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Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game | The Official Thread

Someone on the X-Wing forums pointed out that might not be the final draft of the FAQ. Until it's released in (web) print, take it with a grain of salt.


Someone on the X-Wing forums pointed out that might not be the final draft of the FAQ. Until it's released in (web) print, take it with a grain of salt.

FFG have also sent different netrunner cards with slightly different wording to different testers. So it's entirely possible that they've done that here too.
I get that Contracted Scout is only 25 points, but I'm wondering exactly what they envision its role being if they leave it with:

Torp (but no Scavenger Crane or Extra Munitions)

2R, even as a turret, is not that scary. Blocker maybe? Still can get Anti-pursuit lasers and Intel. Agent and you still have Barrel Roll. Torp boat doesn't work when you're 25 points base, and only get one shot. Meh, oh well. I barely play anymore as it is.


I've been thinking and I feel like if they are going to hit the JM5K with that big of a nerf, AND nerf Attani, that they should go back to Manaroo and buff her either back to her original ability, or increase the range for her ability. A lot of people, even huge fans of Dengaroo, agreed that something needed to be done when she was nerfed but also agreed that Range 1 was way too restrictive. I know that she didn't exactly disappear from lists after that nerf; it didn't completely kill her. I don't see any reason she should be limited to Range 1 now with all these other changes. She's either going to lose Glitterstims AND any of the astromechs that were commonly used on her, meaning she will be a lot easier to kill, or she is going to get to keep them with the title but in a Dengaroo list Dengar will take a huge decrease in offense and defense (which would be dumb, you'd wanna keep the title on him still). Range 1 just seems too restrictive for that ability.

And if they are gonna roll back the changes too Manaroo, they should go ahead and roll back the changes to Palp too, just because.
Does anyone use R5 Astromech a lot? It seems like the go to cheap astro for X and Y Wings is the R2. More green moves is always good but I'm thinking about trying R5 on the Y to improve survival. Unhinged on Scum Y's is a given but R2 just isn't the same.


Does anyone here use the Plano 1374 for storage? If so, how do you like it? I ordered one on Amazon almost two weeks ago and it still hasn't shipped. It says they have 50 in stock, so I don't think it's a matter of them being on backorder. Wish they'd hurry up.


The feel when you roll a triple-criticals with three attack dice. And when that ends up turning tables.

That's one out of 512, i think.
A few months ago I had a Binayre Pirate roll triple crits against Soontir Fel who had nothing but blanks on the evade. He had an evade token but thanks to one of the crits being a direct hit it meant that a 12 point ship took out a ~35 point ship in a single attack. I guess I should have been happy with the unlikely turn of events but it was like the 2nd round of combat so I just felt super mean, like I had slapped the guy across the face.



This case was far more even, few rounds in the game. I had already lost my Turr Phennir to a stupid mistake (didn't remember to use Push The Limit to give myself an evade token after i attacked) during the same round and another ship during previous round. Then my Dead Fire was attacked by a Keyan Farlander who dealt me one damage (i had no shields), i took it rather than using my focus for evasion (Deadeye EPT) and blasted back with Synced Turret. Didn't even have a reroll chance because i was facing away from the B-wing.
Yes! I am very glad to hear you used your triple crits to eradicate Keyan. In my early days of Xwing my best mate and biggest rival was a big fan of the Bwing and Keyan so I fought against him a lot and he became a bit of a bane of mine. I will celebrate anyone who does damage to that bloody ship.


Anyone going and playing X-Wing at Gen Con? Group of 5 of us from Canada are playing in the Nationals on Thursday. 1 Scum list, 1 Rebel, and 3 Imperials.
With regards to Captain Jostero, I presume he can only perform his pilot ability attack if it is legally possible. We're not going to see him attacking at range 5 and/or outside his firing arc just because someone ran into a bomb on the other side of the board. Just the wording on his ability could be interpreted as the conditions for the attack are simply the non defended damage, not all the other pesky stuff like range and firing arcs.


With regards to Captain Jostero, I presume he can only perform his pilot ability attack if it is legally possible. We're not going to see him attacking at range 5 and/or outside his firing arc just because someone ran into a bomb on the other side of the board. Just the wording on his ability could be interpreted as the conditions for the attack are simply the non defended damage, not all the other pesky stuff like range and firing arcs.

That's covered by 'perform an attack' thankfully, which falls into the standard rules of attacking (so declaring target, choosing weapon, checking arc if necessary etc).


Sigh. Want/need Imperial Aces but it ain't available. It seems to be at the printer at FFG but how long does it take for the new print to become available?


if it's still at the printer? 6-8 weeks minimum

Oh, well, there's a chance i can get it sooner. If not, well, i can wait, it is just annoying.

I wonder, what are the chances we'll get TLJ expansion reveals on Force Friday? And what are the chances we'll get them this year?
I mean, it is hard to believe they would pass the opportunity to film tie-ins. Though i think Rogue One expansions were released afterwards?


Rumours are out on a new FFG miniatures game, Star Wars: Legion, which will simulate large-scale ground battles (with I assume some flying units as well).

Possible reveal on Friday, along with news on upcoming product for X-Wing?


Had a great game the other day with the guy who got me into X-Wing. I've found that I'm pretty terrible at positioning and spatial awareness, but I did manage to get some pretty good maneuvering in. I was playing Empire and he was playing Scum. 4 ships against 4 ships and I didn't lose a single one! One thing I like about X-Wing is that, for me, it's really fun even when I lose. But winning so decisively against a seasoned player feels pretty damn good too! But to be fair, my friend had never played these Scum ships and was just trying them out.

I believe that's actually Nigh Beast in Sabine's TIE. Just using it to differentiate between him and Dark Curse.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Rumours are out on a new FFG miniatures game, Star Wars: Legion, which will simulate large-scale ground battles (with I assume some flying units as well).

Possible reveal on Friday, along with news on upcoming product for X-Wing?

If it's not compatible with X-Wing, people will rage, haha. Ground-based rules have been requested for X-Wing practically since the game came out in 2012.


Rumours are out on a new FFG miniatures game, Star Wars: Legion, which will simulate large-scale ground battles (with I assume some flying units as well).

Possible reveal on Friday, along with news on upcoming product for X-Wing?
Great news for some, I bet, but the rumor says unpainted and unassembled which means I'm not interested. I'm a huge Star Wars fanatic now, but I was only a mild fan before starting X-Wing. X-Wing drew me in because it could be started as a new player very quickly. I've got four 40k armies of very decent size and four WarmaHordes armies of varying size, but I'll never get to play them because I can't get started on assembling and painting. Another reason my 40K and WarmaHordes armies will never get played with is because I don't have faith in my painting ability either and don't want to play with minis that look shitty. I absolutely love 40K lore and have both an absolute ton of Black Library book (which only made my non-40K-playing-ass feel worse, because it made me want to invest in more armies like IG after reading the CC and GG series) but even that can't make me motivated enough to glue n paint.

There are tons of miniatures gamers out there who won't have any problem with a traditional Star Wars miniatures game but X-Wing and Armada haven't converted me. I bet there'll be some crossover and overlap between people who only ever played X-Wing/Armada and a new traditional minis game, but there are also a lot of fans who bought into X-Wing/Armada because of they didn't need to paint/assemble minis to play and they'll probably steer clear of "Legion" like I would.


Batteries the CRISIS!
but there are also a lot of fans who bought into X-Wing/Armada because of they didn't need to paint/assemble minis to play and they'll probably steer clear of "Legion" like I would.

Yep, this is me. I have no interest whatsoever in painting minis. I've never liked working with paint as a medium in any way.

If Legion is unpainted, unassembled minis then count me out.

[edit] Welp, here's the spot, most likely:


Batteries the CRISIS!

[edit, after catching breath] also ... other Wave 12 ships include the Kimogila Fighter, a Scum ship originally from Star Wars Galaxies, and the Phantom II, a Rebel ship that's the new shuttle in season 3 of Rebels.

Supposed to be out by the end of the year, so, y'know ... February 2018.

[edit 2]



EDIT What's the new action symbol on Assault Gunboat?

EDIT 2 Checking official forums, it may be "reload"? Also, the Gunboat has SLAM, so they kinda merged the Missile Boat and the Gunboat. Not necessary per se... but considering how OP the Missile Boat is in-universe, and considering how the Assault Gunboat wouldn't be that special in itself, the combination makes sense.
Perhaps the Assault Gunboat will be (re-)canonized in its new form, with the Missile Boat thrown away (it is not like it was really needed except for TIE Fighter game)?


I guess is time for me to finally paint these things :p


Custom 3D prints?

Interesting how the official version has stubby nose. Wonder if it is to keep the ship shorter, or if the artists merely wanted something different.

I gotta say i wish YT-2000 would be made for Rebels/Scum for this game though. Love that ship.


Batteries the CRISIS!

EDIT What's the new action symbol on Assault Gunboat?

EDIT 2 Checking official forums, it may be "reload"? Also, the Gunboat has SLAM, so they kinda merged the Missile Boat and the Gunboat. Not necessary per se... but considering how OP the Missile Boat is in-universe, and considering how the Assault Gunboat wouldn't be that special in itself, the combination makes sense.
Perhaps the Assault Gunboat will be (re-)canonized in its new form, with the Missile Boat thrown away (it is not like it was really needed except for TIE Fighter game)?

Yeah, it looks like a missile with two arrows circling around it ... that says "reload" to me. Probably you take an action to flip over an ordnance card you've already used. Looks like it has one torpedo slot and one missile slot, so no Extra Munitions shenanigans.

[edit] And one of the rules cards in the pack says "Reload Action" so ... there ya go.


Well, extra munitions can be used for a dual load of missiles though i gotta say i can't see much point with reload. I mean, sure, reload takes an action but you probably don't get a chance to fire two missiles in a row anyway.


Batteries the CRISIS!
And now that I'm taking a second to actually look at the non-Assault Gunboat ships in this wave, it looks like the Kimogila Fighter gets a Reload action, too. The Phantom II is called the "Sheathipede-class Shuttle" on its dial and it has a Coordinate action. ("Choose another friendly ship at Range 1-2. That ship may immediately perform one free action.")
Fenn Rau makes his Rebel debut, making the third pilot after Sabine and Nym to appear in more than one faction. Pretty sure that first pilot is Ahsoka, it has to be. Curious to see what the Astromech can do for other ships.

Scum ship has the bullseye firing arc along with the reload action. It also comes with "Jam" tokens, which presumably have to do with either the Scram(bler?) Missiles, or possibly the illicit cyber thing. New EPT has something to do with ordinance, as you can see the Torpedo icon on it.

Gunboat. I never played whatever game series introduced this ship, but I know people have been clamouring for it. I genuinely hope it is the new meta terror, because it certainly deserves to live up to the hype.

Edit: Reload action also gives them a way to give ships with missiles extra shots without either 1) giving them a torp slot for EM or 2) giving them an extra missile slot for ... unguided rockets? I think?

Edit 2: PS1 Rebel ships is probably not Ahsoka. Not at PS1


Gunboat. I never played whatever game series introduced this ship, but I know people have been clamouring for it. I genuinely hope it is the new meta terror, because it certainly deserves to live up to the hype.
The Assault Gunboat is from the old X-Wing and TIE Fighter flight sims.

It was introduced to give the Empire a non-TIE, hyperspace-capable, shielded multi-role fighter that wouldn't be as good as advanced TIE variants with these features (like TIE Advanced X1). And it wasn't exactly stellar ship. It was reasonably tough but lacked maneuverability and speed.

I think the reason it is so hyped is two-fold.
First, it was basically limited to the games. Other ships, such as the TIE Defender, became quite popular even outside the games, being featured in expanded universe works occasionally. X-Wing Miniature Game provides a good place to feature it, giving some visibility for a workhorse ship from a loved game series.
Second, it would add something unique to the Empire lineup, in style. I mean, unless you use Lambda, Upsilon or Decimator, you're flying TIE fighters. And frankly, they are running out of good ones to use. (IMO the only good one left is the TIE Avenger, which is little more than a combination of TIE Advanced and TIE Interceptor, and thus has little role in this game.)

I honestly doubted the AG would be that impressive. Going strictly by the video games and assuming it would be adapted like that to XWMG, it would be akin to the Y-Wing or B-Wing perhaps.

But it seems the devs have incorporated features from the Missile Boat (a super fighter from old canon that was designed to destroy the supremely powerful TIE Defenders with missile spam), namely the SLAM drive, and secondary equipment like jamming beams. And that may make the ship more than it would have been if it were a strict adaptation.


The Assault Gunboat will be the first time I'll buy 3 or 4 expansions at release (and one of the few times I've ever bought that many of a ship, right now just Firesprays), and I don't care at all if it will be good or a shitty ship*.

Is just goddamn time.

*For what I seen, and unless the non-spoiled cards change it, seems a pretty balanced ship (aka won't be meta) that may be quite fun to use thanks to the Missile Boat shenanigans she has stolen (SLAM, unlimited loadout...). I'm quite happy the devs decided to mix both ships in one, the Missile Boat would have been broken in this game, either for good or for bad.


Yooooo! Assault Gunboats finally!

Glad to see a solid TIE Fighter rep that isn't the over-hyped and over-designed TIE Defender.

The gunboat is definitely one of the better ship designs to come out of the expended universe.


Are huge ships viable with stuff they come with? Like, is C-ROC OK with just those huge ship upgrades it comes with?

Also, do games with huge ships really need double play area or can they work with just standard area?

And finally, do asymmetric huge ship games work reasonably? That is, one side has a huge ship, the other does not.

Pondering about future acquisitions and they might include huge ships later on. Or they might not.

Also, i gotta curse whoever decided to lock bunch of useful stuff behind Scum ships. Like Autothrusters.
The issue is that should i start getting Scum ships, i need to get a lot of them. Maybe i'll just try to finish my current Empire and Rebel collections first...
Are huge ships viable with stuff they come with? Like, is C-ROC OK with just those huge ship upgrades it comes with?

Also, do games with huge ships really need double play area or can they work with just standard area?

And finally, do asymmetric huge ship games work reasonably? That is, one side has a huge ship, the other does not.

Pondering about future acquisitions and they might include huge ships later on. Or they might not.

Also, i gotta curse whoever decided to lock bunch of useful stuff behind Scum ships. Like Autothrusters.
The issue is that should i start getting Scum ships, i need to get a lot of them. Maybe i'll just try to finish my current Empire and Rebel collections first...

Afraid I can't really comment if the C-ROC gives you all you need, never invested much into huge ship building. Although I have played a fair few games of epic scale and you do need the bigger board size, especially with the huge ships. On smaller boards it really cuts down the movement options they have and it allows your opponent to get behind your huge ship that 2-3 turns earlier which really hurts their (already potentially slightly overcosted) effectiveness. Asymmetric games are generally fine balance wise although I tend to not enjoy them due to the fact your opponent will take an extra few minutes taking their planning cos with will have an extra 40-100 points worth of small ships on you. Also their is an argument that huge ships are not costed amazingly well, but there is not a huge amount of meta research done on epic scale so that is all kinda up in the air. With these two things I generally say if you want to play with huge ships then try to make sure both sides have them, who doesn't like these massive titans thrashing each other while the small ships zip around.


Afraid I can't really comment if the C-ROC gives you all you need, never invested much into huge ship building. Although I have played a fair few games of epic scale and you do need the bigger board size, especially with the huge ships. On smaller boards it really cuts down the movement options they have and it allows your opponent to get behind your huge ship that 2-3 turns earlier which really hurts their (already potentially slightly overcosted) effectiveness. Asymmetric games are generally fine balance wise although I tend to not enjoy them due to the fact your opponent will take an extra few minutes taking their planning cos with will have an extra 40-100 points worth of small ships on you. Also their is an argument that huge ships are not costed amazingly well, but there is not a huge amount of meta research done on epic scale so that is all kinda up in the air. With these two things I generally say if you want to play with huge ships then try to make sure both sides have them, who doesn't like these massive titans thrashing each other while the small ships zip around.

Figures they need the extra space. And that huge vs huge works better.

How bothersome. The only huge i'm really interested in is the C-ROC because it would provide bunch of stuff for Scum i'm planning to get. (OK, i'd like to get X1 Title and Advanced Targeting Computer but i figure i can find someone who will sell his extra cards.)
Were i to get huges for other factions, i guess i'd opt for the Gozanti and GR75 as they provide bunch of useful standard-scale stuff (more fighters!).

Ah, well, i'll just fill out my Rebel and Empire collections before starting to think about huge ships or Scum.
Just need that Assault Gunboat...



The Assault Gunboat-Missile Boat fusions seems confirmed with what looks the second title. And Bullseye (and all the interactions with the title and pilot talents) is stupid.
I got hyped for news when I saw a link posted with an article, but then I looked at the gunboat and compared it to that Scum ship, how the highest PS pilot for the Kimoglia is only 1 PS more than the highest gunboat but has a better upgrade bar, a better ability, crazy mechanics in Bullseye, and then stuff like the title that works with Bullseye. The Kimoglia definitely sounds like a Scum ship, from all that shit it has and can do. And then the gunboat doesn't even have common Imperial upgrades like the System slot.
I still plan on buying multiple gunboats but I don't know how many I'll ever field. I realize I say that after a guy made the cut at a SC listed on ListJuggler a few days ago with 5 Alpha Squadron Interceptors, so maybe it's just a little bit of "the sky is falling!" but at first glance it looks like a whole lot of Scum bullshit that is typical of the faction.
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