I mean to be fair, none of the games so far with the exception of a few titles felt next-gen in any way. So maybe that's why the "this gen just started" comment was said.
It's not even about the sales. It's about what experience we are getting from the games. Which has been a bit lackluster if I am being honest. People are buying it sure, but
how many of them are satisfied currently despite that? That's why I cringe sometimes whenever I see a post/thread/comment about sales of a game or hardware. What does that even
really mean in the end? I bought a PSVR2 at launch. I was hyped for like 2 weeks after I got it. Now? It's in the box for a few months now. I'm one of those who bought it, but am I 100%
happy with it, playing it every day? That's stats I'd personally like to see more of.
Maybe I'm one of these guys, which could be the case. I am busy these days anyway.
I do however agree with games failing to hit their FPS target. I am currently forcing myself to play FFXVI in perf mode, but the inconsistency outside of battles is off-putting. I don't feel compelled to finish it in it's current state. So yeah, as I was saying months back; if we could get games hitting 4k or even 1440p at 60fps comfortably, I'd be happy getting a Pro.