Well I tried to explain why only a crude sale number might not be indicative for the company of a product financial succes as expected originally, if you disagree and think differently thats ok... we will agree in disagree... anyhow you are too much of a fanboy to have a grounded conversation. So Ill ignore you and you can continue in your safe space with others of the nd cult.. byeIt's literally not. At all.
You have no idea what this is/was, and neither does the person who initially brought this up, which is why claims that this was a disaster are idiotic.
10M sales and buckets of GOTY awards is objectively a success. I don't need to know Sony sales figures to logic my way to this being a success on basically every level, it's really simple math. However if you have data that shows how TLOU2's total budget somehow would be something that logically exceeds that kind of sales figure -- millions of which occurred right at launch for full MSRP, to the point where it set records for PS -- please do share it.