mandatory sensitivity training? what the fuck is that
Pretty standard stuff for anyone that works for a company.
mandatory sensitivity training? what the fuck is that
So they changed two words in the game and that's it? I couldn't care less and I will buy the game eventually.
I'm not planning to pirate it, and personally I have no interest in supporting a game made by developers who have bent the knee (by doing so they fuel the monster - it's a bit like paying kidnappers a ransom, it just leads to them doing more kidnappings). So, I won't be buying or pirating the game. However, the option exists that people can buy the game and get the proper version through the magic of piracy. Of course there's also a decent chance that some clever modders will get the job done, let's hope they do so that piracy is unnecessary.
It's not piracy if you already bought it and you want to keep the uncensored/unchanged version.
Holy fuck, imagine being this pathetic.
Seriously, I could have my balls removed, take a keen interest in soft furnishings and consume copious amounts of bromide, and I’d still be less of a disgusting belly crawling worm than these dicks.
Awful look.
You know a society has reached peak pussification when it can sustain and accommodate idiots like this.
Also ‘Sensitivity training’. Fucking lol, what a scam.
What i don't get is this:
- A small minority gets outraged and complains about a game/movie/whatever.
- The dev doesn't want that controversy so they cater to them by apologizing/changing their product.
- This leads the large majority to outrage/complain instead. This also leads to other problems since the large majority actually affects sales, let alone their complains being justified.
- The dev does nothing. They just continue to cater to the minority.
Let's say you can't win. You will get complains whatever you do. But why not choοse the less damaging one? Why cater to the whiny minority and not to the whiny majority (since all you see is people whining). Why not just cater to the ones that won't affect your sales? It's so weird to me how companies seem to care more about catering to a tiny minority than actual profits. I never thought i would live to see such thing.
The few rich have the power of money, which is the highest power there is.The few rich/influencial have more power than the poor majority/voice of the people. Welcome to real life.
It’s because the majority is largely made up of males and males are evil ergo they would rather lose money than be perceived as courting evil.What i don't get is this:
- A small minority gets outraged and complains about a game/movie/whatever.
- The dev doesn't want that controversy so they cater to them by apologizing/changing their product.
- This leads the large majority to outrage/complain instead. This also leads to other problems since the large majority actually affects sales, let alone their complains being justified.
- The dev does nothing. They just continue to cater to the minority.
Let's say you can't win. You will get complains whatever you do. But why not choοse the less damaging one? Why cater to the whiny minority and not to the whiny majority (since all you see is people whining). Why not just cater to the ones that won't affect your sales? It's so weird to me how companies seem to care more about catering to a tiny minority than actual profits. I never thought i would live to see such thing.
That's the weirdest thing for me.they would rather lose money than be perceived as courting evil.
the answer to that is that HR&PR departmens are filled with SJWs who stack the departments with like minded woke shits over time,What i don't get is this:
- A small minority gets outraged and complains about a game/movie/whatever.
- The dev doesn't want that controversy so they cater to them by apologizing/changing their product.
- This leads the large majority to outrage/complain instead. This also leads to other problems since the large majority actually affects sales, let alone their complains being justified.
- The dev does nothing. They just continue to cater to the minority.
Let's say you can't win. You will get complains whatever you do. But why not choοse the less damaging one? Why cater to the whiny minority and not to the whiny majority (since all you see is people whining). Why not just cater to the ones that won't affect your sales? It's so weird to me how companies seem to care more about catering to a tiny minority than actual profits. I never thought i would live to see such thing.
Or ‘Soy Annoyed’?
That seems like a reasonable explanation. Thanks.the answer to that is that HR&PR departmens are filled with SJWs who stack the departments with like minded woke shits over time,
they vehemently agree with/are Ree tier loonies when there's even a fart of a boycott,
they lie about this (potentially) affecting the suits bottom line when 99% of times it doesn't and the suits naively(lol) defer to HR/PR so they get to do whatever the fuck they want,
resulting in stuff like this, pandering to worthless minority complainers, who usually lie and slander to begin with, self-censorship/flaggelation and virtuesignaling
then when the actual bottom line affecting response happens by normal people/the majority,
HR/PR circle wagons, ban the discussion as much as possible, lie that it's harassment by meanies and pretend they are totally irrelevant and not losing a shitload of sales at all
suits do nothing, since they cannot comprehend the self destructive nature of woke HR/PR deliberately misleading them(and themselves) to push their ideology over sales, and HR/PR tells them everything happened as best it could
so yeah, not all complaints are treated equally, irrespective of scope and damage, the threat of bad PR and loss of sales is copout used selectively, 3DRealms won't do shit for example, despite bending over backwards immediately prior in what is essentially the same scenario, and this time they are actually suffering losses
near as I can see, the only real way to tackle this is to cause such big response, through heavy loss of sales and vocally decrying Ree and its ilk, that the suits realise by themselves what's going on, how to actually correct it and that they're being gypped by their woke PR/HR departments
so once again, you stay silent, you ain't getting shit, you put up with this shit and proudly state you're above this and still buy the product, fucking A, you're a sucker taken for granted
The few rich have the power of money, which is the highest power there is.
In this case, the majority are the people who buy the games so they are the ones holding all the money. Which means they should have the power.
I hate the outrage culture coming out ResetEra and other shitholes as much as everyone else but is there actually any homophobic stuff in the game?
"We need legislation" is the phrase that destroyed Western Civilization. It epitomizes the laziness of the modern Westerner who has no desire to do anything, but rather desires a powerful earthly authority to handle everything. In search of that "solution" the Westerner ultimately grants so much power to the authority he becomes its slave.
It's hard to disagree when you've put so much nuance and thought into your post.Review bombing for the patch is just as dumb as outrage culture.
This is why the rest of the world thiks that americans are weird morons.Pretty standard stuff for anyone that works for a company.
This is why the rest of the world thiks that americans are weird morons.
This is why the rest of the world thiks that americans are weird morons.
I was genuinely interested in this game but was waiting until it was in a pretty finished state (which I assume it is now?). It looks dope like Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior and Blood but I don't want to support this type of bullshit. Imagine if Duke 3D was censored in this fashion... It's embarrassing.
also oneangrygamer talking to readers on his site
maybe not the best guy to judge .
it's mostly boils down to don't be an asshole. don't say stupid shit, don't stereotype
They literally only removed a lotion container that had "Ogay" written on it and there isn't evidence it was because of some mob. Do you think maybe the dev and publisher wouldn't have sanctioned it if they were aware? This reminds me of the nontroversy over Total War Rome 2:
didn't stop a bunch of babies from getting egged on by a misleading video
also oneangrygamer talking to readers on his site
maybe not the best guy to judge .
Because that's the line they are trying to push now to minimize the real stupid shit about brainwashing your employees and funding some scheme.You are also ignoring the forced apology/forced sensitivity training/silencing of people speaking out against 3D Realms actions. Why are you trying so hard to minimize the issue and ignore the real reasons people are not happy?
Ion Fury is not being censored
We've become aware of some confusion about whether Ion Fury will be censored in response or relation to recent controversy.
The answer is no; we are only tweaking a rarely seen decorative sprite and removing some offensive text found outside the game world in leftover map data.
The upcoming patch otherwise includes typical bug fixes and balancing changes.
it's mostly boils down to don't be an asshole. don't say stupid shit, don't stereotype
They literally only removed a lotion container that had "Ogay" written on it and there isn't evidence it was because of some mob. Do you think maybe the dev and publisher wouldn't have sanctioned it if they were aware? This reminds me of the nontroversy over Total War Rome 2:
didn't stop a bunch of babies from getting egged on by a misleading video
Not sure what ppl think of Ian but his review got banned/no longer shows however some other negative reviews regarding reera have not though his was the most popular I think.
If anyone who bought the game here left a negative review mentioning resetera, can you pls confirm?
also oneangrygamer talking to readers on his site
maybe not the best guy to judge .
I mean, he really isn't reviewing anything. His review ban is completely justified. The issue is that there are PLENTY of other reviews that bitch about similar things on the other side (false accusations of transphobia, bigotry, etc) that are not banned. Steam needs to get its act together and ban those as well.
So how would you, as a consumer who bought the game and played, deal with the fake outrage besides user reviews? If resetera can manipulate the media what do you suggest everyone else do to combat these issues?
You are also ignoring the forced apology/forced sensitivity training/silencing of people speaking out against 3D Realms actions. Why are you trying so hard to minimize the issue and ignore the real reasons people are not happy?
That's a bit off-topic, but what the fuck. Publicly condemned behavior? Do they write these rules to be as unprecise as possible, so they can fit whatever they want in there?I mentioned earlier in the thread I'm not in support of witch hunts for political opinions. I've argued that repeatedly in threads triggered by what an actor in The Last of Us 2 wrote on Twitter (read up on those threads if you would like to see the hypocrisy). I also did not mean to imply I endorse the morality clause 3DRealms mentioned in their apology and I would point to the extensive writing on that topic in the book publishing world.
edit: for example
Why We Oppose Morals Clauses in Book Contracts - The Authors Guild
These contract provisions allow publishers to terminate a book contract, and in many cases even require the author to repay portions of the advance already received, if the author is accused of immoral, illegal, or publicly condemned behavior.www.authorsguild.org
It's intent is - writer does, says or writes something heinous they can cut their losses but what it also amounts to is they can cut their losses if twitter mobs go after them and review bomb the goodreads and amazon whether or not the average person would think it's heinousThat's a bit off-topic, but what the fuck. Publicly condemned behavior? Do they write these rules to be as unprecise as possible, so they can fit whatever they want in there?
Agree with everything you wrote. That was not even close to a review and should be deleted. Anyone who reviews the devs / publisher instead of the game is committing a flagrant foul in my book. Two wrongs do not make a right, nor do they make a review.I mean, he really isn't reviewing anything. His review ban is completely justified. The issue is that there are PLENTY of other reviews that bitch about similar things on the other side (false accusations of transphobia, bigotry, etc) that are not banned. Steam needs to get its act together and ban those as well.
also oneangrygamer talking to readers on his site
maybe not the best guy to judge .
Right, but all of that stuff is part of a PR message. We have no idea what any of that any actually involves. And 3DR are banning all discussion from their forums, not just that which attacks them specifically.You are also ignoring the forced apology/forced sensitivity training/silencing of people speaking out against 3D Realms actions. Why are you trying so hard to minimize the issue and ignore the real reasons people are not happy?
Mandatory sensitivity training sounds like something they would make go through in concentration camps, or gulags.
it's mostly boils down to don't be an asshole. don't say stupid shit, don't stereotype
They literally only removed a lotion container that had "Ogay" written on it and there isn't evidence it was because of some mob. Do you think maybe the dev and publisher wouldn't have sanctioned it if they were aware? This reminds me of the nontroversy over Total War Rome 2:
didn't stop a bunch of babies from getting egged on by a misleading video
The sad part is this sentiment has been written on the wall ever since sci-fi began making commentary on the rise of socialism/communism. The push for state-mandated "unity" and artificial "equality" has been the central conflict to countless short stories and novels and movies. Metropolis, 1984, Strange New World, THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451, They Live, etc etc etc