What is the point of this thread, the consoles are due in 4 months +-, since there are dedicated threads even rumors can be discussed there with those that are interested in it.
Also I'll point something out none of you have taken notice of, the OP was inactive for 7-8 months and only bothered to login the day PS had their GDC stream.
There's no new information in OP, so basically a dead thread where everything goes, it's seldom that both sides can come together and discuss things in a way deemed fit as adult.
To that extent I'd say let them stay in the designated thread and discuss their interests (facts or rumors) to their heart's content, without the derail, without the console war(s) or personal attacks.
Theres tons more to learn, we only really know the basic framework of some specs and things announced.
Matt Hargrett said there lots of secrets and we seemingly haven't heard about them.
Lots of both sides to learn.
We have had rumour and speculation about rdna 3 features and zen 3 features.
We haven't seen the PS5 APU.
On xbox side we have no idea about xbox io real performance and things like SFS and other things mentioned, how they are going to impact that hardware. How it all compares to PS5 implementations.
Is the xbox GPU as far ahead as the numbers suggest or is the faster PS5 GPU with potentially better CU occupancy due to cache scrubbers able to close the gap? Rumour and leaks from sources and actual resolutions and framrate announces suggest so but lots more to learn.
Software etc etc...