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Neil Druckmann has being getting transphobic, homophobic, anti-Semitic messages


Gold Member
Remember Druckmann's beauty response a few months ago when people didn't like the leaked story?

At the time, nobody knew the exact story as the leaks were partly right and the videos were uploaded with no context and not even in the right order or anything.

People didn't like what they saw in the game (not going to spoil it even though most of us already know what happens to who in those videos), and the best reply from Druckmann was this, trying to shame haters into bigots when the vast majority of the haters don't even hate the game for homosexuality in the game.

If they did they would have crucified LoU DLC content where Ellie is outed as gay.

But you got Druckmann trying to classify haters as bigots.

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you have posters like Stuart360 saying 'You reap what you sow", and of course look at the posters supporting such re-actions, the same guys who have been trolling TLOU 2 threads everywhere and of course the same guys who want the next gen thread closed.....I mean this is just console wars and it's much too transparent.
Been watching CohhCarnage's stream yesterday and today, and there was just a genuine great scene, a scene that gave me a bit of a lump in my throat, a truely great scene. I have given the game a bit of shite for the propaganda and SJW shite, but i thought it was only fair to mention that scene.
And in all seriousness, I thought the first game was great. It was one of the last console games i played before going PC only. It is a shame to see politics and wokeness infest the game like the disease the game portrays. One day the masses will get fed up with this shit, and it will end.

Quit the tiresome console war shite for once in your life will you. I loved the first game, i'm against SJW agenda shite and politics in games full stop, and i'll be against Halo Infinite if that follows the same path as well.
My 'You reap what you sow' quote was because Druckman has been a prick on Twitter over this numerous times, and even did his 'Nope, i'm a developer and i'll put whatever politics i want into the game' responce when asked on Twitter not to spoil the game by putting his personnel politics into the game. He wanted to put his shit in the game, so now he has to deal with the fallout. Simple.


Quit the tiresome console war shite for once in your life will you. I loved the first game, i'm against SJW agenda shite and politics in games full stop, and i'll be against Halo Infinite if that follows the same path as well.
My 'You reap what you sow' quote was because Druckman has been a prick on Twitter over this numerous times, and even did his 'Nope, i'm a developer and i'll put whatever politics i want into the game' responce when asked on Twitter not to spoil the game by putting his personnel politics into the game. He wanted to put his shit in the game, so now he has to deal with the fallout. Simple.

People shouldn't be attacked because they put their beliefs or views into the art they make. That's Era logic and the antithesis of productive discussion.


People shouldn't be attacked because they put their beliefs or views into the art they make. That's Era logic and the antithesis of productive discussion.
Its the internet though, and Druckman knew exactly what was going to happen, dont let his crying fool you otherwise.
I got death threats for defending DSP against his haters, i wasnt even a fan of his, i just defended him against some of the ridiculous bullshit his haters did to him, and you should of seen the shit i got. I even got my PC hacked and they used picturs and my data to set up profiles on dating sites, and i was told even a 'pedo' site. I was shitting myslef for weeks thinking i was going to get an unpleasant knock at my door by the police.
Anyone with any kind of level of fame, will be getting this shit on the internet, its par for the course.


It's messed up that these people are attacking everyone related to the game and it is not okay.

I thought Star Wars Episode 8 was dog shit and ruined the entire series but you don't see me trying to send death threats to Mark Hamill or Rian Johnson.


Gold Member
It's messed up that these people are attacking everyone related to the game and it is not okay.

I thought Star Wars Episode 8 was dog shit and ruined the entire series but you don't see me trying to send death threats to Mark Hamill or Rian Johnson.
It's video games.

Gamers take it to a new level of social interaction, and the employees involve themselves by replying or fighting back.

You don't see this amount of back and forth bickering with fans and athletes or movie stars.



No one should be getting death threats if they have then authorities should get involved. But playing the victim over and over is just such a bad fucking look.

I can’t wait for Ghost to come out two weeks from now so we can move on from this garbage game and This garbage attention seeking guy.

Im going to buy 3 copies of Ghost of Sushima.


I didn't read the messages.

They say democracy dies in darkness... but apparently these SJW types think racism and homophobia dies with advertising.


Golden Boy
Once again, people are idiots for attacking others like that. But then again, you earn what you sow.
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People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Or you know... Just stop promoting justice culture on Twitter.

I don't see Japanese devs pushing justice culture much on Twitter and they're not toxic.


Gold Member
I didn't read the messages.

They say democracy dies in darkness... but apparently these SJW types think racism and homophobia dies with advertising.
It's a bunch of angry gamers or simply trollers for fun mocking the game, he's Jewish, go die etc..... There's even a giant picture of an ugly Jewish guy with a big nose.

Druckmann's response: Criticize the game if you want, but don't post vile personal insults. And for any of you posting this, I'm going to repost it exposing you because I feel it's important to.

As I said above, back and forth bickering to see who gets the last jab in.

This is the type of childish stuff low brow people would do. But when you got high level employees jabbing back, you typically only see this in video games.

Coke could try coming out with a shitty Coke III and everyone hates it like Coke II, and you'd get possibly millions on people getting on social media saying it's shit, the CEO should get fired for being a loser wasting time on it.

Pretty sure the CEO isn't going to get into Twitter battles.
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Welcome to the internet, say whatever you want behind the screen, the bad part is this people getting the attention they dont deserve, its just a game at the end.
Welcome to the culture you create. When you encourage people getting piled-on for ideas you don't like, don't be surprised when people do the same to you for the ideas they don't like.

Edit: spelling
There is no excuse for people who write hate posts in reaction to any work of art, be it a game or anything else.
Just don't play the fucking game if it's not your cup of tea.
How hard is this concept to grasp for people these days?


Some of the best art has political themes in it.

Yes, most of the time tho people are just trying to win internet points and jerk themselves off about how clever they are when they go '' aLl ArT iS pOlItIcAl ''.
They pretend like they don't know what most people mean when they say that they don't like how political a game or movie is and they make themselves look like retards who can't understand the difference between intent and being a smarmy asshole reading way too much into everything.


I don’t like Neil, I find him to be an incredibly condescending, pretentious, arrogant virtue signaler that blames everyone else for his own failings and for when they (rightly) call out agendas when they see it.

That said, the comments are uncalled for, but hey....the Internet and all. What can ya do?
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This is very similar to the post about the voice actress, the people posting this are people that need to step away from the keyboard and breathe a bit. However, in that case the poor woman did nothing except portray the character she was asked to, but in this one it's Druckmann and his incredibly manipulative self: "if you hate my game, you are a bigot, just like these ones".

After this, I honestly hope Druckmann gets replaced at Naughty Dog and the company can go back to making good games instead of LGBTQUINOA+++ propaganda.


The way I look at this is that these people who bring this type of stuff up to the public give these types of responses more weight than they should be given simply because they are reselling to the media based on the projected gravity it has to them personally which is obviously inflated for the effect. I can say this with confidence simply because these people never show any meaningful interaction with actual criticism or most comments for that matter.

I'm not talking about the voice actress here, since she just performing a role. Unlike Druckmann who is using it for direct benefit.
People shouldn't be attacked because they put their beliefs or views into the art they make. That's Era logic and the antithesis of productive discussion.

You call this art? Smear shit on the wall, and it would be more artistic than this game. This is the anti-art movement boi!


Notice how he associates "anti-semitism" with "transphobia" and "homophobia". They always try to associate themselves with other supposed "victim groups". Clever.


So many people victim blaming...

Death threats and hate speech is never acceptable. There's nothing provocative in Druckmann's remarks or his work to warrant such hatred.

In general while online anonymity is doing wonders at times but in such cases (not just Druckmanns) I really want some Chinese-level crackdown because the impunity is just horrifying at times.


So many people victim blaming...

Death threats and hate speech is never acceptable. There's nothing provocative in Druckmann's remarks or his work to warrant such hatred.

In general while online anonymity is doing wonders at times but in such cases (not just Druckmanns) I really want some Chinese-level crackdown because the impunity is just horrifying at times.

Chinese-level crackdown? What the fuck is this? Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four? You want people imprisoned and executed for some shit comments about a videogame?

Fine. If we're going to go about this, let's go after the SJWs who dox people for their conservative beliefs or women who use #metoo accusations to cancel men. Oh? But that doesn't count I guess? Alt Right gamers deserved to be punished but liberal NPCs can act with impunity of course.


So many people victim blaming...

Death threats and hate speech is never acceptable. There's nothing provocative in Druckmann's remarks or his work to warrant such hatred.

In general while online anonymity is doing wonders at times but in such cases (not just Druckmanns) I really want some Chinese-level crackdown because the impunity is just horrifying at times.

"I really want some Chinese-level crackdown because the impunity is just horrifying at times."

The most horrifying thing here is that you probably think you are one of the "good guys" in all this.

Think about what you are calling for here. "Some Chinese-level crackdown."

Yeah cos going full authoritarian won't have any negative consequences at all.

It's as simple as this. Find the people who did this and we can all judge for ourselves when we see who they are and why they did it.

If we don't know who they are then we can't say much until we do.

It's really that simple.

All we have right now is people righteously beating down strawmen as they make assumptions about the who and why here.

We should the rest of us be forced to use the Internet under some authoritarian rule because some people we don't know are posting some stuff from who knows where.


at this point, the reason everyone involved with the game is sharing these posts is to get sympathy and drive home the narrative of "people hate it because of homophobia or whatever"


It's pathetic and best left unacknowledged.

Yes. It should be dealt with by Twitter.

How can they not simply make it so that you cannot be tagged or receive messages from someone who is not following or being followed by you.

Maybe allow people to only have one way communication with their followers.

Why is the focus not on "how can we stop people from being able to send and receive these messages" instead of some weird campaign to smear people who play games in general.

It's Twitter's problem and if they refuse to fix it then stop using Twitter.

Get the cops involved. Expose the people who sent the messages. Don't try to rope in others who have no connection to any of this.

Here's a mind blowing thought. There are gamers who don't even use Twitter or Facebook.


I'm not saying we need to go full-China on internet anonymity and scoring. But surely something like a death threat can be picked up by machine learning algo on Twitter and give the account a warning or a ban automatically.

We all love being anonymous online and to express our opinions freely without fear of being stalked afterwards in real life. All I'm trying to say is that abuses like this need to be realistically handled by platform, this is not even a political statement, just vile shit - so step it up, Twitter. If you can label political falsehoods, the number of people who receive death threats is always on the rise.


Yeah, the internet is full of assholes. That goes in every possible direction. Showing the hate messages is getting a little bit old. We all get them one way or another, in direct proportion to the reach of our audience.


It would be nice if he showed some concern that people who don't like the game are called homophobes and fascists and everything inbetween.

Like telling in general to people to just stop calling each other names and yelling death threats over a game.


Gold Member

I'm torn. On the one hand, twitter is for assholes. If you're going to make a public account then preach from it, you're going to get asshole responses. For better or worse, that's how twitter works. I've seen buskers on UK streets, guitar players on the trains in Barcelona and marionette actors in Athens all get vile shit hurled their way. Twitter allows that extremity to go further with the lack of bans etc. Twitter was always a one to many publishing platform. It was meant to give a glimpse into celebrity lives and provide quick updates as they happen. It was never meant to be a platform to preach from. Those people preaching are now receiving the disbenefits of preaching in public as a many to one outlet of frustration of hate. Thankfully, there's an easy way to solve this - have a personal/private account or just don't use Twitter. Professional networks exist such as LinkedIn, but most of these blue check marks want to use Twitter as a curated method to hear what they want to hear. Perhaps Neils time would be better spent addressing the legitimate concerns about TLOU II than airing the vile and nonsensical ones?

Also, as an aside, it makes me laugh when people sit and muse over the 'art' they have created yet moan about being villified. Being villifed as an artist for the medium, the subject or the form has always affected great artists from Monet to Caravaggio. These people were called sodomites and heretics.


I don't think people find this acceptable. It's just that clowns like you can't accept that people has no obligation to feel any kind of emphaty for people they don't like.

It’s the usual performative outrage that people seem to love for some reason.

No sane person thinks those messages are acceptable.

We're kidding ourselves on though if we don't see that so much of the outrage is nothing more that a performance.

What do people get out of that?

If I posted here "disgusting manbabies so mad about a video game when will they grow up". What do I personally get out of that?

Its like the very very least I could do. To say "oh yes this is so terrible".

Social media is weird.
Its like people are role playing at being virtuous.
They don't know who sent the messages or why but they'll be sure to tell you how horrible it all is and how they know all about the senders.

In that respect Drukmann is playing the public like a fiddle here.

This is Twitter's problem and Twitter should deal with it.

Yet these celebs still use Twitter despite the fact that it offers them no protection. Why not start up a new platform that doesn't allow this shit?

Do they stick with Twitter because the nasty messages actually do have some value and can be used to push some other marketing strategy?

Like, if I went to a pub and some unknown customers abused me while the staff just let it happen then I'd never ever go back there. For sure I wouldn't go back the next day when an entirely new group of customers are in there and try to garner sympathy while never mentioning that the staff allowed all of it to happen. Maybe I will hook a few people and they'll act all outraged and buy me a drink out of sympathy but that's it.

Its all just one big performance.
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So many people victim blaming...

Death threats and hate speech is never acceptable. There's nothing provocative in Druckmann's remarks or his work to warrant such hatred.

In general while online anonymity is doing wonders at times but in such cases (not just Druckmanns) I really want some Chinese-level crackdown because the impunity is just horrifying at times.

Don't be ridiculous ffs.


Ffs, 3-5% of the general population are sociopaths, and the percentage is likely higher when looking at twitter populations. They have problems functioning in society (lots of time because they have trouble staying employed), lack functioning consciences, connot create real relationships with other humans yet can get heavily emotionally attached to ideas/products/things, do not have proper emotional regulatory systems (tendency to anger), & are produced by bad environments (neglect, abuse, etc.).


Moreover, they exist on every side of politics.

It is gross to use deviant behaviour to further political agendas because it stokes division. Not all non-woke people are sending death threats and not all democrats are running around in ski masks smashing old white lady skulls in.


It’s the usual performative outrage that people seem to love for some reason.

No sane person thinks those messages are acceptable.

We're kidding ourselves on though if we don't see that so much of the outrage is nothing more that a performance.

What do people get out of that?

If I posted here "disgusting manbabies so mad about a video game when will they grow up". What do I personally get out of that?

Its like the very very least I could do. To say "oh yes this is so terrible".

Social media is weird.
Its like people are role playing at being virtuous.
They don't know who sent the messages or why but they'll be sure to tell you how horrible it all is and how they know all about the senders.

In that respect Drukmann is playing the public like a fiddle here.

This is Twitter's problem and Twitter should deal with it.

Yet these celebs still use Twitter despite the fact that it offers them no protection. Why not start up a new platform that doesn't allow this shit?

Do they stick with Twitter because the nasty messages actually do have some value and can be used to push some other marketing strategy?

Like, if I went to a pub and some unknown customers abused me while the staff just let it happen then I'd never ever go back there. For sure I wouldn't go back the next day when an entirely new group of customers are in there and try to garner sympathy while never mentioning that the staff allowed all of it to happen. Maybe I will hook a few people and they'll act all outraged and buy me a drink out of sympathy but that's it.

Its all just one big performance.

twitter can be shit
  • reduces complex issues to 288 characters
  • creates self reinforcing ideological silos
  • allows bullshit narratives to live (eg trump and russia)
  • is fucking addictive
  • is incredible divisive
  • is a great way to organise hate mobs
however, the problem is that it can be good. You can get great sources of information and interact with great minds.

With ND at the helm, you never now what kind of dumb PR they'll pull off in hope of getting pity clicks. Druckmann already did his Kurt Cobain plug months ago.

When PS5 got revealed months ago by Cerny, forums were confused at the kind of power, their focus on SSD etc.... The console wasn't even shown at the show.

Who were the first ones to tweet PS5 is great? It was so blatant and fast, someone on Reeeee even did a thread on it not knowing who were doing the tweets until some people responding pointed it out.

Turns out it was a bunch of ND employees tweeting asap in support of PS5. And that Ready at Dawn CEO chimed in too like it was all planned and synchronized together.
This has nothing to do with PS5. The PS5 is so far a very good console that every developer praises.
This is about some idiots threatening creators who presented a controversial piece of art.
Remember Druckmann's beauty response a few months ago when people didn't like the leaked story?

At the time, nobody knew the exact story as the leaks were partly right and the videos were uploaded with no context and not even in the right order or anything.

People didn't like what they saw in the game (not going to spoil it even though most of us already know what happens to who in those videos), and the best reply from Druckmann was this, trying to shame haters into bigots when the vast majority of the haters don't even hate the game for homosexuality in the game.

If they did they would have crucified LoU DLC content where Ellie is outed as gay.

But you got Druckmann trying to classify haters as bigots.

I am not a white guy and I hate this SJW agenda. Does that make me "A white racist ass hole"?
Anyway, I am strongly against those idiots who threaten to kill people. You have all the right to discuss and criticize. At the end, no matter how stupid and bad are his agenda, he is still a human beings.


This shows that some of the people who claim to be against trigger warnings and are not snowflakes are actually the most easily triggered. I wonder what some of these people would do during the 60s and 70s when a lot of music and movies had explicitly political themes. If video games were around back then they would not have been much different.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If you handwave off actual, no exaggeration or hyperbole, hate-speech because its used against someone you have a beef with.
Guess what, you have no moral high-ground to stand on anymore.

Especially gross stuff like the explicitly anti-semitic comments that are abusive more than just the target but to all members of his race and religion... Basically you just marked yourself out as a hateful shit-stain to a whole lot of people.

And for what exactly? To stick it to the SJW's? For the console wars generally? Because you hate ND or "Cuckman", or just becasue you're butthurt over what he did to Joel?

None of these things singly or in conjunction are good reasons to be ok with that sort of hate. Its just wrong, and if you can't see that you're the fucking bad guy.


Poor Druckmann. How is he!? Are his feelings hurt? Has he amassed enough victim points on twitter yet? The poor soul. Pretty fitting he works for SOYny.

Welcome to the internet/social media. It wouldn't surprise me if an Instagram account for a cute pug wearing a poncho recieved death threats for cultural appropriation in this day and age.

Man up or stay off social media if you can't handle death threats and general hatred/racism/whatever.

You are only fueling the fire by drawing attention to these asshats and will keep the hate rolling in. Perhaps that's what you want? Sympathy and victim status.

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