Writes a lot, says very little
A black person is one of TWO playable characters in a video game series that revises history so it includes Illumaniti-level conspiracy, magical Pope, Medusa, and Valhalla as an actual place…..and you can survive a fall from a thousand feet up by landing in some hay.
CALMYou’re going to outdo the RE 5 melodrama at this point. It’s a video game, it’s not about to collapse society, it was stupid when our parents screamed Mortal Kombat was going to do that in the 90’s, and it’s stupid now. In other words:
Pretty much, its getting to those levels of loony.
Its almost as if people really want the game to be making some deep historical claim to cry victim from something. I remember thinking like, why would someone be so triggered over Mortal Kombat to buy the game to break it in front of some building or something, same with Doom and all those titles in the 90s that people were just on witch hunts against lol
Harry Potter is the devil, why is Charmander from Pokeman demonic lol (you have to say it like Poke MAN) lol
So its wild to see things come full circle as an adult and to hear first hand adults making these weird narratives.