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All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.

I'm really eager to see what the user reviews will be for this game, but all these C Tier Rated dialogues mentioned above make me want to skip the single-player and just wait for when the multiplayer arrives, where I think all this identity politics will be stripped down, at least that is what I like to think.

Astral Dog


I really, REALLY hope this is true. It will paint ND in the worst light and will do nothing but damage the notion that they are not consumed and driven by an agenda and identity politics.

And if this is indeed true, I’ll make a prediction: white dude.
i think its cute people take Naughty Dog so seriously 🤭 bigot sandwich lol

Honestly i don't see the problem, that old dog Joel had the last game for himself just let the Gays take over, it fits the gritty realistic and TV writting tone of these games anyways


When you get overly comfortable outside of trying to survive in a post apocalyptic scenario the comforts slowly return to you including the ability to resent what you don't approve of.

Which is why in The Walking Dead homosexuality isn't an issue anymore but that only covers the first few years. Since this is 25+ years into the end of civilization and pocket societies have established people will forget the struggles and fight amongst themselves once again.

Depends how the context is handled but I can see it happening.
I made the mistake of going down the rabbit/spoiler hole and I just cannot believe some of the things I've been reading. I copied and pasted the below from a post on Reddit.

"Side character says something homophobic to Ellie, and she chews him out for it. He apologizes by giving her sandwiches, and she tells him she doesn’t want to eat something he’s touched. Jesse then asks Ellie what she’s holding and she says “some bigot sandwiches”, and tosses them at him"

All of the above sounds like some shitty tumblr fanfiction that was written by someone with pink hair and not a AAA game writer. Besides that scene is literally something taken out of our modern day. Reminds me of Reee and how they never accept an apology. Always trying to cancel people even after they apologize.

Again I don't know if that scene is in the game or not, that was taken from a Reddit post but holy cow if it is!

Apparently it is real. Cringey as fuck but I can't say I'm surprised. The same thing is happening in Hollywood and with shows like Picard. This generation of writers is not only heavy-handed and obtuse with their messaging, they are also just plain untalented and incompetent.



Ellie from TLOU 1: Bad ass kid who doesn't take shit from anyone. Isn't afraid to stand up for herself and literally fight back.
Ellie from TLOU 2: My fee fee's are hurt by that bad man. Where's my safe space so I can get away from him and his mean words?

Yeah nah, identity politics definitely don't ruin characters or anything... :pie_thinking:
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Gold Member
I’m typing out everything I’ve got right now.

I'm especially curious to the accuracy of the plot. Since the leaks got cracked down, you had a shit load of game previewers and Druckmann saying the actual game is different, "you haven't seen everything!", "you didn't see the real ending!".

Ok sounds good. Want to see what the real plot is vs. Reddit and 4Chan leaks and Twitter PR.


It looks like the entire plot is out there. I read it. Not sure how I feel about it.
I'm interested in reading it. Not buying after i saw the leaks and the emphasis on combat, i hated the gameplay on the first, and if the combat is the main focus of the second game, i might as well just watch someone else on twitch for the story.


Here’s what‘s out there. The game hops back and forth a lot.

Verified from the first 3 hours of gameplay leak:

  • Game opens with you playing as Joel and he tells Tommy what happened at the end of TLoU 1
  • Joel gives Ellie a guitar and tells her he’ll teach her how to play like he promised
  • Flash forward to Ellie at 19. She overslept for her shift and Jesse comes to wake her up. He appears to be some sort of leader in Jackson and assigns routes and teams to clear infected.
  • Ellie slips up that she kissed Dina last night. Jesse acts mad, then tells her he doesn’t care and him and Dina are through.
  • You (as Ellie) go to a building to meet up with Maria before heading out.
  • There Maria tells Ellie that Seth wants to apologize for last night, Ellie says “I don’t want to hear anything that bigot has to say.”
  • Maria insists, Seth comes out, apologizes (apparently he called her some unspoken word), and offers her steak sandwiches to take on her route as a peace offering.
  • Jesse asks her what she has and this is where Ellie says “Bigot sandwiches.”, Jesse says they smell good and Ellie says “You can have them.” and gives them to him.
  • They leave the bar/building. Dina knows the route Jesse is sending Ellie on, he assigns them together. He mentions that Joel and Tommy are out on a route too.
  • Dina and Ellie head out on their “creek route”
  • Cut to black
  • Playing as Abby
  • Abby wakes up from some nightmare and chats with Owen. He says he wants to show her something.
  • You play as Abby as Owen leads you to a place that overlooks Jackson. It’s suggested that Abby is looking for someone (Joel) and they try to determine how best to go about luring him out without having all of Jackson come down on their heads. She suggests they find a scout and torture them to get the info.
  • Owen says he wants what Abby wants but not at any cost. It’s implied here that Owen and Abby have a history together. Owen tells Abby that Mel (one of the group) is pregnant. Abby gets aggravated at this and Owen heads back to camp to give her space.
  • Abby says “Fuck it.” and goes off on her own, presumably to find someone to help her get access to Joel or info. She eventually comes across horse tracks.
  • Cut to black
  • Playing as Ellie
  • She and Dina are on their route, some moments are had between them, they stumble onto one of their route buddies indoor weed farm. There’s a funny moment where they find some joints in a jar but neither of them are able to open it. Dina smashes it.
  • They smoke some weed and start making out.
  • Cut to black
  • Playing as Abby
  • Abby runs into infected and starts boxing their faces off like some kind of Roy Jones Jr. wannabe. Eventually she is overwhelmed by their numbers and starts to panic and run for her life.
  • She gets pinned between a wall and a fence full of infected trying to get at her. She crawls through to the edge of the building to get free and an infected gets through.
  • The infected nearly gets here when Joel shows up and blows its head off, saving her. Joel says ”Gimme your hand. We gotta move.” and she does.
  • Abby, Tommy, and Joel are running for their lives and through buildings to shake of the swarm. They eventually get to a spot where it’s safe for a moment.
  • Abby suggests they join her crew in a cabin close by that is cleared and has a fence. They agree and they take off on horses with the infected hot on their trail.
  • Cut to black
  • Playing as Ellie
  • Ellie and Dina are talking in their underwear after having sex. Jesse finds them as they try to get dressed quickly. He lectures them on their responsibilities. Smoking weed and fucking on the job aren’t ideal, who knew? He tells them that Joel and Tommy never returned from their route. They all 3 split up to look.
  • Cut to black
  • Playing as Abby
  • They make it to Abby’s crew and they close the metal gate behind them and toss molotovs onto the infected swarm, killing them all.
  • They head inside and meet everyone. This is where Tommy offers up his name as well as Joel’s, where their from, and extends an offer to restock before Abby’s crew heads back out.
  • Everyone perks up. Joel says “Y’all act like you heard of us before.”
  • Abby, behind him, says “Because they have.” and nearly blows his leg off below the knee with a shotgun. She then has them set him up against the glass. Abby has them tourniquet his leg so he doesn’t bleed out. He asks “Who are you?”, she says “Guess.” He has no clue and says “Say whatever speech you got rehearsed and do what you gotta do.” Abby grabs a golf club and says “Stupid old man, you don’t get to rush this.“ and swings.
  • Cut to black
  • We’re back playing Ellie. She finds the cabin and makes her way in where you can hear Joel screaming in pain and being beaten. She enters the room and sees Joel limp and broken on the floor. She is tackled and held to watch. Owen tells Abby to finish it in case more from Jackson are coming. Ellie pleads for his life, Joel glances at her out of his barely conscious eye, and Abby smashes his skull in.
  • Cut to black
  • Ellie and Tommy argue over what to do. Ellie wants vengeance and so does Tommy, but Tommy is weighing all variables. He asks Ellie for one day to talk to Maria before she heads out. She agrees. They hug.
  • Next day
  • Ellie is at Joel’s grave. Her and Dina are walking and Dina tells her she’s coming with her. They head to his house, Ellie has some sentimental moments before Maria arrives and catches them. Ellie and Dina were going to run off to kill Abby. Maria tells her that Tommy left to do it himself. She agrees to give them a horse and tells them to bring her “dumbass husband.” back in one piece.
  • Ellie and Dina head out to Seattle and the WLF (Abby’s group) territory. The leak ends with them in a synagogue together talking about religion.
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From the recent leaks:

Essentially what Ulysses 31 posted.

Continued, with all the time and character jumping, it’s hard to piece together exact sequencing:

  • Ellie hunts down Nora, who was in the room when they killed Joel. We see this in the most recent gameplay Naughty Dog showed. Ellie kills Nora by dragging her into some spores. Nora tells her she’s fucked now, Ellie says ”I’m immune.”, and Nora realizes what’s about to happen to her. Ellie smashes her head with a pipe.
  • Ellie hunts down people get to a lead on Abby. The fight happens where Abby beats the shit out of both of them and is just about to slit Dina’s throat in front of Ellie but doesn’t because Lev asks her to stop. It’s revealed Dina is pregnant with Jesse’s baby. At some point Jesse is or has been killed by Abby when you’re playing as her.
  • Cut to black
  • Tommy has info on Abby’s whereabouts. She’s been captured by what is assumed to be the Seraphites. This is where the PGW trailer from 2017 fits. Ellie and Dina fight over her leaving to do this. Ellie leaves. This is weird because Dina tries to use the family as leverage to keep Ellie home. The baby is Jesse’s though, and has nothing to do with Ellie. She’s obviously going to have less of an attachment to it than its mother and father would.
  • Ellie kills the Seraphites. Tommy is doing some sniping. He kills Manny (good riddance), the guy who spit on Joel’s dead body after Abby kills him.
  • At some point Tommy gets shot in the eye, but survives. His eye is fucked up pretty good.
  • Ellie finds Abby hanging on the beach for something like a month, she’s emaciated and weak. She cuts her down. They fight.
  • Ellie gets 2 or 3 of her fingers on her left hand bitten off in the final fight with Abby. She is in the process of drowning her when she sees Joel and spares her, telling her to leave. Abby and Lev set sail together.
  • Ellie heads back to the farm where her and Dina lived. Dina and the baby are gone. Ellie picks up the guitar but can’t play it and she stares at the floor.
  • Roll credits.
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Ultimately, I feel like there was something good here but I don’t quite know where it went wrong. I have to think on it some more.

If I play it, it won’t be until PS5. I want to see it all in context and see what I really think. I’ll probably buy a used copy if I can.

I don’t know if it’s intentional, but I like that the title screen, a boat sitting in the water, hints at how it will end, at the beach with a woman being nearly drowned.

Also, Jesse is the only character I like from what I’ve seen. He’s great and of course is murdered.
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From the recent leaks:

Essentially what Ulysses 31 posted.

Thanks, dick.

Continued, with all the time and character jumping, it’s hard to piece together exact sequencing:

  • Ellie hunts down Nora, who was in the room when they killed Joel. We see this in the most recent gameplay Naughty Dog showed. Ellie kills Nora by dragging her into some spores. Nora tells her she’s fucked now, Ellie says ”I’m immune.”, and Nora realizes what’s about to happen to her. Ellie smashes her head with a pipe.
  • Ellie hunts down people get to a lead on Abby. The fight happens where Abby beats the shit out of both of them and is just about to slit Dina’s throat in front of Ellie but doesn’t because Lev asks her to stop. It’s revealed Dina is pregnant with Jesse’s baby. At some point Jesse is or has been killed by Abby when you’re playing as her.
  • Cut to black
  • Tommy has info on Abby’s whereabouts. She’s been captured by what is assumed to be the Seraphites. This is where the PGW trailer from 2017 fits. Ellie and Dina fight over her leaving to do this. Ellie leaves. This is weird because Dina tries to use the family as leverage to keep Ellie home. The baby is Jesse’s though, and has nothing to do with Ellie. She’s obviously going to have less of an attachment to it than its mother and father would.
  • Ellie kills the Seraphites. Tommy is doing some sniping. He kills Manny (good riddance), the guy who spit on Joel’s dead body after Abby kills him.
  • At some point Tommy gets shot in the eye, but survives. His eye is fucked up pretty good.
  • Ellie finds Abby hanging on the beach for something like a month, she’s emaciated and weak. She cuts her down. They fight.
  • Ellie gets 2 or 3 of her fingers on her left hand bitten off in the final fight with Abby. She is in the process of drowning her when she sees Joel and spares her, telling her to leave. Abby and Lev set sail together.
  • Ellie heads back to the farm where her and Dina lived. Dina and the baby are gone. Ellie picks up the guitar but can’t play it and she stares at the floor.
  • Roll credits.
What the fuck, honestly if this is true, it ruins the first game for me. I'm hoping this is not true, at least i can still play the first game and love it because of it's characters.
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What the fuck, honestly if this is true, it ruins the first game for me. I'm hoping this is not true, at least i can still play the first game and love it because of it's characters.
It reads as true to me from everything else we’ve heard and seen. None of this is first hand from me, it’s things I’ve put together from everything I’ve been reading and watching, but my gut tells me it’s not bullshit.

There is a cool moment I forgot where Abby runs into a ”rat king” infected. It’s a knot of infected, much like a real rat king where they get their tails knotted together.
It reads as true to me from everything else we’ve heard and seen. None of this is first hand from me, it’s things I’ve put together from everything I’ve been reading and watching, but my gut tells me it’s not bullshit.

There is a cool moment I forgot where Abby runs into a ”rat king” infected. It’s a knot of infected, much like a real rat king where they get their tails knotted together.
Finally people will get see the magnificent real life rat King. It isn't as disgusting as some think.


It reads as true to me from everything else we’ve heard and seen. None of this is first hand from me, it’s things I’ve put together from everything I’ve been reading and watching, but my gut tells me it’s not bullshit.

There is a cool moment I forgot where Abby runs into a ”rat king” infected. It’s a knot of infected, much like a real rat king where they get their tails knotted together.

Finally people will get see the magnificent real life rat King. It isn't as disgusting as some think.

Skaven in TLOU2? Now i'm interested.
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Ultimately, I feel like there was something good here but I don’t quite know where it went wrong. I have to think on it some more.

That's how I feel as well. I think Joel's fate and the way he goes out is what's bothering me the most. He was such an iconic character and in this game he gets killed by the daughter of the doctor from the first game like wtf.

Also if that's the story then nothing really happens. Abby is about to kill Ellie but changes her mind at the last moment and let's her go, then Ellie is about to kill Abby but see a vision of Joel and let's her go. What would a third game even be about?

I'll go to my grave saying that the first game was absolutely perfect and it didn't need a sequel. I always thought if Naughty Dog did a TLOU2, the best option would've been to have made a game in a different part of the world with a different cast of characters. Show us how other cultures or people from other countries dealt with the infection. I think that would've been cool.


On the verge of cancelling my pre-order.

I am all for LGBTQ+ representation in gaming but what they did to Joel not only insults my intelligence but retroactively tampers my enjoyment of the first game.

The very least they could do is have Ellie murder Abby in the end - in a brutal violence-begets-yet-more-violence finish - but no, apparently Joel becomes Zombie Jesus and spares Abby from beyond the grave.


That's how I feel as well. I think Joel's fate and the way he goes out is what's bothering me the most. He was such an iconic character and in this game he gets killed by the daughter of the doctor from the first game like wtf.

Also if that's the story then nothing really happens. Abby is about to kill Ellie but changes her mind at the last moment and let's her go, then Ellie is about to kill Abby but see a vision of Joel and let's her go. What would a third game even be about?

I'll go to my grave saying that the first game was absolutely perfect and it didn't need a sequel. I always thought if Naughty Dog did a TLOU2, the best option would've been to have made a game in a different part of the world with a different cast of characters. Show us how other cultures or people from other countries dealt with the infection. I think that would've been cool.
I was really hoping the leaks weren't true. Sadly it seems they were, and they lead me to believe the story was pigeon holed into some themes.


Whelp.. it's confirmed..
Story is absolute trash. Context doesn't make any of the leaks any better.


The Last Of Us: Part 2 Leak Featuring Joel Pales In Comparison To His Actual Outrageous Death *Spoilers*
That’s a huge hang up for me. It made no sense for the character, him or Tommy, to do that. It was idiotic. They do it twice too, once when they barricade the door and once again when they’re in the locked room with strangers, one of them holding a fucking shotgun.

You also can’t tell me that Tommy missed Abby standing behind Joel with a shotgun. He was facing her and at least 2 other members of the group and had peripherals on the others as his back was against the dresser against the wall.
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Lol.. This is great..
After getting shot by Abby Joel says "Who the hell are you?" and she tells him to "Guess"..

Uh... how about, some fucking nobody to me..??

I'm loving this. I was pissed at the start of Game of Thrones season 8 too, but eventually I was able to see the funny side of the terrible writing and laugh.


popping in here with my eyes closed. i heard that the whole thing is out there now. i read the first batch of leaks in may. are those leaks 100% true? and if they aren’t 100% true, what percentage out of 100 of them was true would you say? that’s all i want to know.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
When you say ‘hanging on a beach’ for a month do you mean literally chilling the fuck out hanging out or like hanging like tied up waiting for the gulls to pick your eyes out?

What is ‘she’? Some kind of Ivan Drago character? If ‘she’ is limp and half dead, how the fuck could ‘she’ handle a fight and end up (if true) biting off two of Ellie’s fingers during it?

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
popping in here with my eyes closed. i heard that the whole thing is out there now. i read the first batch of leaks in may. are those leaks 100% true? and if they aren’t 100% true, what percentage out of 100 of them was true would you say? that’s all i want to know.

I think everything was pretty much spot on with the exception of how long the Abby parts are. These are more than likely the bits the reviewers keep telling you they aren’t allowed to talk about cos people that have stayed totally spoiler free think they are getting another Joel and Ellie adventure next week with giraffes and such, it him getting his head caved in with a golf club in the first hour or so and playing as a totally different character for half of the game.

Just my opinion, nothing more.


That ending scene where Ellie realizes she has lost 2 fingers way after the fact because she can't play guitar anymore sounds like the most hilarious edgy *deep* thing ever. It sounds like it was written by a 16-17 year old douche.

Did Druckmann not for a moment realize that that shit isn't going to be taken seriously, but made fun off?
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Man the things you guys complain about, they INTRODUCE themselves? Wow, what fools, they should have known a group of people were specifically after them, right? lol. Give me a goddamn break, you guys are trying way too hard now.


popping in here with my eyes closed. i heard that the whole thing is out there now. i read the first batch of leaks in may. are those leaks 100% true? and if they aren’t 100% true, what percentage out of 100 of them was true would you say? that’s all i want to know.
All the stuff from video leaks is true.

Some of the stuff from 4chan is false.

I’m pretty confident that the recent leaks are accurate as well.


When you say ‘hanging on a beach’ for a month do you mean literally chilling the fuck out hanging out or like hanging like tied up waiting for the gulls to pick your eyes out?

What is ‘she’? Some kind of Ivan Drago character? If ‘she’ is limp and half dead, how the fuck could ‘she’ handle a fight and end up (if true) biting off two of Ellie’s fingers during it?
She is jacked, so I suppose she has the muscle to burn. She’s hanging on a beach, maybe crucifixion-like or just hanging tied up to die slowly. The Seraphites put her there as some sort of punishment or death sentence is what I am getting from it. I don’t know if they give her water to keep her alive or what.

It seems to be some knock-down, drag-out, sheer-force-of-will, I-hate-you type of fight. Abby being so emaciated makes her weak enough for Ellie to beat, but Abby in her desperation bites off some fingers.


Man the things you guys complain about, they INTRODUCE themselves? Wow, what fools, they should have known a group of people were specifically after them, right? lol. Give me a goddamn break, you guys are trying way too hard now.
No, Tommy says (paraphrasing) “We live not too far from here, you should come restock before y‘all head out. I’m Tommy. That’s my brother, Joel.”

Joel also gives 4 strangers his back and Tommy has eyes on all of them because of his position having his back to the wall. Joel wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that and Tommy should have warned Joel because he could see everything from his position. There’s no way for Abby to grab a shotgun and aim it at Joel’s knee without Tommy seeing it. Tommy reacts after she nearly blows off Joel’s right leg.

That’s stupid for either one of them to say after all they’ve been through and even more stupid for them to do. It’s bad writing. Don’t expect me to lower my standards because you don’t mind it. Neil is a fan of David Benioff, enough said.


Man the things you guys complain about, they INTRODUCE themselves? Wow, what fools, they should have known a group of people were specifically after them, right? lol. Give me a goddamn break, you guys are trying way too hard now.
No, Tommy says (paraphrasing) “We live not too far from here, you should come restock before y‘all head out. I’m Tommy. That’s my brother, Joel.”

Joel also gives 4 strangers his back and Tommy has eyes on all of them because of his position having his back to the wall. Joel wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that and Tommy should have warned Joel because he could see everything from his position. There’s no way for Abby to grab a shotgun and aim it at Joel’s knee without Tommy seeing it. Tommy reacts after she nearly blows off Joel’s right leg.

That’s stupid for either one of them to say after all they’ve been through and even more stupid for them to do. It’s bad writing. Don’t expect me to lower my standards because you don’t mind it. Neil is a fan of David Benioff, enough said.
They shouldn't have ever put themselves in that situation in the first place.
Tommy and his wife and friends aim the weapon at Joel and Ellie (a man and a child) on the first game before even asking who they are, because of the dangers of life in that situation, all of a sudden he's being buddies with armed strangers he never saw that for some reason are roaming around close to where he and his family live, trash writing at best, makes absolutely zero sense.



The flashback is after the dog kill. Talk about condescending. Also why did they make it a QTE? Doesn't even give you the illusion of it being your choice.
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No, Tommy says (paraphrasing) “We live not too far from here, you should come restock before y‘all head out. I’m Tommy. That’s my brother, Joel.”

Joel also gives 4 strangers his back and Tommy has eyes on all of them because of his position having his back to the wall. Joel wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that and Tommy should have warned Joel because he could see everything from his position. There’s no way for Abby to grab a shotgun and aim it at Joel’s knee without Tommy seeing it. Tommy reacts after she nearly blows off Joel’s right leg.

That’s stupid for either one of them to say after all they’ve been through and even more stupid for them to do. It’s bad writing. Don’t expect me to lower my standards because you don’t mind it. Neil is a fan of David Benioff, enough said.

We see her aim the shotgun in the video, though, it wasn't already aimed there and she was probably holding it the whole time, they're all armed. Clearly whatever happens prior to that scene earns the trust of Tommy and Joel. It's not bad writing, enough said, we need to get past people like you deciding a character ever making a mistake is bad writing, they're humans, not robots.

You clearly didn't play the first game.

I did, maybe you didn't because if Ellie did anything for Joel it was restore some of his humanity. Not to mention he's spent years living in an actual community of people when this game begins, a NICE FRIENDLY community, Joel's perceptions of the world aren't what they were when TLOU 1 began, you guys must hate character arcs.

Ulysses 31


The flashback is after the dog kill. Talk about condescending. Also why did they make it a QTE? Doesn't even give you the illusion of it being your choice.
The game seems to focus on making you feel bad for the things you're forced to do the in game, Polygon makes similar mentions about forced violence and the game finger wagging to you about it.
The game seems to focus on making you feel bad for the things you're forced to do the in game, Polygon makes similar mentions about forced violence and the game finger wagging to you about it.

Did you have choices in the first one? This isn't Fallout or something. The idea seams to be the only way a game can moralize about violence and violent acts is if you have the option to be non-violent? Your option is not playing the game.

Ulysses 31

Did you have choices in the first one? This isn't Fallout or something. The idea seams to be the only way a game can moralize about violence and violent acts is if you have the option to be non-violent? Your option is not playing the game.
You didn't but the first game had some moments of hopefulness sprinkled throughout the story(even if things eventually ended up bad), a criticism about part II is that there's none of those making things seem more nihilistic.
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