The game needs to be delayed.
why? if i was capcom I would release it right now
you guys are going to buy it anyway~
The game needs to be delayed.
I know what you meant, but you can't just take it out of context, remove the Cap part and call it a co-opted alt right term. But sure, I'll forego the convenience and use Capcom shill/fanboy from now on if it makes you feel better.Adorable hill to die on.
That's not what I meant.
Nah. r/kappawhat the hell is a capcuck lmao
been browsing much /pol/ lately my friend?
I wouldn't know. Pol isn't kind to liberals or POCs.I'm sure there's not a lot of crossover there!
I know what you meant, but you can't just take it out of context, remove the Cap part and call it a co-opted alt right term. But sure, I'll forego the convenience and use Capcom shill/fanboy from now on if it makes you feel better.
Nah. r/kappa
Yes. But it's not a departure from the norm and the hyperbole about the graphics looking dated is ridiculous.
There is WAY more detail on these models, the lighting is much more advanced, textures are high res, particle effects, etc.
UMvC3 has a stylized aesthetic that serves it well, though.
My biggest problem with the graphics of MvC:I is that the colors are too loud and everything is shiny, shit gets lost in the colors of the background very quickly.
I'm sure there's not a lot of crossover there!
Yeah, I don't even know what that means and don't want to know what that means.what the hell is a capcuck lmao
been browsing much /pol/ lately my friend?
I know what you meant, but you can't just take it out of context, remove the Cap part and call it a co-opted alt right term. But sure, I'll forego the convenience and use Capcom shill/fanboy from now on if it makes you feel better.
Nah. r/kappa
I wouldn't know. Pol isn't kind to liberals or POCs.
Kappa is fun for the Capcom callouts and the porn
I know what you meant, but you can't just take it out of context, remove the Cap part and call it a co-opted alt right term. But sure, I'll forego the convenience and use Capcom shill/fanboy from now on if it makes you feel better.
The game needs to be delayed.
Umm..revisionist history?Can't wait for MvC4 or whatever to be announced years down the line and for everybody to trip over themselves to say how much better MvC:I looked. Apparently nobody remembers the reaction to MvC3's art style when it was announced, and all of the backlash to that game's visuals which are apparently so highly regarded now. lol
Been to OT recently? The term is used ironically/sarcastically all the time at Trump, right-wingers or T_D posters. Just like how you used snowflake at me, a term popularized by the right, but now co-opted by the left. But sure, take all nuance and context out of it and reduce it to its base and you can browbeat and paint anyone as an alt-righter. I was under the assumption that people were taking offence to the Cap part, not the cuck part. But sure, won't make that mistake again.snip
Black Panther is DLC. Zero I think is playableSo I've been out of the loop for the last 12 hours, are the character rumor lists debunked? Clearly there's Black Panther and Zero unless they were DLC
So I've been out of the loop for the last 12 hours, are the character rumor lists debunked? Clearly there's Black Panther and Zero unless they were DLC
So I've been out of the loop for the last 12 hours, are the character rumor lists debunked? Clearly there's Black Panther and Zero unless they were DLC
So I've been out of the loop for the last 12 hours, are the character rumor lists debunked? Clearly there's Black Panther and Zero unless they were DLC
Umm..revisionist history?
Scouring this thread and there are maybe 3-4 posters who didn't dig it. While there are others calling it amazing looking.
So I've been out of the loop for the last 12 hours, are the character rumor lists debunked? Clearly there's Black Panther and Zero unless they were DLC
Been to OT recently? The term is used ironically/sarcastically all the time at Trump, right-wingers or T_D posters.
Just like how you used snowflake at me, a term popularized by the right, but now co-opted by the left.
But sure, take all nuance and context out of it and reduce it to its base and you can browbeat and paint anyone as an alt-righter. I was under the assumption that people were taking offence to the Cap part, not the cuck part. But sure, won't make that mistake again.
Tell me how bad KOFIV's graphics are or how bad NRS animations are again. I wish a Capcuck would.
List is still most likely valid. The only mistake was that the unconfirmed Capcpom character was thought to be Frank West, but it's actually Zero.
Ryce wasn't the one who said Frank West, that was Sneakers. EDIT: Actually it was Ryce but he just assumed.
Black Panther was never on the main roster.
Saikyobro also leaked Frank West so....
Don't we want a playable vs. demo?Yoshinori Ono‏Verified account @Yoshi_OnoChin 3m3 minutes ago
Capcom booth has Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite DEMO!
You can play Playable VS. DEMO and Story DEMO !
You had one job Capcom ;_;
I'm assuming he meant that they released the Story Demo for everyone instead of the playable vs demo.Don't we want a playable vs. demo?
No, my 'spin' is Capcucks are Capcucks. No left-wing, right-wing slant in this. How do you not see that? I'm not using it against SJWs or liberals or trumpers or whatever. I'm using it as another term for Capcom fanboys.However, if you didn't use it genuinely and used sarcastically, your spin is that you're then implying that the "capcucks" are right wingers.
Truly remarkable.
I didn't say it was dreadful. You saying that doesn't make you alt right, does it? When I see a post in OT where someone uses snowflake against Tomi Lahren or cuck against Trump, I don't assume they are alt right because of obvious reasons.I utilized your language against you, yes. How dreadful.
Last post using that term, but I had to use it again in my reply to explain my position.Hey, here's an idea! Get this shit out of the MvC thread.
And sephi, I know you said this would be your last post, but you also brought forward two paragraphs of discussion as well.
Don't we want a playable vs. demo?
I would've loved Solo
I know what you meant, but you can't just take it out of context, remove the Cap part and call it a co-opted alt right term. But sure, I'll forego the convenience and use Capcom shill/fanboy from now on if it makes you feel better.
Nah. r/kappa
I wouldn't know. Pol isn't kind to liberals or POCs.
Kappa is fun for the Capcom callouts and the porn
"Oh no, I use alt right language and now the libtards are painting me as alt right! Help r/the_donald, what am I gonna do?!"
I didn't say it was dreadful. You saying that doesn't make you alt right, does it? When I see a post in OT where someone uses snowflake against Tomi Lahren or cuck against Trump, I don't assume they are alt right because of obvious reasons.
Just like me saying Capcuck shouldn't make me, since the 'cuck' term isn't exclusively used by /poltards anymore, but also used against them. Just like snowflake. Context matters, but I don't think someone who can't distinguish between Capcuck and cuck can see that. I already said that I'd drop it, and I don't want to go in circles, so this'll be my last post discussing this particular topic with you.
The comments in the porn posts are probably the most constructive discussions on that subreddit.Looks like I've been missing out.
The comments in the porn posts are probably the most constructive discussions on that subreddit.
Those, and the threads about sponsoring players.The comments in the porn posts are probably the most constructive discussions on that subreddit.
Gamora's base considering Ryce's list though we haven't got official gameplay of her yet.Has Capcom officially confirmed the list of characters in the game at lauch and which are the 6 dlc characters with the Deluxe Edition? Other than Black Panther and Sigma, do we know anyone else for sure? Is Gamora part of the Deluxe?
Has Capcom officially confirmed the list of characters in the game at lauch and which are the 6 dlc characters with the Deluxe Edition? Other than Black Panther and Sigma, do we know anyone else for sure? Is Gamora part of the Deluxe?
Looks like Justin got to play some, he posted some screens of the character select on twitter: https://twitter.com/JWonggg/status/874680259311947776
Looks pretty hideous to me, but I'm not surprised.
It looks OK to me.Looks like Justin got to play some, he posted some screens of the character select on twitter: https://twitter.com/JWonggg/status/874680259311947776
Looks pretty hideous to me, but I'm not surprised.
Looks like Justin got to play some, he posted some screens of the character select on twitter: https://twitter.com/JWonggg/status/874680259311947776
Looks pretty hideous to me, but I'm not surprised.
Why on earth are they using that awful Bionic Commando redesign that everyone hated?