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Your most Unpopular Gaming opinon?


Gold Member
DOOM Eternal is shit compared to DOOM 2016.

I think that's becoming more acceptable to say, everyone who i know who played both agrees with this. It was just the Halo Infinite thing all over again where certain people are just desperate for that Xbox win.

(I know doom eternal was a multiplat, but the conversation at the time was around how Microsoft was going to become owners of Bethesda and what a great portfolio they had and how that was going to transform xbox, in a way it did.)
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I just can't apreciate Elder's Scrolls games. For me it's an example of a series giving you too much liberty to the point it makes me feels like nothing you do has any importance.


Gold Journalism
FromSoftware games are overrated and have done a lot of damage to the industry with their shitty camera controls, poor performance, unexplained mechanics, and needless padding of gameplay hours by (1) making the games unfairly difficult and (2) making you lose your souls/currency every time you die.


Bandai Namco make expensive shit better than resident evil, devil may cry, street fighter even though I like resident evil more but whatever.
I'll go with souls games, it's not that they're not good, on the contrary they look amazing and have some of the best enemies designs imo, but sadly i can't for my life enjoy them, they are too hard and the formula of playing again all the enemies when you die is killing me, another sadly is that so many games now take inspiration from souls games, many of them i would love to play but can't.
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Read the title, was going to rant about Fromsoft games, or more accurately, it's fans. OP you beat me to it.

Don't get me wrong, I loved bloodborne and sekiro. But its just that their influence on the industry has been to a detriment due to its fanbase. Not every game needs to be soulslike, a combat system isn't bad if it isn't as difficult as a soulslike. It isn't bad if an rpg focuses more on the story.

Fanbases ruin everything.

Edit: Also games focusing more on difficulty rather than fun. Fun should be the most important thing, not difficulty but due to fromsoftware's fanbase, a lot of devs have started focusing more on making their games harder rather than fun. Heck, hardcore fans who prefer difficult games ruin it for everyone, especially since they cry whenever there is difficulty options.

Not every games needs to be difficult, some games are better on easy or medium. I played Spiderman 2018 on normal, and enjoyed it far more than I would have, if I had played it on hardest difficulty. The reverse is also true for some games, I doubt I would have enjoyed Mafia definitive edition if I had played it on easy instead of classic difficulty. Difficulty options never hurt
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(2) making you lose your souls/currency every time you die.

This and the lack of "re-fuckin-loading" (i mean, really!?) are 2 of the biggest offenders in gaming in recent memory (even bigger than forced walk imo).

They actively discourage experimenting, dramatically reducing the "fun" factor and they add completely artificial length (and difficulty) to already drawn out games.
Worst design decissions, and they seem to be continuously kept in these games, like they're some "amazing" innovation. They're smelly shit.
Read the title, was going to rant about Fromsoft games, or more accurately, it's fans. OP you beat me to it.

Don't get me wrong, I loved bloodborne and sekiro. But its just that their influence on the industry has been to a detriment due to its fanbase. Not every game needs to be soulslike, a combat system isn't bad if it isn't as difficult as a soulslike. It isn't bad if an rpg focuses more on the story.

Fanbases ruin everything.
Just this year i have 2 games i really like how they look; Wukong and Stellar Blade that i can't be sure i would enjoy.


is that.... an unpopular opinion....?
Good point, i hope not but Fallout 76 has got quite a few new players since the show, i don't know how ESO is doing, probably because i don't care lol, it's just my opinion they they should go extinct, i doubt everyone agrees.
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Gold Member
Denzel Washington Movie GIF

Mario Odyssey is the second most overrated game of all time: way too many moons, to loose in terms of design, easy af.

Galaxy 1 and 2 were masterpieces. Each level has its own theme and was masterfuly designed. Soundtrack is godlike

Now, the most overrated game of all time: Breath of the Wild. It's an 8, but sitting on a 97 MC score (just ridiculous)

The physics system is indeed very awesome, but everything else is barebones.
  • Map is huge, but devoided of cities or meaningful point of interest.
  • Exploration rewards you with korok seeds or ... nothing at all
  • Story is barelly there, and told in a very anemic way
  • Dungeons are the worst in the whole franchise (and so are their bosses)
  • Traversal is slow and boring af.
  • Breakable weapons is irritating
  • Ubisoft towers everywhere, but since its Nintendo doing it, its now revolutionary
Then the sequel comes out, fixing some of the points stated above, proving the first game was overrated af and very flawed, not deserving of being 3 points away from a 100 perfect MC score

You have to accept that Nintendo games are treated softly by gaming journalists, those games gets an easy pass on lots of things and they pumps its score 6 to 8 points higher than what it actually deserves.
I want a Deluxe Remaster of Final Fight 3. It is awesome and it being stuck on and limited by SNES is as bad as Bloodborne being stuck on base PS4.
Maybe I can think of a better answer later but I like Streets of Rage 3 netter than 2. I like using Zan more than Skate or Max, I think the range of moves is better, the bosses and the music are all better in 3 in my opinion.
Bare Knuckle 3 is a gem. Shiva and Roo are my personal favorites. I think Skate was cooler in 2, when mobility for others was more limited by comparison.
Lies of P is overrated. The movement and combat feel awful, and the art direction is unoriginal.

Manus (Dark Souls) and Simon Manus (Lies of P). "Let's keep the name Manus and them having a staff, but what if we swap which of their arms is big and small - and make the small arm glow?!".

Darkbeast Paarl (Bloodborne), Scrapped Watchman (Lies of P). "We can keep the attacks and moveset of Paarl, but let's make it a police robot instead! So cool!".

Shinobi Prosthetic (Sekiro), Legion Arms (Lies of P). "What if Pinocchio was in Sekiro AND Bloodborne??? Let's do it!!!". Gtfo.
Lies of P did it better. FromSoftware is overrated. Can't tell a narrative to save their life.

P.S. Sekiro is terribly shallow and never reaches the heights of any proper action game.
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We're heading towards an industy where only FROM Software still understands player agency and good level design, because this generation has gone completely out of control when it comes to handholding. Soon there will be no game left without glowing breadcrumbs and icons laying out every single step you need to make, puzzles that solve themselves, checkpoints every minute, god modes activating when you fail a single time, etc.

There was a time when core gamers clowned the intrusive handholding of games like Zelda Skyward Sword, but now that shit is in almost every game and for some reason no one cares and I hate you all for it.
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A tie between:
(1) BotW is meh;
(2) GC is the worst controller

It used to be that Phil Spencer was primarily to blame for Xbox’s problems, but time is proving me right.

The masses all readily dismiss his role as the point man for the $499 price announcement and serving at Mattrick’s side before taking over. How he survived this long is a testament to the mess of post-Gates Microsoft.


We're heading towards an industy where only FROM Software still understands player agency and good level design, because this generation has gone completely out of control when it comes to handholding. Soon there will be no game left without glowing breadcrumbs and icons laying out every single step you need to make, puzzles that solve themselves, checkpoints every minute, god modes activating when you fail a single time, etc.

There was a time when core gamers clowned the intrusive handholding of games like Zelda Skyward Sword, but now that shit is in almost every game and for some reason no one cares and I hate you all for it.

Friend, here is the game you're wanting.


It doesn't hold your hand.
It will swat it away and then stomp on your fingers to cripple you.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
TLOU2 is probably the most overrated video game of all time. The character writing, motivation and message is all over the place, the pacing is a complete mess, it's far too long for what it is. Some of the combat sequences are very fun, but they're sandwiched between so much brushing against furniture looking for supplies and walking between story beats that it's an absolute chore to get through at times. It (intentionally) doesn't control very well and when people talk about TLOU2 having "the best combat ever" they're just talking about very fancy animations. So much of that game is smoke and mirrors. I actually thought TLOU was deeply overrated too but the sequel makes it look like a tight masterpiece in comparison.

It looks and sounds amazing, at least. And I'm quite hypocritical in calling RDR2 one of the greatest games ever made when it plays even worse and is 4x as long.


We're heading towards an industy where only FROM Software still understands player agency and good level design, because this generation has gone completely out of control when it comes to handholding. Soon there will be no game left without glowing breadcrumbs and icons laying out every single step you need to make, puzzles that solve themselves, checkpoints every minute, god modes activating when you fail a single time, etc.

There was a time when core gamers clowned the intrusive handholding of games like Zelda Skyward Sword, but now that shit is in almost every game and for some reason no one cares and I hate you all for it.
Sounds like you just played The Plucky Squire going by this, but I agree. There's definitely some examples tho which left me embarrassed of Gamers like people not being able to figure out Metroid Dread puzzles. I think there was a thread on gaf about this.
I don't think the PS5 Pro is overpriced. Its GPU is supposed to be in the RTX 4070 and 8700xt/8800xt range of performance. $500-600 GPU alone. I'm curious what the bill of materials is for the PS5 Pro. Markets bigger than high end gaming demand more hardware and this is just what value is now for computers


I don't think the PS5 Pro is overpriced. Its GPU is supposed to be in the RTX 4070 and 8700xt/8800xt range of performance. $500-600 GPU alone. I'm curious what the bill of materials is for the PS5 Pro. Markets bigger than high end gaming demand more hardware and this is just what value is now for computers
It's not overpriced. The price is fair, in my opinion as well.
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