S¡mon;83181885 said:I don't get mad at someone who is going to buy an Xbox One. Long live free choice.
Wise words.
OT: what kind of "i" you're using in your username?
S¡mon;83181885 said:I don't get mad at someone who is going to buy an Xbox One. Long live free choice.
S¡mon;83181885 said:So this has become a Microsoft vs Sony thread now?
Well, the reason why I _personally_ go for a PlayStation 4 are:
- Sony has been doing very well in the last few years, with great exclusives
- Sony's support has always been much better in Europe than Microsoft's - I'm talking multimedia here. But also online: Xbox Live is of absolutely o added value in Europe except for being able to go online, while PlayStation Plus offers real value.
- PS4 is €100 cheaper
- PS4 launches this year, Xbox One doesn't (where I live, Western-Europe, Holland).
That said, I perfectly understand why someone would buy an Xbox One. It is his/her personal decision and who am I to say: "What's wrong with you?! PS4 all the way!"?
Some people simply prefer Xbox exclusives above PlayStation exclusives, some people prefer the Xbox controller above the PlayStation controller, etc.
As I mentioned: the Xbox One is not for me, I'll get a PlayStation 4 - but I don't get mad at someone who is going to buy an Xbox One. Long live free choice.
there is no difference if game is linear or open world...
LoL, all that talk about 1080p vs 900p difference and they have gif wars. So pathetic.
It was dangerously close, but we pulled ourselves back from the brink.Plus, you had a sense mods were prepping for a little target practice lol. world vs. confined doesn't matter....1080p vs 900p doesn't matter
maybe im wrong..but the problem here its not the choice to buy any console,the problem here its microsoft downplaying the power difference with some bogus claims and pr bs world vs. confined doesn't matter....1080p vs 900p doesn't matter
Well, there in lies the issue, I guess. Some think certain claims are more bogus than others. I know for a fact that some stuff is being downplayed, because it isn't favorable, but I also at the same time believe that there's legitimately honest information that gives us a really good bit of insight into the platform that is also very much apart of this whole thing, too. I don't have this big distrust of what they say. I think I can read between the lines on the pr stuff, and get at the real info.
Like I said, I'm not going to bother responding. The guy is a walking talking contradiction and the epitome of double standards.
This so called self assessed tech loving PC elitist who has for years championed IQ and Crysis's open world implications, now doesn't care about resolution and open world vs linear too. How many other countless things will he regressively double down on in defence of Crytek lol.
You're flogging a dead horse because prospective X1 consumers think that when we say the PS4 is more powerful we are inferring that the X1 is terrible. That's not the case of course, but this debate will never ever be resolved until they realise the X1 is going to be a fantastic console, regardless of not being as powerful as the PS4.
Trumps in exactly what way? You think that they have more than 150k polys? Because i doubt it. Show me full model of The Order character, not just head next time, then we will be able to compare.
And of course PS4 could run Ryse better than Xbone, its stronger hardware. But thats the thing, its not about hardware power here, but engine. CryEngine 3 has much more optimized features that compensate for Xbone hardware weaknesses.
Guys, isn't comparison of platform exclusives completely off topic here?
No, because almost every game will be running better on the other console, the cheaper one.
X1 is going to be a overpriced less powerful box.
Does anyone know if there is anything like this from Sony side for the PS4?
Like I said, I'm not going to bother responding. The guy is a walking talking contradiction and the epitome of double standards and will never admit when he's wrong. Case in point, 3 characters max, oh no wait 5, oh no wait who cares what I said before it's less quality on distant characters anyway
This so called self assessed tech loving PC elitist who has for years championed IQ and Crysis's open world implications, now doesn't care about resolution and open world vs linear too. How many other countless things will he regressively double down on in defence of Crytek lol.
Oh well...
Does anyone know if there is anything like this from Sony side for the PS4?
You are seriously crazy. Where i said that i dont care about resolution? Where i said that i dont care about open world and linear game. Read freaking post again.
CryEngine Sandbox editor is open world engine. It doesnt matter if game zone is smaller in some way, if they've expanded it 100x times, it would not change the fidelity, because of their streaming engine.
I don't think it's off-topic at all - especially when you have Microsoft technical fellows and product directors making comparisons to Sony's system in the linked article.
CryEngine Sandbox editor is open world engine. It doesnt matter if game zone is smaller in some way, if they've expanded it 100x times, it would not change the fidelity, because of their streaming engine.
I'm not saying comparison is off topic. Comparison of hardware is what this thread is all about! I'm saying comparison of exclusive games, such as Ryse vs Killzone means nothing in the context of this thread.
No, there is no footage of KZ:SF running in 60fps. We have footage of KZ:SF running in unlocked framerate that is hitting 60fps when player is looking at sky and hitting 30-40 when its in combat. Thats not double the framerate, double the frame is stable 60fps. Show me footage with stable 60fps.
I'm not saying comparison is off topic. Comparison of hardware is what this thread is all about! I'm saying comparison of exclusive games, such as Ryse vs Killzone means nothing in the context of this thread.
If we had footage of BF4 on both platforms and people made a case based on that, then it's a valid comparison. Unfortunately, we don't have that. Doesn't mean we start comparing apples and oranges.
This makes no sense at all. While PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One on paper, it does not mean Xbox One will not be an awesome console. As for almost every game running better on PS4 than Xbox One, that is yet to be seen. We will not know that until we have games in our hands and test them to see how superior PS4 version is compared to Xbox One (vice versa) but many people still might not even care about that.No, because almost every game will be running better on the other console, the cheaper one.
X1 is going to be a overpriced less powerful box.
S¡mon;83181885 said:So this has become a Microsoft vs Sony thread now?
Well, the reason why I _personally_ go for a PlayStation 4 are:
- Sony has been doing very well in the last few years, with great exclusives
- Sony's support has always been much better in Europe than Microsoft's - I'm talking multimedia here. But also online: Xbox Live is of absolutely o added value in Europe except for being able to go online, while PlayStation Plus offers real value.
- PS4 is 100 cheaper
- PS4 launches this year, Xbox One doesn't (where I live, Western-Europe, Holland).
That said, I perfectly understand why someone would buy an Xbox One. It is his/her personal decision and who am I to say: "What's wrong with you?! PS4 all the way!"?
Some people simply prefer Xbox exclusives above PlayStation exclusives, some people prefer the Xbox controller above the PlayStation controller, etc.
As I mentioned: the Xbox One is not for me, I'll get a PlayStation 4 - but I don't get mad at someone who is going to buy an Xbox One. Long live free choice.
Well, some people see differences between 1080p and 900p, or pre-baked lighing and dyniamic lightning, etc.Panello has stated that he can't see any difference between exclusive games. Not that I would expect him to say otherwise, but when you have him making those statements some people are going to disagree.
This makes no sense at all. While PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One on paper, it does not mean Xbox One will not be an awesome console. As for almost every game running better on PS4 than Xbox One, that is yet to be seen. We will not know that until we have games in our hands and test them to see how superior PS4 version is compared to Xbox One (vice versa) but many people still might not even care about that.
Those weren't the only situations where it hit 60... Also, Ryse can't even hit a stable 30fps... I consider that to be far worse. so the head is clearly higher poly and detail but the rest of the model might simply be a stick figure?
You can get a very good look at the models via the Trailer
Just saying 'CryEngine 3 has much more optimized features that compensate for Xbone hardware weaknesses' is such a meaningless statement. Accounting for bandwidth or CPU bottleneck, whatever the cases may be, does not suddenly change anything to do with how the hardware functions in comparison. There no magic algorithm not possible on PS4 that will narrow the gap or some such.
You're just saying that CryEngine 3 is a good engine, which also runs on PS4, presumably with more headroom now and in the future when developers really start optimizing the engines around using spare CU cycles and the like.
That still completely depends on the scope of the world being drawn (and at what fidelity/lod) at any one time. You're still going to be able to do more in a smaller space, particularly if you don't actually have to go be able to go over to that mountain 5000 yards away. Cryengine could still render a single room far better than it could render an entire House even with streaming.
But it WOULD change the amount of resource intensiveness of a particular scene or area, and that is the point. The larger your game worlds and the more elements that occupy them etc, the more resource demanding they are, correlating of course with the level of fidelity and graphical complexity on offer with everything else.
And CryEngine on PS4 won't be optimized to it's strengths and weaknesses?And of course PS4 could run Ryse better than Xbone, its stronger hardware. But thats the thing, its not about hardware power here, but engine. CryEngine 3 has much more optimized features that compensate for Xbone hardware weaknesses.
They never have. That doesn't mean they never will, in fact, it's about to. The point was the debate over which of these is more capable isn't something the majority of the audience cares about. It's very difficult to say what caused any of the previous winners to sell the best. The Wii had the novelty and lower entry point, all the previous winners had the wealth of third party exclusive content. It's probably a lot of things, first party, third party, price, physical design, lineage, now we have things like online functionality and player profile legacy, etc.Well, I thought that you were saying something like, "Consoles that are most powerful never wins the console market!", etc.
I apologize.
they should have just gone with 14 or more CU's and 64/128MB eDRAM in separate die
there then might be an argument of balance and whatnot but as it stands right now this is just pitiful
all this balance talk tells me is that there's another bottleneck in the system - probably ROP's and/or bandwidth that was limiting frame rates
having a system balanced for graphics also might be bad news as far as GPU compute goes - the XBone might not be able to afford to spend many CU cycles/holes for compute without compromising graphics
also, I've seen many people writing off 1080p vs 900p as nothing and I kind of agree except the problem here isn't so much that they're outputting at 900p so much as what that would mean especially mid-late cycle
if we have a 1080p game it might drop to 900p and maybe 10-20 fps in really heavy scenes - that's not too bad, 900p wont really be noticebly worse than 1080 during game play
if we have a 900p game it might drop to 800p or 768p and maybe 10-20 fps in really heavy scenes - that's fucking terrible, 800p and lower is very noticeably worse than 1080
I dont see the gap, seems similar. Better looking head, mostly because of hair, but cloths arent higher polys than Marius armor
Its not about magic algorithms, its about better algorithms. For example KZ:SF is using 1/4 quarter res DoF with less taps than Ryse. KZ:SF do not even has per-pixel object motion blur currently, where Ryse has much higher quality. Shadows generators are much more advanced in Ryse than in KZ:SF and there is good presentation about them here: with Real-Time Shadows.pdf
There is also no other games that is even close in terms of vegetation geometry and its physics to Ryse [AC is closest]
There is just difference of matured engines and its features. For example C3 on current gen consoles have full HDR pipeline and physically based lighting, per-pixel motion blur and bokeh, where Killzone 3 didnt have HDR [just LDR], it was physically based, it was scrapped from per-pixel motion blur and didnt have bokeh. Sure it ran better and had better resolution, but there are more differences, because CryEngine 3 had very optimized features. Just for example Bioshock had Bokeh that half Your framerate, same goes for Metro 2033, where Crytek implemented Bokeh on current-gen console and it was almost free in low quality on PC.
Good algorithms can free up You much more performance than difference between PS4 and Xbone.
Same here.
But I do always try to make it clear that the difference in power is not something that should be ignored or rationalized. I can understand people going for either console for various reasons, but what I don't understand is that, most people who go for the Xbone, try to rationalize and skew one of the biggest advantages the PS4 has.
They eagerly accept whatever marketing-bullshit MS throws at them. Even when it's demonstrably false.
Because Xbox fanboys are in denial. They don't wanna admit that their console is very flawed for gaming.
I'm both a Nintendo fan & a Sony fan, & I can admit that the PS2 is stronger than the Dreamcast, but weaker than the Xbox & Gamecube & that most PS2/PS3 multiplats are weaker than the Xbox, Xbox 360, & Gamecube versions, etc.
Panello has stated that he can't see any difference between exclusive games. Not that I would expect him to say otherwise, but when you have him making those statements some people are going to disagree.
So the MGS 5 video on the X1 looks no different than what was shown on the PS4.
This makes no sense at all. While PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One on paper, it does not mean Xbox One will not be an awesome console. As for almost every game running better on PS4 than Xbox One, that is yet to be seen. We will not know that until we have games in our hands and test them to see how superior PS4 version is compared to Xbox One (vice versa) but many people still might not even care about that.
It will probably be similar to watching HD on Fox. 1080i on CBS and NBC is visually better; even 720p on ABC is better but the 720p on Fox is passable if you choose to ignore it. Also, if you know what to look for it makes it even harder, thus being ignorant to the facts may be to your advantage.
How do you know that at this point in time?
Doubtful. The ROPs can handle 4x16bit pixel formats at full tilt. The ESRAM matches this perfectly with 109GB/s bandwidth. On XB1 writes from the ROPs to the ESRAM are basically free (ie. will almost never stall).
The only obvious place where more ROPs could be useful is in shadow buffer creation. However, if shadow buffer rendering shifts to PRT based techniques, already demoed by MS, the burden is likely to shift somewhat away from the ROPs.
He said 188% / times better than RYSE?
Well then we both saw two different posts, as it seems.
He's talking about % more pixels.
Stop spreading FUD with your damage control.
And stop talking about launch games and the power-difference at the same time.
As we have already said several times: You won't see "super differences" in launch games.
The developers are happy to release their games on time/launch.
Wait for the second wave of games (to see bigger differences).
And don't forget what a lot of devs said in the last couple of months.
50% faster (EDGE, former People can Fly dev, etc.)
If it had been an article on whether you prefer red M&Ms to blue M&Ms, by page 15 it would have turned into PS4 V X1. It's in Gaf's DNA!