Dr Bass
I love how people think reviews being 10/10 is a perfect game score. That's not how reviews work and so everyone who has a problem with TLOU2 getting these scores obviously do not understand review scores.
It's a known fact in the industry that the score is weighted to how much the reviewer enjoyed the game, a 10/10 does not mean the game is perfect, that is just how you perceive the game is rated and that is wrong!
Take Polygon's TLOU2 review for example, that review was pretty much negative and that review does not even talk about the game, you know, game design, playability, sound, graphics etc. The whole review was based on how the reviewer emotionally felt about the game. But because that review was not positive, I'm sure this review must be completely true and how everyone will feel about the game?
Reviewers scores are not there to please the studios or developers, it is purely their opinion on how much they enjoyed the game. People need to stop worrying about scores and play the game for themselves. I think there are too many insecure people here seeking validation for their own opinions and thoughts just so they can feel good about themselves.
If this were true there would be waaaay more games that score below a 7. When was the last game you saw that averaged in the 3s or 4s? Never? That doesn't make any sense if game reviewing wasn't "corrupt" in some way because there are a lot of bad games out there.
Look at the range of scores movies get on Rotten Tomatoes. The games industry sees nothing like that. There has to be a reason for it.