Hot Coldman
And the other three guys aren't? What is Terrakion even supposed to be?
Well, yeah, they do too, but still
Terrakion looks like a Pokemon designed by Disney
And the other three guys aren't? What is Terrakion even supposed to be?
Create an account on the global link website and link your game cartridge to it with the Game Sync feature. There's step by step instructions on how to do this somewhere on the site.Hey guys,
As someone who hasn't touched Pokemon in months and has no idea what "global link" is. Can you guys give me a quick explanation on how to get Arceus from this event they have going on.
I need to know why it has to be Dragonite. There has to be a reason!
This is going to bother me for the rest of the night...
if blastoise was my dad, things would be different around here!
Too bad it's Wigglytuff.
Rehosted website pics are allowed, right?
I really like how it looks.
Kill this thing with Fire...
It's not very effective.
I need to know why it has to be Dragonite. There has to be a reason!
This is going to bother me for the rest of the night...
So why did Brock have 2 Geodudes anyway.
Why not 3 Onixs.
On the front page of Imgur atm:
Why Dragonite? Why not?
Am I the only one who laughed at that?
That's it, I'm sending nintendoman back to the PC.
I remember playing this a while back. The remixed music was great; they did a great job of imitating the FR/LG style.
I'm batman? Cool. OTOH, I totally haven't been badmouthing you on FG streams...
FG streams?
I like it, mostly. GF probably used it to give the music a pop from Gen 2: "Hey, were on the GBA now, let's show everyone what we can do when we have music-sounding samples to work with!"Gen 3 sound font is so weird
Which reminds me, I wish Nintendo World Store had a wider selection of plushies. Was looking through them the other day, contemplating buying one.