the way that I actively dislike the music either. No song in the series just do anything for me. You'd think that at this point there'd be some standouts even for me but no. Music is a much larger part of a game's identity for me regarding fighting games so if I don't like the music I have a hard time liking the actual fighting game either.

Not gonna lie, I really don't like the music what I'm hearing in T7 either and since the jukebox feature is not on PC I'm propably not getting that one either. Unless someone come's up with a way to mod in my own playlist.



SFV's "Claw" is not only the best rendition of that character, he's the most beautiful moving & feeling fighting game character *ever made*.

No shade to any anime fighters - I'm not clued in - but of the rest, he's the best.


Ken (SFV) is the only terrible character design in the game. The rest range from good to great.

The transition to 3D is a little rough though.

Characters like FANG, Juri and Necali would look amazing as sprites imo.


SFV's "Claw" is not only the best rendition of that character, he's the most beautiful moving & feeling fighting game character *ever made*.

No shade to any anime fighters - I'm not clued in - but of the rest, he's the best.



Comparing Tekken 7 and SFV in terms of responsiveness is like comparing apples and oranges.

How so? I'm referring to the feeling of the game when fighting. I haven't played nearly enough Tekken 7 perhaps, but that was my initial gut reaction.

The reason SFV is weaker thank SFIV is because no Blanka;
Capcom becomes cool in my opinion when they show Resident Evil 2 Remake gameplay and announce Dino Crysis remake.

Dino Crysis in the Panta Rhei engine... A man can dream.
I've said it before, Ken's default outfit/design in SFV is the best he's ever had.

It's his fucked up model in-game that's the problem.


I agree with the op. Capcom has lost its way too busy trying to make Dlc selling games rather than complete games. Acore had a video showing all the stuff capcom is doing wrong. I hope they can go back to what they used to be but I doubt they will
One of my favourites :)

FANG, Karin's beach and Rashid's sky stage themes are all also amazing.



If we get a stage that has a remix of F.A.N.G's theme hnnngggggghghghhghhhhh

F.A.N.G's theme is the best piece of music in the game. Even Mike Ross and Gootecks couldn't help but groove to the music.

I was THIS close to getting that song to play during my sister's wedding but oh well.
I think Capcom, from the PS3/360/Wii days onward, tried too hard to appeal to western demographics and lost their traditional japanese feeling. IMO, they went through a process to become a western developer. That's why some of their games like RE and DMC became more like of a game target for the western tastes and Lost Planet, Dragon's Dogma and Dead Rising, very western aesthetic-like, got a special attention.

I think they should go back to their roots and bring back their traditional feeling again. They aren't western, despite their attempt to sound like.


If we get a stage that has a remix of F.A.N.G's theme hnnngggggghghghhghhhhh

F.A.N.G's theme is the best piece of music in the game. Even Mike Ross and Gootecks couldn't help but groove to the music.

I was THIS close to getting that song to play during my sister's wedding but oh well.

I would love that - His theme is beautifully done. That's one thing missing from most big fighting games at the moment character individuality through music. I checked out Tekken 7 and Injustice 2 (non-existent) themes and SFV completely blows them out of the water. It's such a shame when Tekken 3 had great stuff in its OST.

Also, maybe for your wedding one day ;)

If you aren't married already
I like SFV's style, but I was still bummed when they went that route after 3. I wanted them to do like super HD sprites, but then Super Street Fighter II HD Remix came out and it looked at wrong.

So I guess I like their designs, but not their decisions made on graphic styles.

More recently I can't get why they released SSF2THD Remixon Switch. If it was SF3 or Alpha I would've been there.


I've posted this before, but the story mode made it clear that his face is pretty absurdly handsome:

They just refuse to address the angle/pose they put him at in character select.

I really wish the story mode lighting and animation polish made it into the rest of the game. Ken's design and model are fine, it's just not shown off because they cut corners.
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